Chapter 4

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I woke up before my alarm aka "neighbor" woke me up. l was excited,l was acting like a five year old who has been promised ice cream. l had told Elle and she said she would help me with choosing an outfit to wear on my "date " .l giggled with the thought of it. l usually never giggle. Where was my pride? Some guys at school called me the ice queen because l just never flirt and l did not tolerate any funny business.
The doorbell interrupted my thoughts. l knew it was Elle because last night Sam had texted and we agreed on going to breakfast and then we would see how the day takes us.
"Hey baby girl !" Elle singed the second l opened the door.
"Hey " it was a little early for her to be coming in because we had at least 4 hours to my date but knowing her,she would spent half that time deciding what l should wear.
"Don't tell me you haven't bathed yet.." She asked as if I'm late
" it's 6 in the morning, im not going till like a quarter to 10 I've got plenty of time " l told her, trying to hide my excitement as well.
" no you don't ,l know you never wake up on a Saturday morning before 9 on purpose,so unless you are excited about something and you my dear" she pointed at me"are excited otherwise you wouldn't have woken up this early so go in the shower and thoroughly clean yourself " she pushed me to the bathroom. l was so busted. She was correct though, because there is not a day on a Saturday did l wake up before 8:30 in the morning. I even slept through my neighbors banging.
I went in the shower and "thoroughly cleaned myself " and shaved my legs,when did l last shaved?? I tried to remember but then gave up because probably it was about a year ago.
After shaving l rinsed then shampooed my hair and then jumped  out of the bathroom.
I entered my bedroom and Elle was busy organizing my closet. I'm not  a disordered person but I'm not a neat freak either.
"Okay so this is a breakfast thing ,then a whole day thing. So l need something to make you look cute at the same time sexy." I just nodded because it was useless to say anything when she's in the zone.
" l was thinking of boots cause it might rain and ......." I was not listening anymore. It was useless cause at the end of the day she's going to chose one outfit and I  trust her.
I spend at least 2 hours  changing from outfit to outfit. And then she said
"That's the one,this is it " l was about to give up but then l saw the look in her eyes that made me want to go look in the mirror
I was wearing brown boots a simple hot pink dress which clung to my bust and then went lose from my waist. lt ended mid thigh but it didn't look so short because of the boots. On top of the dress l had a little brown leather jacket that made the outfit look a little more sexier." Yeah , this is it" l agreed.
"Now ,about the hair and the makeup " she clasped her hands and walked toward me.
"What do you think l should do with your hair.?"she asked
" straighten it" l didn't hesitate,she knew l loved my hair straightened
"You look hot combined with sexy when you have straight hair. But we don't want to send that kind of impression,that's not you. You are a cute sexy thing and that's what we gonna make you look like,so curls it is" she stated
I wonder why she even asked me these questions in the first place.
After a while she did my makeup,it was simple yet you could see something happened ,l like it.
It was half past nine when all was finished and was darn hungry so l said bye to Elle and then l left.
I arrived at the cafe  3 minutes late and Sam was already there. l walked towards his table and he stood up to greet me when l arrived.
"Hie" l said
He came over and kissed me on the cheek and he said" hie"
Thank God l was not white otherwise l would have been purple with embarrassment.
I took my seat opposite to him and l said "I'm sorry im late " " no it's fine it was only by a few minutes "
l was going to order for you some coffee but l didn't know how you drank it"
" no it's ok"
The waiter came and took our orders ,l ordered a black cup of coffee and some doughnuts. He ordered tea and an omelet.
When the waiter disappeared he said" by the way you look beautiful "
" thanks" l smiled at the compliment " you don't look bad yourself
He was wearing a checked shirt as some jeans .He looked pretty hot.
"So tell me about you " he said after our orders came.
" where do l start?" I asked myself while scratching my head. A weird habit l did when l was nervous.
"My name is Daya as you know. I'm 21 years old ,I'm in my final year in college, im an English major l read on my spare time "
"A loner huh " he commended
"No I'm not a loner..l just like my peace and quiet "
" and most people who likes their peace and quiet are loners"
" for your information l have friends " l stated
"Really ,name 3" he challenged
"Michelle...and and "
He laughed,that ridiculous belly laugh that he almost choke on his food
"What's so funny?" I asked , almost laughing too cause it was contagious.
After a few minutes,he had calmed down." You couldn't even name 2 friends let alone 3 ,you are a loner "he said
"Okay so I'm a loner but im fun " l really wanted him to like me cause l already liked him so much it was starting to scare me.
" okay okay l never said you are not fun,l think you are just not a spontaneous person."
" l so am!!"
"No you are not"
"Yes l am"
" really ,you are being childish " he stated while his face was plastered with an evil smirk
"Are you serious right now. You started it " l shouted though l was smiling
"Yes but a grown person could have just gave up" he said as a matter of fact while taking a bite of his omelet
"You are not serious" l said and he just shrugged
"I'm just saying you are not an outgoing person,anyone can see that "
" okay l get it but l am spontaneous " l cocked my eyebrow challenging him
"Prove it" he said in a serious tone
The moment his words left his mouth ,l was on him,kissing him with force that even surprised me.
He kissed me back with the same force not holding back.

Ha ha ha ha ha cliffhanger huh! I'm usually not a fan of cliffhanger too but l had to do it ,it was long overdue.

Question time
Q: do you think Daya is going to regret kissing Sam?
Q: heels or flats?
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