Chapter 2

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It's been a week since l missed my presentation,but things have been going pretty good despite the fact that l keep forgetting that darn umbrella! And right now I'm supposed to be going to class and I'm debating if l should make a run for it or should wait here in my car until the rain dies down a bit. Because I'm such a good girl, I really can't afford to miss another class I decide to just make a run for it.  As I'm about to take a run for it there are footsteps coming towards me,can it be my night in shining umbrella?? ha ha ha I'm weird.
Eh! I doubt that, boys nowadays don't have a single gentlemanly bone in their body and that's why I don't date. I don't need to be played around with and dragged around only to be left in the mud, nop I'm having non of that.   But then..
"Miss??" The voice is beautiful,angelic,it's so manly l even forget to breathe."hello" he calls again.
"Uh hie" l answered awkwardly .l look up at him,he's wearing black slacks a white shirt that clings to his body ,ohh and those muscles,they are just so inviting,l can feel myself drooling,but before l do l quickly recover.
"I couldn't help but notice that a pretty lady like you don't have an umbrella " he smiled
And oh that smile,l could die right now and l would be a happy corpse.
" well stupid old me always forget that this time of the year rains" l answered feeling a little bit insecure. I never feel that. I'm always my own person and I usually feel good about myself, but there is something about this guy that makes me want to check myself out in the mirror to see if I'm ok looking. (maybe its because he's gorgeous duh!) my conscious said.
"Lucky for you ,I like to share" he then stretched out his hand and l took it and we started walking.
"So what's your name?" He asked
"Zendaya but everyone calls me Daya" l answered awkwardly. Its not that l don't like my full name,l like it actually loved it but almost everyone can't say it right and l hate that so now l just call myself's easier.
"mmmm Daya l like it...I'm Sam"
He extended his hand and l shook it
"It's nice to meet you Sam and umm thanks for the umbrella "l said pointing up and not looking at him trying to hide the fact that l could possibly blush.
" You just saved me a whole day of embarrassment"
What's it with this guy,if l was not black l would be blushing red but thank God for being ebony.
The guy just had this vibe ,he's confident not too cocky but it's like he knows he's the real deal and fortunately l adore confident men.
"It's a pleasure Daya,now if you'll excuse me l have somewhere to go to "and he flashed that killer smile that could make any girl melt and the he just walked away..and wait a minute..he left his umbrella!

l just finished my last class of the day and I'm headed toward the administration block, l have to see the "accountant " because somehow my statement is saying l didn't pay my school fees but l know l did and l have zero credit,my parents made sure of that
They weren't rich but they could afford to send their children to school without them starving.
As l approached the reception,there was a little commotion so l asked Ms Brenda the receptionist
" afternoon Ms Brenda"
She was an elderly whom l adored very much
She always smiled every time l greet her and she reminded me of my nanna.
"Afternoon my sweet ,how are you today?" She asked
"Oh I'm ok ,just not a fan of the weather but besides that I'm okay"
" that's wonderful dear ,what can l help you with?"
"I want to see the accountant,something got mixed up" I looked at the door and it was just so crowded. Usually students avoided the administration block
"Do you know what's this commotion is about?" I asked curious.
"Ahh these young ladies are here to  fix something with the accountant. "she said with a knowing smile.
"Oh, but I'm definitely not here for that" I assured her.
"I know" she simply answered.
" l heard he's hot though, but really? I didn't know educated women can be this low..seriously spying on the guy?" I said disgusted by the behavior.
"People are different not judge them " she gave me that motherly look.
" l know that but they are acting like teenagers  ..anyway thanks Ms Brenda will see you around" with that l left .

"Finally "l whispered to myself after l spent a good ten minutes trying to reach the baser's door.
"Come in!" Someone yelled after l knocked.
I walked in the office confidently and then l lifted my head to look at the person I'm talking to and then behold "Sam??.." I asked my voice full of doubt.
"Daya..right?" He asked with a smile.
"Yeah..but what are you doing here?" I asked ,trying to confirm my suspicion.
"I thought you knew,l just started working here, I  am the accountant,been here two weeks already though "he stated
"Umm l knew that...l mean we were gonna get a new accounts..but ..umm.. I didn't think that it was you" l was beginning to stammer. What was it with this guy?he seems to knock my confidence out of me.
"Here l am.." He said gesturing to himself.
There was an awkward silence that was very much uncomfortable but he quickly spoke
"So Daya what can l help with today? Another umbrella??" And he smirked..The nerve of that guy
"Ha ha ha ha very funny but no l uh actually want to check my statement,l got a message telling me l owe the school some money but l don't ,l paid all of it"
"Okay that's easy," he started typing on his computer
"Name?" He asked
"Zendaya Brown "
"Mmmm everything looks well, no debt"
"Uh but the school send the message.." I states the obvious
"Yeah it might have been a mistake but.." He acted as if he was deep in thought "..maybe you were just making an excuse so that you could see me again" he grinned
"What!!!!! And l didn't even know you were the accountant!!" I was beginning to get embarrassed,and to someone it sure might have looked that way.
" hey hey, calm down,I was just joking with you" he quickly said. And I nodded. I couldn't trust myself to say anything .
"Thank you Mr..???" I finally said.
"Paul" he finished
"Yeah umm thanks" with that l ran out of the office as if my pants were on fire.
Uhhrrggg l always manage to embarrass myself every single time. As l was walking down the hall something clicked.." Was he flirting with me??" I wondered
"Huh maybe he was" l smiled at myself as l walked to my car.

Hie everyone please don't forget to vote and comment.
I really want your help guys.
Question time
Q: what do you think of Sam so far?
Q: do you think Daya will try something with Sam?
Q: favorite icecream flavor?😜
   Mine - Devonshire

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