Chapter 5

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What the heck did l just do?!!l asked myself as l pulled away from him. Man he's gonna think that I'm a pervet. He's going to think l was thinking of kissing him the whole time .who am l kidding,l have been thinking of kissing those lips since l walked in here.
"Wow" he said. He had a blank look on his face and l couldn't read if he was angry or pleased.
" I'm sorry l didn't mean to kiss you .l really am s.." He pulled me on him and he pressed his lips on mine. This time it wasn't pressured,it was soft ,so soft that l would have thought I'm imagining them. His tongue played around on my lips as if asking permission to enter,l opened my mouth to give him access, we remained like that for what seemed like forever. I didn't want it to end. l had never been kissed like that,a kiss that made you forget everything.
"Errmm" we both moved apart and that's when l noticed we were still in the cafe.
He took his seat and pulled me with him.
" your check " the waiter said
"Thanks "Sam answered
As he took out his $20 bill ,l was busy looking for my $10 bill and that's when he said
"You know that I'm paying right?"
"Yeah l know,but I'm paying for my own food ,l ain't paying for a grown ass man" l smiled
" ahh missy don't be smart with me,you know what I'm saying,I'm  paying for both of us. l asked you on this date and you are not paying. Simple." And with that he paid and then took my hand and we walked out of the cafe.
Huh? A gentleman and a man who takes charge how did l get lucky ?
"What now?" I asked looking at him
"Whatever you want to do, as long as I'm with you,you did promise me a whole day" he said
"Yes l know but l just thought you would have planned activities "
" l don't know you that well so l figured will do things step by step" l smiled at his answer
" good answer"
We spent the whole day talking walking,eating hotdogs and pizza and cotton candy. No Wonder l feel heavy. He told me about his family (he's got a younger sister and both parents are still alive,in case you were wondering),his education ,friends and anything that l asked.
"Only child huh" he asked as he was walking me to my car
" yep,and my dad spoils me to death" l giggled.
"I bet your mom is beautiful " he stated
" maybe it's my dad that's handsome " l teased
"Really?" He looked surprised
"Nah you are right ,it's from my mom"l laughed picturing my dad .He would kill someone if they told him he's handsome. He wasn't bad looking but he just wanted to throw off that manly vibe,he wanted to look tough but in actual fact,he was the sweetest person l have ever met.
" l really had a nice time ,thank you" l said while looking down. l didn't like to be vulnerable but it feels like he crumbles down my walls,and in so little time. It scares me to shit.
"If you had a nice time,l had a blast,and all thanks to you" he answered
There was that silence,that awkwardness that you don't know if you should hug or shake hands or a fist bump.
" l really want to kiss you" he said and l quickly looked up to him
"Then kiss me" l replied. l don't know where all that boldness came from but l liked it. He didn't wait a second,he slammed his lips on mine .His kiss was demanding and l met his demands by giving into the kiss all l had. Damn it had been long. After a while ,he pulled away and we said our good nights and l headed to my apartment with a huge smile on my lips.
I hurried and unlocked my door ,went in and fell on the couch. l was too lazy to remove my shoes so l just laid there and thought of today's events. l liked Sam ,that much l knew .He made me feel alive, feel good about myself and he made me laugh. Theres not a single moment l didn't act like myself when l was with him. He was good looking and he was funny and he was mature and he had a job . What girl wouldn't want someone like that. And he had this bad boy charm that added to his advantage because most girls like bad boys. l sighed out loud. l was tired but was happy and just before sleep took over, l heard my phone beeping indicating that there was a message but l couldn't answer it or know who send it because right then darkness took over.

Hie there my lovelies!! What did you think of the date?
Q : do you think there are moving too fast?
Q: where would you like the story to go?
Q : C Ronaldo or L Messi??
Y'all know my answer to that CRondo forever!!!!
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