Chapter 24

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Finally I feel warmth I hope this shit is ending. What happened to all the days I have lost count of them, it felt like it would never end, this is some bullshit. I wake up or whatever it's called to find myself alone, what did I expect Caius to be here, nope I guess not he is probably with his bimbo fucking somewhere. I open the door to find a familiar hallway I am surprised I never left his wing. I open the door next to the one I have just left to find two children sleep they are beautiful, but they can't be mine these kids look at least two or three years old. I wonder where Caius and Charlotte are. I follow Caius scent to his study even now I know it's his scent. I open the door slowly to find him rolling on the floor with some bitch, well I guess I was right with my first thought of were he would be and what he would be doing. I close the door and walk to the garden my only escape.

I should of know he didn't care for me at all. "What the fuck" I heard someone yell it sounded like dickward screaming. I ran back to the nursery and stood there

"Mommy" Caius and Charlotte screamed together. Everybody turned to look at me. I guess those are my kids after all how long was I out of it. "Tell that man we have a mommy and daddy that we wasn't created, what is an immortal kid" "Sweetheart that's nothing for you to worry about of course you have a mommy" I said looking at Edward, then Caius shaking my head, bitchward took his chance to reattach his legs and run.

"Isabella how long have you been up. Would you like to hunt, or have Heidi to bring in someone" Caius asked me with false concern why did he even pretend to care all or a sudden.

"I have been up long enough to see you fucking the next Queen, Jesus Caius did I mean anything to you at all, or was I just a conquest, damn the vamp bitches was right after all." I yelled. "Caius and Charlotte why don't we go visit Auntie Sulpicia" Marcus said leading them out the door with Aro following. "Isab" Caius started to say before I cut him off. "Caius don't. I just want to see my kids if you don't mind" He called for Caius and Charlotte and left me with Aro. I played with them until they fell asleep .

I looked at Aro and sighed, my heart broke even more at the things I saw and read in his head, Caius didn't want me here he called our children spawn. Wow " "Aro can I talk to you somewhere else I don't want wake them." He nodded and walked out the door and lead me to his study. "Aro how long had I been out, please don't tell me years, Caius and Charlotte look like toddlers" I say sitting down. "Isabella are you thirsty you just woke up" I shook my head. " You have been out for almost a month, Caius and Charlotte are half breeds they growth is accelerated they grow three times faster than human children by the time they are seven they will be fully grown" Aro explained. I had so many questions to ask him "Who changed me" "Marcus" "Who was that Caius just with" "Anthenodora his ex wife" I watched and heard everything about his Zina and how my children destroyed her oh my God my children are so violent that's not good, but at least they can defend themselves if necessary. Aro gave me a letter for Charlie's attorney, in his will Charlie had left me everything, his life insurance would pay me two hundred thousand dollars, a grand total of sixty five hundred thousand dollars. It's sad Charlie wouldn't enjoy the pay from all of his years of hard work.

I waited for Caius to return but he didn't, it's like a repeat of last time, I hope this time it works out for him and his wife. I took in the nursery if was beautiful one side pink, and white the other blue, green and white. Two of everything. I don't know whether to take it all or leave it.

Whilst I had been talking to Aro I discovered that Carlisle had been the one who helped with the delivery of my twins and that he had been keeping an eye on me all through my transformation . That is the reason that I find myself with Carlisle thanking him for all he has done. "Bella please it was nothing as you know I see you as a daughter and always have. The months that we were apart were hard on everyone but I did what I thought was best I hope one day you will be able to forgive me."

I can see in his thoughts that what he says is true and that he never intended to hurt me. He did in fact see me as a daughter. We continued to talk and I told him about my plans to leave but that I didn't know were to go that would be safe for the twins. So Carlisle offered me their old mansion in Forks that way I wouldn't be overwhelmed by the smell of human blood and that way Caius and Charlotte could stay hidden for add long as possible. I thought it over and took the offer, especially after he explained to me how long they have to serve on the guard for. I felt sorry for most of them but the law is the law. After just over a weeks of no Caius I decided it was time to leave after all this is his home and not mine, he is a king and has his duties to fulfil and I'm a hindrance to everybody here. I packed up everything and went to see Aro.

"Aro am I allowed to leave and return to Forks, I don't want to be here any more and as you are aware I can read minds and I now know what Caius said and how he feels towards me, I just need to go home. Thank you for the hospitality, but I feel I have over stayed my welcome."

"Isabella you are not a prisoner here you are free to leave when ever you want, yes Caius had some issues that he is working out, and that he has to deal with. Please don't feel that this isn't your home and you could never out stay your welcome. However if you leave please keep in touch, I would love to know how my nephew and niece are developing. I'm assuming that you will be taking them with you" Aro asked me with a sadness to his voice.

"Yes I will they are my children" I reply

"They will be missed as you will be to, take care of yourself and the little ones they brought a new life to this castle" Aro said standing up and walking out leaving me in his office.

I was going to have Gianna purchase my ticket online but Marcus offered the Volturi jet. I think he just wanted to make sure we made it safely and to prevent any accidents that may happen on a regular plane with all the humans. As I sit in the room one last time I was hit with memories of me and Caius together. I have decided to say my final goodbye to him in a letter.

Dear Caius, I have some things to say and since you left I guess this is how you will get to hear them. I don't even know if you will even bother to read this or if my words will go unread. For all I know this will end up in the fire place or in with the rest of the garbage. I'm not stupid or naive first of all. I did love you for want that is worth. I know you didn't want me or anything to do with me. You have made this fact very clear in your words and actions. I'm tired so therefore I give up. I tried to love again, thinking it would be different what with the mating thing but it wasn't it ended in heart break for me as usual. Caius I know you didn't want any of this, not a mate, or children and for that I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I gave you my gif of my virginity and love, I never once betrayed you or cheated on you. I know you don't want me here, you made that loud and clear each and every time you called me a cheating whore. I'm giving you your wish, I'm going and don't worry you will never see or hear from us again. I didn't need or want anything from you, I have two things that will last a life time to remember you by. I will make my way for me and mine. I never asked or wanted anything from you, I never asked for my children to be your heir's. I was never after your money or a title, I just want you, Caius you were all I wanted. Don't worry I won't bother you any more than I have. I hope and wish the best with your new queen. We had some fun while it last. Love forever, Isabella, Charlotte and Caius

I smiled as I closed the door.

I took in the scenery as I sat on plane. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I said good bye to everything and everyone I knew, this was my life for the past year starting with the Cullens. I said good bye to Marcus with promises to contact them often, but I knew I wouldn't, yes I lied.

This is my life now, just me and my Caius and Charlotte. I unpacked everything I brought with me and as I did I looked around at everything they had left. It would appear they had left most of their things here, nothing was gone but the piano, and clothes, and Esme's antiques.

I want Charlie right now, I want my dad. I need Jake he would know what to do to make me feel better. I miss them I sat down on the couch and cried, but no tears will fall.

This is my life now. A new life a new beginning

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