Chapter 8

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After Gianna invited me to lunch, we walked around the garden and talked about life, family, and friends, swapping life stories. she gave a tour of the castle will the parts that I never got a chance to see. I fell in love with the paintings that adorned the walls, very detailed, absolutely stunning. I wonder who the artist is. Gianna said that her lunch hour was up and she get back to work. We was walking back to my room when I spotted Caius talking to another female, they was in an argument of some sorts before she looked at me and yell at the top of her lungs "MATE WHEN THE FUCK YOU GOT A MATE YOU WAS FUCKING ME TWO DAYS AGO" I gasped he fucked her two days then fuck me yesterday. God I am stupid I got played again by another vampire. Man what is wrong with me. I ran to my room knocked down the dresser, nightstand, threw all the clothes out closet broke the mirror to the vanity I wanted to go home. I collapsed against the wall and slide on the floor and cried. He didn't come see me so he must went after her they probably fucking right now he didn't give two shits about me, he didn't care.

I heard a knock on the door before it opened he asked "Isabella what did you do to the room, are you hurt" the fucking room is all he cared about I was just an after thought. "Just go away Caius and leave me alone, I want to go home, just let me go" "No I can't let you, you belong to me, you belong here" "No I belong to nobody especially you, you been fucking her so why do you need me, why did you fuck me? I am not a whore . Was i just some thing you played with, because she wasn't available at the time.? I was a virgin for god sake, and I gave it to you of all people. I am stupid I mean what person in they right mind would fall for one vampire after another me of course at least fuckward has sense not to have sex with me. here I go giving my v-card away to a man who fucks every body" I am so mad and hurt all I can is cry scream and yell I just want to go. "I will give you time if you still want to go home I will let you just give it a couple days to think about okay" He said walking out the door. I'm not thinking about shit what the fuck for I am not staying here I refuse to run into another bitch who he fucked. As I thought about everything that just happened, He had a wife who he cheated on no wonder she cheated, she got tired of playing his game.

I cried till I couldn't cry no more. My eyes,and head hurt. I look around to see where I can start with packing, I realize that I don't own a damn thing in the room, I would pack the clothes, but I don't want a reminder of that bastard or my time here, a few days is a long way to go. As I was walking to the library, I heard my stomach growl, damn I just ate maybe arguing and fighting takes a lot of you. I returned the books, and noticed it was a little to quite for my liking maybe they all together laughing, and joking about their Master's latest conquest the pitiful little stupid human. Yeah my life is just that one big joke. I looked around the kitchen for something to eat, I decided on chicken salad, as I sat there eating I heard two females walking and laughing, I know they stopped my the kitchen on purpose to talk "Did you hear that Caius has a mate, a human one at that, I hope she knows that will become one of statistics, or do you think he will keep her". one of them said "This is Caius we are talking about, don't worry he will get tired of her soon, drain and dispose of her. We will be back in the tower before we know it. Even through he was married to Anthenodora, was we not pushed up against a wall getting fucked" The other one said. "You know how Caius despises humans just let him have his fun". They laughed and walked off, this is why I want to go home. I suddenly lost my appetite. I threw the rest of my food away, cleaned up and went back to my room.

The room was cleaned and everything was replaced. I must say vampires work fast. I stare out window and wonder how would my life be if I never moved to Forks.

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