Chapter 18

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I was in so much pain I felt my insides was being ripped apart. I screamed for Caius and a few minutes later he came, my pain subsided a little. He was asking questions about something. I blacked out for a moment, when I awoke Carlisle was handing me a glass of blood. Caius demanded answers on my condition, I was relieved to say the least, before another woman came top the room telling at him and saying she was the queen. My heart was crushed then I didn't see him again after that. I just wanted to die. How could he do this to me, to his child. I was fine for a minute lost in my thoughts on how am I going to make it. Would I be able to provide for my child maybe I could live in Charlie's old house, well that's a start I thought as another pain hit me. My stomach was tore open as my baby was born, then another one. If I could see them I could die happy. I had a boy he had the same color hair white platinum Just like Caius. I named him Caius Charles Swan. He had the brightest blue eyes you ever seen. I wonder if they are his human eyes. My daughter I named her Charlotte Isabella Swan. She had the same color hair as her brother, except her eyes was Brown like mine.

I felt myself going cold Carlisle yelled I lost to much blood to survive. I at least saw my children before I died I thought, before a felt a bite my neck, chest, arms and legs. I was told there would be burning like I was on fire from the inside but it never came. Instead I felt cold like I was surrounded by ice. I would welcome any heat of any kind right now. Is this normal I never heard of a person freezing while changing, I heard many stories for the unbearable for that consumes your body. I wonder what went wrong with me. I didn't for in the human world now I'm a messed up vampire to, just my luck. I guess I lay and what for my time to end. I thought about everybody in my life. Charlie wasn't the best father but he didn't proclaim to be either. He lived his fishing I remember when I was about six years old we would go camping just so he could fish all day. His job was his life he loved it with a passion. I will miss him. Jake my big over sized puppy, he was the one that could make me laugh on my darkest said, he loved more with his whole heart,I loved him like a brother. He was my protector since we was little kids. I hope he forgives me one day for my stupidity resulting in his being ended. Renee with that I have nothing to say I was the mother and she was the child. I thought about my friends at school, nope didn't have any they was only around because of assward and his family.

I'm so cold I'm shivering laying here why somebody didn't bring me a blanket ore something. My kids who has them and where are at. I haven't heard they crying at all. I might as well start thinking about how am I going to survive with two children. I could move into Charlie old house, I take his room and turn mine into a nursery. The money that we will get from his estate should carry is for a while, since there are a couple of things that we can go without, food for one. I think we will make it done on our own. I will try to be the best mother possible and give them the best child good I could. I just needed to move on with my life as soon as I can. No more saying no more sex, no more nothing if all I was going to left with is a broken heart I don't need it. I had my heart broken for the last time.

My feelings was hurt. Caius didn't love me, never did.

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