Chapter 11

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Weeks passed fast. I wrote my finals. I hadn't been seeing much of Elle. She was studying with Joe. And Sam helped me study too.
Today was the day l finished my finals. Thank goodness! I was finally done with school and l could focus on Sam! I am so excited. Me and Elle decided to go shopping and treat ourselves to a spar. Get pampered a little bit. Mom had gotten us tickets to a massage parlor and we relaxed. Gosh it felt amazing. Now I'm on my mirror looking at my reflection. Sam was taking me out on a dinner date at an Italian restaurant. I had to dress fancy and Elle had helped me pick up the dress. It was blood red, my favorite color ,it was  satin and short. It flared at the hen and it had no back!! My favorite part. My hair was curled and pinned up in a lose bun. My makeup was heavy and had blood red lipstick on. I have my Prada black strap heels on and l must say. I looked pretty sexy.
"Wow" l said out loud
"Yeah,wow is right" Elle agreed. She had helped me with all this but she looked a little bit off.
"Sam is going to be here in a couple of minutes,will that be enough for you to tell me what's wrong?" I said to Elle
"Nothing is wrong" she defended herself
"Elle, l know you, something is bothering you "
"Nothing important " she looked down
"Then I'm not going until you tell me"
"I will tell you when you get back"
"I'm not coming here, I'm going to Sam's apartment tonight "
"Tomorrow then" she said
"No! Now!"
"Fine! I'm having problems with Joe ok?" She screamed at me.
I walked over to the bed where she was sitting and hugged her.
"I'm sorry"
"No it's ok,you didn't know"
"But why didn't you tell me? " l said as l pulled off her" what did he do? Because if he did something I'm going to skin him alive!!"
"Calm down Daya, it's not what he did "
"So then what's the problem ?"
" we are just drifting apart"
"I'm sorry"
"It's ok, people fall out of love all the time" that moment the bell rang.
"That must be Sam" l said.
" let me walk you out" Elke said.
We walked out of the bedroom and opened the main door together. Sam! He had on a black tux and a white shirt and a bow tie. He smelled divine too.
" hey" l greeted him
"Hie" he kissed me on the cheek.
" hey Sam" Elle greeted him
" Elle" he nodded.
"You know, you two are so awkward together it's like you are exs!! " l laughed at my own joke. Everyone else didn't laugh with me. But l thought it was pretty funny.
"Ready?" Sam asked
"Yeah let me grab my phone " l ran to the dinning and grabbed my phone.
"Bye Elle" l said as we headed out.


A waiter came and took us to our table. Sam grabbed the chair for me.
"Such a gentleman " l said teasingly
"My lady" he said in return.
We talked about stuff and we ordered. I was transparent, l loved pasta so l ordered my lasagna with garlic bread. Sam ordered spaghetti with a fancy sauce. Dinner was just wonderful and the desert was off the charts.
"Thank you for dinner" l said as we walked out of the restaurant.
"Thank you for being there with me" he kissed me hard and my knees buckled.
"Can we take a walk?" Sam asked me.
"Yeah it's ok"
"Can you walk in those?" He asked pointing at my heels.
"Yes l can .they are only 3 inches " l rolled my eyes at him.
"You will regret rolling your eyes at me one day" he warned me.
"You wouldn't do anything about even if l did it on a daily basis " l teased him
"Yes,maybe, but that's just because l love you so much " l smiled at him and snuggled in his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we continued walking towards the park. Sam opened the tiny gate and we got in.
"The park is creepy at night, makes me think of a horror movie " l giggled
"You want some lights?" Same asked.
"That would be better, the creepiness would fade..l think"
"You watch too many horror movies,they corrupt your brain "
"I just love them especially "nightmare on elm street " l told him. He laughed
"Now you are just going to start thinking about it,and then you start getting scared "
"How do you know me so much?" I giggled again.
"That's because l spent too much time with you, but don't worry, l will protect you " he whispered in my ear. This time l laughed.
Suddenly the park was well lit.
"Wow " l couldn't believe my eyes. There were lights everywhere and red petals everywhere. Candles in glasses were placed almost everywhere and it was breathtaking.
"Wow " l said looking around.
"Where did all this come from?" I was asking myself out loud.
"This probably the most romantic setting l have ever seen  in my life..including movies" l said as l turned around to look at Sam. I looked at Sam but l couldn't find him.
"Oh my gosh!!" I placed a hand on my mouth to stop from crying out loud. My heart was hammering in my chest and l thought l was going to faint. The image of Sam on one knee holding the most beautiful ring l had ever seen in my life didn't help my case either.
"Sam" l stammered
"Daya, you are the most beautiful,intelligent woman l have ever met.  You bring out the best in me and every time l look at you l find joy. I daydream of having babies who look just like you. I love you so much l can't imagine a life without you. So would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked. Looking up at me. I couldn't speak or move. How can this happen so fast? I'm so young to get married. I knew l couldn't imagine a life without him too but marriage?? Did l love him enough to marry him?

Cliffhanger?? I know😁lm sorry l couldn't help it. It needed to be done.
What do you think of Sam's proposal? Would he have done it differently or what?
What do you think of Daya?
Do you think she will say yes?
If so please don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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