Chapter 3

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I woke up with the sound of my neighbor pounding something on the wall. I look at the time and it's 6:14 ,yeah l know l don't complain to the guy anymore because he never listens so now l don't even bother setting an alarm because l have my wonderful loyal neighbor to wake me up before  l want to!!!!okay I'm sorry I'm calm but I'm  just not a morning person everyone knows that including  my wonderful neighbor!!!
Uggrrrhh l really hated him. l hopped off the bed and went straight to the shower ,l took the longest shower ever,l was enjoying the hot water pouring down on me,it was relaxing and it always calmed me down. After about 30 minutes l went to my wardrobe and chose a floral sundress and some nude wedges. l didn't wear labels all the time but l loved fashion ,and l loved heels. They always made me feel feminine and sexy i must admit. l applied minimum makeup just so l look presentable then l ran to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.
I liked my coffee time because that's when l catch up on social media and talked to my family. We were a tight knit family and if l didn't check in everyday my mom would die from worrying .
After l was done with my coffee l was ready for the day,l took my handbag my phone and my car keys and ran out the door.
I had a lunchtime date with Mitchell and l knew it would be full of gossip like always.
"So tell me,what's up with you?" She asked
"Same old same old," l shrugged
"Mmm so what's this l hear about you and Mr hottie accountant chatting privately in his office?" She made a weird face
"Uh first of all don't ever,l mean ever make that face again it's disgusting and second how the heck did you know about that!"
" hey you know l know everything "
"Yeah that's true "l agreed
"So how's that boyfriend of yours ,it's been so long,when you see him please say hie" l told her while the words came rushing out of my mouth.
"Uh uh l ain't no child,l know what you're trying to do and you are not dodging my answer it,,what were you doing with Mr hottie?" She asked again
"Okay Elle, it's not a big deal really.." Then l explained to her why l went there in the first place and how l met Sam the first time.
"Oh so you think he was flirting with you?" She asked trying to understand
"Yeah l guess so but l doubt it..l mean look at me..l know I'm not ugly but I'm not all that either..why would he even want me?"l asked but the question was for me
"Daya you know you are hot ,everyone knows it you just have to get it through your head"
"I know..lets get to class" l stood up and walked to class with  a certain Hottie in my thoughts.

I headed towards my car after school l bumped into a wall which turned out not to be a wall after all. It was a wide muscular chest that belonged to non other than Mr Hottie.
"Sorry" l apologized
"It's okay,you can bump into me anytime " he answered giving the sweetest smile l had ever seen.
"Thanks" it was awkward,l have no idea how l manage to put myself in an awkward position with the hottest guy at the whole school, twice.
"I wanted to ask you something " he stated
" yeah go ahead" l said as we proceeded to walk to my car
"I wanted to know if you're free for lunch or dinner tomorrow?" He asked,but he looked uncomfortable,do like make him uncomfortable??eh l doubt it. I wouldn't make anyone uncomfortable worst of all him! So l made a face
"Uh even breakfast..if that's what you prefer " the words rushed out of his mouth as if he was nervous
Aha! So l do make him nervous. l smiled to myself.
Score for Daya
Zero for Mr hottie
"Do l make you nervous?" Oh shit! Did l say that out loud?
He laughed,"yeah just a little bit"
I was taken aback by his confession
"Wow guys like you don't strike me to be nervous and worse admit that they are nervous "
" what can l say,I'm not that guy"
Mmmm l was starting to like this guy a lot.
"So what did you say about lunch..or dinner if you prefer?" He asked
"Lunch would be great "l smiled
" great,so l will call you?"
"Yeah "l laughed by his nervousness
"Let me give you my number" l said
I gave him and then he texted me right then
"I just texted you my number" he confirmed
"Okay thanks" by the time we were done ,we had reached my car.
"See you tomorrow " he said
"Yeah, see yeah " l answered and then climbed in my car.
I started it and then drove off. l looked in my rear view mirror and saw him still standing there. l wanted to jump up and down with excitement ,Mr hottie had just asked me on a date. I couldn't believe it. Now l can't wait to tell Elle.

Don't forget to vote and comment my lovelies.

Question time
Q: what do you think will happen on their date?
Q: Daya or Sam?
Q: little mix or fifth harmony?
Me Both😁

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