Chapter 1

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"Shit!!" I sprint down towards the lecture hall as rain pours down on me , I'm late for my presentation. Why in the name of God does it rain on the day that im supposed to look presentable and on top of that l forgot my umbrella. Now l'm dripping wet and looking like a wet dog, probably smell like it too.
Oh yeah , by the way my name is Zendaya Brown ,I'm  the clumsiest person you could ever meet and that explains being late for class and forgetting my umbrella when I'm  supposed to give a lecture to 300 20 year olds.
"Miss Brown" l removed wet hair that's stuck to my forehead so that l could see who l was talking to.
"Yes " l answered awkwardly perfectly knowing that it is indeed Mr Lockwood my English literature professor.
"Weren't you supposed to be presenting in about.." He looked at his watch confirming the time "23 minutes ago?"
"Ahh yes..but umm car broke down on the way ..and then my umbrella well ...the wind??" I stammered trying to explain why l was late.
I knew pretty well that l was going to get a B- l mean the guy was too uptight.
I am a straight A student he knows that and l knew well he wanted to fail me somehow and this was his chance.
"Well Miss Brown l already assigned someone to do the presentation since you are late and all you have to do now is submit your assignment but as you know without a presentation you don't get an A" and with that he walked away with the evil smirk on his face leaving me in my own puddle. Since l didn't have to do the stupid presentation l made a U turn back to my little apartment to change.
I wasn't worried too much about school l had it covered. My  Brett Young ringtone interrupted my thoughts.
"Hey girl..where are you? i can't find you anywhere " my girl Mitchell asked. She has been my friend only friend for that matter since my freshman year in college .She's more outgoing and more fun l suppose.
"Umm hey I'm home ,was late for class and l was wet so l decided to change ,what's up?"
" okay ,
now do you remember the dean announced that there is going to be a new accountant at school.." She asked ,she's always on top of the news. If you wanted any gossip ,she was the girl. Sometimes l even wondered myself how we managed to stay friends these past three years, we were so different.
"Yeah l remember ,but what does it have to do with me..better yet you?"
" girl we both know it's my job to know these things ... Anyway he just arrived and guess what!!" She sounded excited
" l don't know ..what is it?"
" guess!"
"Why?! Just ..out with it ,l will hang up on you if you don't spill it right now!"
"Girl ,you know you will never ever hang up on me"
"Okay l get it..what is it Elle?" I asked already getting impatient,after all l was still wet.
"Well..he is young and damn is he sexy!" She sure was excited
"Ha ha ha but you do know that you've got a boyfriend right?"
" don't remind me.. I  know that but" she dragged the but "there's a certain someone who is single."I could picture her smiling right now but I  cut her off immediately .
"Don't you dare finish that Elle or l swear to God l will gut you like a fish "I protested.
"Daya you have been single since forever. l mean it's been three years since Trevor l mean you should go out " she. said with a sigh.
"I'm fine l don't need a man "
" l know you don't but don't you get lonely?"
"Yes l do but then l call you" l said it with my cute voice.
"Ha ha ha ha funny , but seriously you should see this guy .he's really something ,l know you are choosy"
"If he looks all that as you claim to be then that means he's either taken or a player" I concluded.
"Girl really , l did my research and he is indeed single and you might be surprised by his character
Don't judge him too soon" she defended. 
"You say it as if he is ready to  propose " l rolled my eyes at her .l know she can't see me but l couldn't help it.
"Hey l gotta run but we will finish this conversation later l promise you
Love you bye"
And with that she hung up.
I couldn't blame her,for the three and a half years that I've known her l never went on a date not even once and l wasn't lying l was too choosy for my own good sometimes.
Anyway gotta get out of these wet clothes before l catch a "hootsyyy "
Huh.. Well seems like there might be a cold after all.
With that l went straight into the shower .
As l stood there l thought about what Mitchell's said maybe l would keep an open mind if she says he's hot ,l mean that combined with the fact that he is already mature and working ,he might not be bad after all.

Thank you guys for giving this novel a chance. As I said before, its my first attempt and I'm really excited. Please comment and tell me what you think.

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