Chapter 14

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I woke up in the bed, I had no idea how I got here. I was startled when Carlisle spoke to me,I didn't know he was here. I looked at him and trying to figure out what was going on with me. "Where is Caius, and what happened to me" I asked he looked at me "Caius is gone for now. I have a couple of questions for you before I tell my guess. when was your last menstrual cycle, what was the last day you had intercourse?" He asked. What did those questions have to with me. I blushed and said "Last night was the last time I had sex, and I had my cycle a month ago" I said as I thought about my last day of my period. Oh god I was a week late, but that could happen when somebody gets stressed out. "Isabella I believe you are expecting, but I have to run some more test to be sure, maybe an ultrasound if you like." He said "I'm not pregnant can't be vampires don't reproduce. Caius is the only person I been with. It's that why he left because you told him I was pregnant, isn't it, how could you do that if you didn't know for sure. You said he was gone you meant for good didn't you" I asked with tears in my eyes. I didn't know that was even possible how "I would like to know for sure, so I make a decision on what I want to do, he left me so there is no point staying here." I said featuring off the bed. I didn't know what to do, what if he thinks I cheated on him. "The sooner we leave for the hospital the sooner we will Know I'm Sorry Bella." Is all he said while walking out the door. We left the castle I didn't see Caius no where, he has too believe me when I say I never been with nobody else but him. We arrived about an half an hour later. Carlisle told the nurse that he was my private doctor.We was giving a room, He tools to get undressed and put the grown On I did what I was told And laid on the table. He came back a few minutes later with a machine that was hooked to a computer. He spread some gel on my stomach, and moved the wand around. I heard a hearty beat but saw nothing on the screen. Carlisle looked confused himself. He left the room only to return to tell me I was being admitted. I hate hospitals, staying over night HELL NO. I had no choice. O asked Carlisle have He heard about a human having a vampire baby, what he said scared me. He said no but if there was ever one she died before having the baby or after he left my room. I cried all night this is some bullshit where will my kids go if I died they couldn't go to Forks they might have Charlie for a snack. Caius wouldn't want them he already left me. Somebody help me help me please.

I stayed in the hospital for two days Carlisle ran test after test and ultrasound after ultrasound, hoping to get some answers, he finally said the machine couldn't see inside my sack. I finally got around to asking him about the blood I drank or rather drained, he responded that if the baby is half vampire which is impossible it will need blood to survive just as they do.Great I have to drink blood everyday just to keep my baby alive, disgusting, but a small sacrifice to make for exchange of being a mother.

I returned to the castle and still haven't seen or heard from Caius. I went to the bedroom to find all his belongings gone every thing. I went on my room to find mine packed up They wanted me to leave where would I go. Forks is not an option for me right now with Victoria around she might kill me and my baby. I sat and cried, until I couldn't cry no more. I was staving I needed to eat, but I really didn't want to stay in the kitchen I made me a light lunch,fruit, juice, and a sandwich and went outside tip the solitude of the garden. Edward oh great he had to be here of all days "I heard some body was knocked up, congratulations I would say but I don't think so. You have it up top become someone's whore,I heard that the high and mighty Caius isn't the father. How does it feel to be alone in the world. I knew you was hot in the pants, why do you think I never had sex with you. We wasn't even my mate and you was trying to have sex with me every chance we was alone." He said to me before walking off. Maybe I should do everybody a favor and let Victoria kill me. I lost my appetite. I just sat there and cried holding my stomach telling my baby we will be alright. I was at total lost here.

I looked for Aro or Marcus I needed somewhere to go someone to talk to. I found Marcus first staring at a painting of a beautiful woman. He turned around and smiled at me "Ahhh Isabella it's nice to see you finally it's been about a month since I seem you. This is my Didyme she was my mate she died in one of the wars we had. I see you found yourself in quite a predicament here. You are expecting are you not." He asked looking at my stomach. I shook my head yes while the years stayed flowing again. He just smiled and look back at the painting "It will at work out at the end you just got to have faith. I can't tell you what my brother will choose. I really don't know how it happened if you been with somebody else you just might as will tell who it was. If you want Caius in this child's life or not you have to be truthful the truth will set you free." He signed and looked back at me. I don't know what to do "Marcus I only been with one person and that was Caius, but no body believes me. I stood just turn myself over to Victoria, and let her kill knee that way I won't bother nobody again. I have been called a whore enough today. I guess give up. I am tired I can't fight no more. I'm done.What do I have left nothing my friends will leave me when they find out I'm pregnant. Edward left,Caius left, My mother never cared I took care of her, she's remarried and travels with his baseball team. My father is always gone his job comes first believe or not. I ahem unloved all the way around.Nobody would miss me when I'm gone." "Isabella suicide not the answer for your problems, you are a stronger woman than most to have a real relationship with a sadistic man. You will figure it out. There are many single mothers in the world today. Who is this Victoria you keep talking about and how would she end up killing you." He asked so I told the whole story about the baseball game, how James was destroyed and ended with the saying a mate for a mate. Marcus didn't look to happy with my story asset all. I just starred at me. "So you are telling me that there is a vampire out there that wants revenge on you because Edward killed her mate. They left you unprotected alone with the knowledge of her idea of pay back. You will not be allowed to leave here until You are changed and can defend for yourself." I thanked him for his time and left. I went to the library ands picked me out some books too read. This Will be like last time sit in my room all day reading, except there will be no Caius to escort my around, and I know where the kitchen is at.

My day insisted of the following waking up, showering,getting dressed, breakfast, snack, lunch cup of blood, dinner, snack, read a book sleep,no Caius at all, this went on for the rest of month into the next. I had to do something or lose my love forever.

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