Chapter 9

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I am pissed there's only one way to handle this situation I must destroy. I have the room cleaned that Isabella destroyed in a fury who knew humans was so violent. I walk around trying to gather my thoughts, I heard Corin and another bitch laughing

and making jokes at my expense. I think not. I round the corner smiling and ask Corin

"Can u mewt me in the tower in five" I ask trying not to convey my fury it must of work. She looked at me batting get lashes

"Yes master, see I told you she meant nothing to him just let him have his fun"

As I made it to the tower Corin was smiling and bouncing up and down list in thought.

"Tell me what is it that you thinking my beautiful girl" I asked as I pat my pocket making sure my lighter was there.

"Oh Caius I'm just happy that you choose me instead of that blood bag, I mean come on you marred is just ridiculous, I can be your queen" she signed looking up at the sky. I walked behind her placed one hand under chin and wrapped the other around her body.

"You see I am mated, and I will not have you talk about her" I pulled her head up until I heard the breaking of glass I disassembled the remaining of her body and set the pile on fire. I stood there watching the people some rise and the smell of venom on the air, I walked off hoping that will send a message to the rest. I will not be disrespected and neither will my mate.

As I sit in my studio I take in the events of today. She asked could she leave of course I said no she is mine she belongs to me and only me. I buy me a couple of days to figure out how I can make her see she is what I want, the only one I want. I would go talk to her, but that might not end well. I will not beg and plead for to stay. I am a king I will not beg. She does frighten me a little who knew a little human girl could be so violent, I had to send somebody to clean and replace everything broken in her room. She would make a powerful vampire on day, they will fear her name as they feared mine, we will be the most fear couple, that is if she doesn't leave. I have accomplished nothing sitting here, I tried to paint but came up with nothing. I guess I will go to the throne room, after all I still have duties to be fulfilled.

As I enter I greet my brothers and take my place. Aro looks at me and shakes his head. I know what is about to happen "I heard the commotion in the hallway earlier, I warned you this would happen did I not. Have you decided how you will go about handling this situation'? He asked. I looked at him and sighed the one thing I didn't want to talk about. "Yes I have, I will put an end to someones existence who tries to harm Isabella physically of emotionally. I destroyed Corin earlier today" I replied shaking my head. "You can not go around destroying my guard Caius for speaking the truth, I know it's true and so do you. You was promiscuous for a married man. My only advice to you is this, go to Isabella and talk to her tell her everything, and I mean everything don't leave a single detail out so that way if she decides to stay, what she hears will not surprise her. After you that you leave and give her time to process everything that you said, if then she wants to leave you will allow her to go. Just because your are a King doesn't give you a right to hold her prisoner. I told you karma has a funny way of messing with you" He said as he got up to leave. I sat there thinking about the words he spoke, he was right I might as well go air my dirty laundry as the people today say it. I look at Marcus, I want to know how my bonds with Isabella look. "Marcus can you tell me my how my bonds look right now" "They are still there weak but there, I can't tell you how to fix this because the human heart is fragile as it is they fall in and out of love quickly, but whatever you plan on doing you better do it now before it completely disappears." Marcus looked at me and walked away to leave me with thoughts.

This will be difficult for me to do , to tell her every single thing about me and my life the things I did, is not something I want to share. I don't regret a single thing, but she might find me a monster. This is something I have to do I thought as I made my way to Isabella room. she wasn't there so I followed her scent to they kitchen, as i approached the hall way I saw Mary and Mandy two twins that I had used more than once. I stood there listening to the conversation they was having Aro was right they was speaking the truth, the only thing they lied about was the draining and disposal of Isabella. They didn't even bother to look this way as they laughed and walked away.

Since I was told not to destroy the guard I had to do something, so I went to get a bag to put Corin's ashes in, he didn't say not to threaten them. I called for my brothers and asked if they could gather all the females in the castle and have them to go to the throne room for a meeting. If this is the only way to get the message across then so be it. When I returned to the throne room I didn't speak or look at anybody as I poured the ashes in the middle of the floor for all to look see I returned to the dais and turned around standing in front or Aro. "This is the last and final warning there will be no second chances you will be destroyed, so listen here and listen good if I hear one more word spoken about any sexual relationship I had with any you be it in private or in the open I will turn you into ash. I do have a mate and yes she's human. I will not have her hurt by any of you be it physically or emotionally heed this warning and take it as a lesson learned or you will end up in ashes like Corin. I will not repeat this you will respect your Queen, yes your Queen for she is my mate and she will take her rightful place beside me when the time comes you are dismissed" I told him as I walked out. When I arrived at Isabella's room she was curled up in a ball on top of the covers sleep. I picked her up pulled the covers back and placed her back in bed, pulled the covers up and kissed her forehead, and walked away. I will talk to her when she wakes up i thought as I sat in the chair.

This is a conversation I don't want to have.

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