Chapter 23

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I was notified that I had a visitor in my study that needed to meet with me for an urgent matter. I could believe my eyes when there she stood the she bitch from hell was back and in my study, that she wanted to talk to me privately was astounding, what the fuck could she want with me.

"Caius I have come to me senses, I now realise that my infidelity wronged you in many ways and for that I apologize. I miss you and I still love you very dearly. Caius please tell me that we can go back to how it used to be?" Anthenodora asked.

"Anthenodora what happened to Demetri? Did he leave you you heartless she bitch" I don't need this I have better things to do with my time than talk with her.

"Yes he found his mate and just left me alone without even looking back" she started to cry.

"Look let's stop with the bullshit. I told you of you that if you returned for any reason I would destroy you and I have every attention on doing so"

The next thing I know I am on my back and the she bitch was straddling me whilst kissing down my neck.

"I will make you want me again Caius, I know just how you like your dick sucked, I can fuck you better than anybody and you know it, what do you say one last fuck for old time sake? I will make you mine again, I made one mistake of letting you go I will not make the same one again" she said while unbuttoning my shirt and the zipper on my pants.

I heard the door creak open as I pushed Anthenodora off me, but didn't turn to see who would dare enter without my permission. I had do deal with the she bitch first. What in the hell was she thinking attacking me in my own office.

"Things have changed a lot since I through you out. I have a mate now, and two heirs to my name. You will never again get this king's dick, just what exactly were you thinking by attacking me"

I yelled as I threw her up against wall crushing her neck in my hands. I ripped her head off putting it on my desk, then as I gathered the rest of her remains

I heard someone yell " WHAT THE FUCK" and it came from the nursery. I ran and arrived at the same time my brothers did. I have no idea why or what the boy was doing in here, or what he did to Caius and Charlotte for them to have him in the air with his legs missing, I was proud of them, but I wouldn't say that in front of other people for they might think I condone my children to be violent, which of cause I do.

"What is the meaning of you here in my quarters boy" I asked. "Mommy" Caius and Charlotte yelled and we all turned to see a very angry Bella. She is beautiful when angry, it's such am instant turn on. Damn I'm hard.

"Tell that man we have a mommy and daddy that we wasn't created, what is an immortal kid"

"Sweetheart that's nothing for you to worry about of course you have a mommy" Isabella said looking at Edward. She looked at me and shook her head. The boy took his chance to reattach his legs and run. I will deal with him later.

"Isabella how long have you been up. Would you like to hunt, or have Heidi to bring in someone" I ask

"I have been up long enough to see you fucking the next Queen, Jesus Caius did I mean anything to you at all, or was I just a conquest, damn the vamp bitches was right after all. " She yelled.

"Caius and Charlotte why don't we go visit Auntie Sulpicia" Marcus said leading them out the door with Aro following.

"Isab" I started to say before I was cut off. "Caius don't. I just want to see my kids if you don't mind" I have so much to tell her, but it can wait we have an eternity to talk. I called for my brothers to bring back Caius and Charlotte. I needed her to hunt before she can be left alone with the children. I left her in the nursery with them under Aro supervision.

I found my self in my studio a place I haven't been in a long time. I stood there looking out in the streets of Volterra wondering where to go from here. I needed to clear my mind so I jumped and ran. I found my self in Greece with no idea how I got here. While I'm here I might as well find the remaining Vasilakis that might give me some closure on my daughter's life. I can see if she had children, grand children or whatever. I have been here for two week's watching my descendants from a distant. I have enjoyed seeing them and it has helped clear my mind so I think it's about time for my to return to Volterra.

I need to sort things out with Bella and I miss my children. When I arrived everything was gone my children, my mate, all that was left was a fucking note.

Dear Caius, I have some things to say and since you left I guess this is how you will get to hear them. I don't even know if you will even bother to read this or if my words will go unread. For all I know this will end up in the fire place or in with the rest of the garbage. I'm not stupid or naive first of all. I did love you for want that is worth. I know you didn't want me or anything to do with me. You have made this fact very clear in your words and actions. I'm tired so therefore I give up. I tried to love again, thinking it would be different what with the mating thing but it wasn't it ended in heart break for me as usual. Caius I know you didn't want any of this, not a mate, or children and for that I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I gave you my gif of my virginity and love, I never once betrayed you or cheated on you. I know you don't want me here, you made that loud and clear each and every time you called me a cheating whore. I'm giving you your wish, I'm going and don't worry you will never see or hear from us again. I didn't need or want anything from you, I have two things that will last a life time to remember you by. I will make my way for me and mine. I never asked or wanted anything from you, I never asked for my children to be your heir's. I was never after your money or a title, I just want you, Caius you were all I wanted. Don't worry I won't bother you any more than I have. I hope and wish the best with your new queen. We had some fun while it last. Love forever, Isabella, Charlotte and Caius

WHAT THE FUCK LEFT. I threw open the throne room doors, there sat my brothers looking as if nothing has happened.


"If my memory serves me correct you said you wanted Isabella to leave, that there's no reason for her to stay. Those are her children, she's not a prisoner here she was free to leave, why are you so worried you seemed very cosy with Anthenodora two weeks ago" Aro replied standing up to face me.

"How long had she been gone, where did she go?" I asked

"Last week and I have no idea where she went she didn't leave a forwarding address, maybe Washington is a good place to look, her father estate is there" Marcus said sarcastically.

I need to find her. Of all the times for her to complete her transformation it would have to be the day my ex wife shows up and sexually assaults me.This is some bullshit. Fuck me

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