Chapter 12

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"Yes" l said. It was barely a whisper that if it wasn't in the middle of the night with only the two of us l wouldn't have heard myself either.
"Yes?" Sam asked as if to confirm my answer
"Yes" l said and l nodded and tears rolling down my face. Sam stood up and put the ring on my finger. It fit perfectly. He kissed me hard it took my breath away.
"I love you baby" Sam said in between kisses.
" l love you too"


We went back to his apartment and got into our pajamas and snuggled with with other. We didn't have sex , we just held on to each other for dear life. My heart was still beating so fast. It's like l couldn't believe that Sam had proposed and l had said yes. I know l loved him and l had often imagined us as a family with little Sam running around our house but l had figured later maybe 4 years down the line. I was excited to be a mom and Elle. Elle is going to be blown off. I bet she didn't see this coming.
" what are you thinking about?" Sam asked
" Us"
" you wanna talk about it?"
I took a deep breath. 
" l didn't think you would propose this soon" l admitted. He chuckled " me too, but l can't imagine you with someone else, l can't imagine my life without you and l couldn't wait to make you mine "
"Me too "
" go to sleep baby , you had a long day" he kissed me and l slept thinking of how l would tell my mother about this.

"Wake up babe"l groaned and moved but l refuse to open my eyes.
"Daya,,wake up" the voice said again
"No!" I snuggled closer to the pillow refusing to wake up. Who in the hell would wake me up at this hour?! And l have no school for that matter. !!!
"We got engaged last night " Sam said in a relaxed voice. I quickly sat up. Shit!! I looked at my finger and then gosh!! We really were engaged. I thought it was a dream.
I looked at Sam who was laughing so hard.
"That...." I painted at him " ....wasn't funny" l said to him.
"I'm sorry babe but l couldn't help it" he continued laughing.
"Fuck you!" I said as l jumped off the bed and went to the bathroom.
"You woke up didn't you?" He said as l closed the door.

We were headed to my moms place. Sam and l had agreed to tell my parents together.
"I hope mom won't freak out" l told Sam.
"Why would she?" He shrugged while he made a turn to my parents driveway.
"Because this is all so sudden.... I mean I'm almost 21 and not many people get married at this age"
"Yes. But she already knows about it anyway " he opened the car door.
"Your parents knew l was going to propose " he got out of the car. I was hit on his heels
"Sam..explain " he turned around and faced me.
"Babe" he exhaled "l asked your dad for his blessing and he gave it to me so obviously he had an idea that l was going to propose. "
Somehow his confession warmed me up. I loved that he had asked my parents and he had gotten approval especially from my dad.
"I love you" l smiled at him.
"And l love you" he kissed the tip of my nose.
"Let's go" Sam took my hand and led me into the house.

Mom was cleaning her China when we arrived.
"Mom" she turned and have me her killer smile.
"Hey what are you doing here?"
"The other time you were complaining I'm not coming here enough and now that I'm coming you are complaining?" I faked my scowl.
"You know that's not what l meant" she kissed me on the cheek.
"Good morning Mrs Brown" Sad greeted her.
"Hie Sam and its Mae" she kissed him on the cheek too.
"Where is dad?" I asked
"He his in his study"
"This early?"
"Go get him" mom said
"Hey, make yourself at home," l told Sam.
I left Sam and mom talking about recipes. I ran up the stairs and knocked twice and entered his office before he even answered.
"Hey dad" l went over and hugged him.
"My baby" he hugged me back.
"What brings you you here again?" "I just wanted to see you daddy" l rolled my eyes at him.
"Anyway l got news to tell you both so let's go down"
"Give me a minute, l will be down "
"Okay,I'm  counting" l kissed him on the cheek and went out.
Within a minute he was down and talking to Sam.
"So what is this all about " my mom asked.
"Umm" l looked over at Sam and he didn't even look nervous.
"We and Sam wanted to tell you that.... We're getting married!!" I practically shouted the last word and closed my eyes. I opened them slowly to see my mom smiling so hard.
She threw herself at me and kissed me. " I'm so happy for you. Oh my goodness let me see the ring!" I extended my hand and she looked at it
"It's so beautiful " she went to Sam and hugged him
" I'm so happy for you " she said as she beamed.
"Congratulations Son, welcome to the family" my dad shook Sam's hand then came to me and hugged me. " my little girl" he looked at me with sad eyes.
"Dad I'm not dying, l got engaged "
"I know, but you're all grown up"
"I know,,,but I'm still your baby "
"Yes you are" with that he took me in his arms again. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

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