Chapter 7

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I was headed to class when l saw Elle coming from the bathroom fixing herself up.
" hey " l greeted her with a bear hug. Ever since l started dating Sam everything went crazy,l didn't see Elle that much,even my parents were complaining. Yes l know I'm neglecting my people but Sam is jut so much fun and l really really loved him. l couldn't spend the whole day without seeing him.
"Girl where you been?" She asked but she seemed a little off.
"Been around,where you headed?" I asked trying to ignore the fact that she even looked nervous.
"I'm gonna head home for a second " she said looking around.
"Are you ok?" I was now concerned.
"Yeah yeah " she nodded.
I wasn't convinced. She was the most confident and comfortable person I've ever met and her being nervous and sure was just making me worry.
"Elle what is it?"l asked again after she adjusted her skirt and then it all came to me.
I started grinning like a fool. She looked at me like l was crazy and then she cocked her eyebrow. l continued grinning.
" are scaring me ,why are you grinning like that?"
" well"l dramatically sighed"l just figured out that you just had sex in that bathroom " l looked her straight in the eye,grinning. l just couldn't stop. She laughed,so hard that it was contagious.
"Yeah Daya l had sex in the bathroom but that doesn't give you the excuse to grin like a fool " she said.
"So that's why you want to go home huh?but where is Joe?" I asked looking around. Joe was her boyfriend,they have been dating for like as long as l knew her. They are such a cute couple..well more of like crazy. For instance,they just had sex in a public bathroom.
"He went out back" she said looking around.
"Oh okay,no need to get nervous "l said to her because she seemed like she was starting to get uncomfortable.
"You go home and fix that hair girl"l said trying to lighten up the mood. She smiled then gave me a kiss on the cheek and she said"bye "

I still had a few minutes to spare before my class so l decided to go say hie to Sam in his office. By now Everybody at the whole school knew that l was Sam's girlfriend. l never used to like being someone's person but now it just brings a smile to my face.
I was walking in the long hall that separates the bathrooms and the accounting block and just as l turned on the corner l bumped into Sam.
"Hey " l was surprised to see him here. This hallway was mainly used by students because it's a little dark and used by boys after well having sex in the bathroom so that they won't be seen by many.
"Hey" he answered a little too loud.
"Are you ok?" I asked as l looked up at him.
" Yeah ,what are you doing here?ain't you supposed to be in class?" He asked. A frown on his face.
" my uh class doesn't start in 10 minutes so l just wanted to say hie to my boyfriend " l said and his face lightened.
" okay that's good,l wouldn't want you to miss a class ."
" l better go " l said
"Okay"he answered after kissing me in the cheek.
I waked away toward the lecture hall. That was the most weirdest conversation l have ever had with Sam. I wondered what was up.


After school l decided to go see my parents. l had a date with Sam but he couldn't make it because he had some work stuff to catch up with so l was going to see him tomorrow and Elle was busy with Joe as always .That's why l decided to go spend some time with them. They always complain that l barely see them anymore since l made a boyfriend and they are yet to meet him. At five l was standing at the door knocking.
My mom opened the door and the smell of fresh baked goodies filled my nose.
"What's baking?" I asked her
" Baby sugar is going to kill you one day" she answered while hugging me.
"Mom you know l rarely eat them" l said defensive
"But when you do ,you pig out" she challenged.
"But you love me anyway,that's why you baked them" l said rushing to the kitchen. l heard the sound of my moms laughter behind me.
"Craig!!come  down its almost dinner time.!Zee is here" she shouted. A few seconds later my dad appeared from their bedroom. l rushed to him and threw myself in his arms.
"Hey dad" l said after l pulled back
"Hey baby girl" he smiled at me.
I was such a daddy's girl,and being their only child didn't help my case.
" how are you?you look handsome" l said with a cute smile plastered on my face.
"Uh uh uh..don't try to sound all cute missy." He said as we walked toward the kitchen." You haven't come to see your father in a whole month,what if you had found me dead?" He asked looking at me.
He was such a fuss. "Daddy l text you every single day and l call at least 4 times a week,don't exaggerate " l said looking back at him.
"But that don't give you the excuse of not coming here often"
"Okay l know I'm sorry ,things have been hectic lately,with the finals and all" l said
"Huh! Finals my ass!!"
"mom language!!" I said turning to look over while she was taking out the casserole from the oven. My dad started laughing while he started to set the table.
"Mom you know I'm writing my finals in a few weeks"
" yes l know but that hasn't stopped you from coming here before,it's that boy"
"What boy?" My dad asked with his eyes so wide.
"No one " l said at the same time my mom said
"Moom!!" I complained
" next time I'm not telling you anything " l whined
"Baby your father needs to know " she said as l gave her a death glare but she was just laughing her socks off.
She clearly knows that dad tries to go all alpha male when boys in my case are concerned. l was dreading to look at dad.
"Zendaya go help your dad set the table" my mom said grinning.
Ohh l was going to kill her,mother or not!!
I turned quickly and walked toward the dining room and started to place water glasses and cutlery on the table. My mom came with the food and we all sat and said grace. After everyone put their food in their plates l said
"Daddy you are awfully quiet " l didn't dare look at him. But l needed this conversation over with.
"I have nothing to say" he said not looking at me too
"Daddy I'm sorry ,it's just that l knew you wouldn't want to hear about me and Sam" l explained "that's why l told mom"
"If you told your mom about him that means he's serious huh?" He asked
"Yes daddy,l love him" l said looking down. I knew he wouldn't get mad. He just didn't want me to get hurt.
"I want to meet him" he announced
" uhh dad?are you sure?" I asked
" yes,l want to see what kind of a man my daughter is dating" he shrugged
"You're not gonna threaten him are you?" I asked
" what kind of a father would l be if l didn't threaten him" he scoffed
" yeah that's fair enough " l said
"Well that's settled,,are you staying the night baby?" My mom asked as she started clearing the table.
"Yeah l think I'm gonna crush here and I'll head out tomorrow " l said
"Okay ,help me with the dishes" l stood up and started clearing the table. My mother was a housewife and she loved it but l knew she also needs a break.
"Why don't you let me do the dishes and clean up while you and dad watch a movie or something?" I suggested
" baby that's too much work for you" she quickly said
" mom if you can do it l can" l told her
"Leave her to it Mae ,come sit with me her my dad said tapping the sofa. She smiled and kissed me on the forehead,then she said" I'm glad you're not all the way spoiled " l just laughed and went to work.
By the time l was done l was exhausted and l just wanted to throw myself on the bed. l passed through the lounge and found the lovebirds tangled with each other watching Julia Roberts's pretty woman. l coughed to announce my presence. They both turned and watched me grinning.
"What?" My dad asked. l wanted to tease him that mom made him watch the movie again,probably the 3000th time but l was too tired to do so.
" nothing,I'm  heading to bed,good night"l said
"Okay sleep tight " my mom said .l started walking away when my dad said
"uh uh uh not so fast" he pointed a finger at me. l knew what he wanted. I walked to where they were seated and gave each a kiss on the cheek.
"Good night baby" he said. l just waved and ran up stairs. l opened my room and found it as it was when l left. Mom never changed a thing,she just cleaned it once in a while. I  threw myself on the bed and thought of Sam. huh! I didn't talk to him since he told me he was canceling our date. I  snatched my handbag and fished my phone out and there was no text from him.
This was a first.

Hie there my lovelies!!
This was a long chapter.l just wanted you to meet the Browns.see what kind of people they are.

Question time
Q: what do you think of Elle and Sam's attitude?
Q: Mae or Craig Brown?

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