Chapter 16

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After a few hours dad came and we talked for hours. It's funny because with him, it never gets awkward than with my mom. For a few hours l was able to forget what happened for a while and l was happy. When mom and dad went back home to sleep l tried sleeping myself but sleep wouldn't come. I took out my phone and started playing games to pass time. I was beginning to doze off when someone opened the door.

"Sam?" It was a surprise, a big one. One that l don't want.
"Daya" he started.
"Do. Not. Call. Me. That!" I spate.
"I'm sorry" he got in the room and close the door. What was he doing here anyway. He knows l don't want to see him. Especially now. Who even told him lm in here anyway! It must be mom.
"I'm sorry , l just needed to see you"
"Why?" My voice had so much venom.
"I .. Uh.. Your mom told me you were here, l was scared. " he looked like he was about to cry. " howz the baby?" He composed himself.
"Why do you care?" I asked.
"Because it's also my baby!" He raised his voice.
"You redeemed yourself from my baby the moment you slept with her and knocked her up!"  I could feel my blood pressure rising.
"She's getting an abortion " he simply stated.
"Owww so now she's getting it killed and you came to see if there's any chance for you here?" He kept quiet
"Well unlucky for you, you lost privilege to me and the baby the moment l found out that you are a lying cheating manipulating bastard !!" I shouted. He stood up quickly. His eyes changed , he looked like someone else, like someone dangerous someone whom l don't know. I began to shake. I was scared. Sam scared me. Right now at this moment that he's coming to me, lm scared, l don't know what he's thinking or what he'll do.
"You cannot tell me what l can't do with that baby because that is my child, and listen and listen very carefully..... "His face was so close to mine l think he could hear my heart hammering in my chest. "....when that baby is born, you won't ever see him again, l will make sure to it" he breathed out heavily
"I guess you are out of luck... I had a miscarriage " l stated as. matter of fact. He just looked me up and down and went out of the door leaving me on the hospital bed, scared and very much emotional

I ddnt know when it started but l know that l kept crying and the tears kept rolling and never stopped. I ddnt know someone was holding me until l had calmed down. How many minutes had passed? Or hours? I wasn't sure but l just knew that l was exhausted and my eyes couldn't open. I knew l was supposed to see who was holding me but l could draw to open my way even if my like depended on it. What l was certain of was that it was not Sam, his hands were not this warm. That was the last thought l thought before darkness enveloped me.


I woke up to the sound of glass and spoons clacking together. I opened my eyes slowly and noticed that l was well covered and it was morning.
"You're awake"  l looked over to where the sound came from.
"Doctor Mark?" I was surprised. Why was he doing here?
"Yes, Good morning" he smiled and handed me a cup of coffee. I looked at him and he had dark circles under his eyes and he looked tired. It looked like he had a rough night. I chuckled to myself to me imagining him in a club and the having rough sex. Yikes!! What am l thinking. I took a sip and it was good.
"What are you chuckling about. ?" He asked as he sat on one of the visitors chair.
"Just something l imagined" he looked at me as if to tell me to go on. Now that lm looking at him with a positive mind, he was pretty hot. Besides him looking tired. He could break hearts if he wanted. And thinking of heart break ,my mind wondered off to Sam. Why would he do this?  He was such a nice guy. I was almost marrying  him. All this time we dated he was nothing but soft. I never saw a bad side of him. Now that l think about it , we barely fought and he was quick to say sorry. We never really got into a big argument. That's weird.
"So?" Doctor Mark brought me back from my thoughts. I  chuckled again.
"You have bags under your eyes, was just imagining you having rough sex all night " l giggled again and took a sip of my coffee to hide from Doctor Marks face. I peeked at him and saw that he was blushing. 
"That's not appropriate " he said as he hid his smirk with his own cup of coffee.
"I never claimed to be appropriate. " l answers back. And he looked at me with amusement in his eyes.
"You know.. I could have been well rested and looking good as normal but l had to stay awake all night because of a certain patient who refused to go to therapy but found crying for hours" oh shit! I can't believe it. He was the one who was holding me? But why?
"Don't look so shocked. " he said smiling. He must've seen the look in my eyes.
"Don't worry about it, l was happy to help, after all it is my duty to help my patients " l looked at him so hard. Why would he do this for me ?
"Thank you" l said not looking at him. "I will go see the therapist this afternoon " l was ashamed that someone had to calm me down. What would have happened in l was discharged and l was alone?  I needed to take responsibility.

Hie there my lovelies!!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I just wanted you to meet Doctor Mark on a personal level. What do you think of him?

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