Chapter 19

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I was excited about the date, this is the first time I'm going out after the incident. It's been a few months but l feel like I'm ready to move on. These times are the one that l miss Elle, right now , she will be making me up for a date, but because l don't have any female friends, actually any friends besides Elijah. At least l think he is.
I'm wearing a black off-shoulder dress. It was long sleeved and it was just below the knees and it clung to my body. I paired it up with silver stilettos and l let my hair down and kept my makeup at minimum. After l was satisfied with my look and went outside and found Mathew leaning on god town car. He was looking mighty fine.
"Hie" l said
"Hey" he said as he opened the car door for me. I didn't think a millionaire drove his own car. Mathew got in and secured his seatbelt and he looked over at me. "You should always put on your seatbelt " he said as he secured it for me. Gosh! I swallowed. He was just too close.
"And may l add, you look beautiful " he smiled


All l can say is that the dinner was superb. Good was good and the company was great. I really had a good time. Mathew was behind me when l got to my parents front door (yes l was still living with my parents, what can l say , l gave them quite a scare when l got into an accident. Clingy old parents. )
"So , thanks for the date" l stated stupidly.
"I'm the one who should be thankful," he smiled.
"I really had a nice time, l hadn't done that in a long time "
"My pleasure, lm glad you enjoyed yourself "
So this was the awkward moment. Do we shake hands, do we fist bump, do we hug, do l give him a kiss? Oh Lord! So many options but before l could make up my mind Mathews lips brushed against mine. I thought it would be awkward really but it was nice. After a long time if not kissing anyone it felt so good. I deepened the kiss  unconsciously. We broke apart and we were both breathless.
"Good night Miss Brown " l wanted to correct him that it's Daya, but l couldn't. I even wanted to reply him but l couldn't. My mind and my lips were numb. I couldn't think.
"Good night " l whispered but l don't think he heard it.


I slept so soundly the whole night but l ddnt have a peaceful morning because my dear mother was up at 6 am bothering me to tell her how my date went. I asked her why she couldn't wait until l was up but because my mother being mother, she was a little bit impatient.
Because it was Saturday l got out of bet mid morning and did my morning routine and went down to eat breakfast. After a long conversation with my dad about movies and books l finally got the courage to text Elijah. I missed him and l wanted to see him and lucky for me, he was off duty. I was meeting him in town for lunch in less that an hour. I hurried and changed into a long summer dress and some sneakers and tied my hair into a lose bun. I had no makeup, l figured he's already seen me in my worst so no makeup won't be a problem. I grabbed my handbag and ran out the door yelling my goodbyes to the parents.

I arrived at the diner  a little late but l was only late with like 7 minutes, it's not much right?  Elijah was already seated and when he saw me, he stood up and smiled. I rushed into his arms and gave him a big hug, it almost knocked both of us over. Big l was just so happy to see him. He was the closest thing l had to a friend. Yes l talked with people at the office but l just don't seem like we connect.
"Whoa... If l knew l would be getting this kind of welcome l would have asked you to meet me a long time ago " he said with a smirk.
"Oh shut up Elijah, " l said slapping him on his arm.
"You look good" l said to him. I hadn't seen him in casual clothes before. I always saw him in the hospital and he was always wore slacks and a shirt and a white coat on top. Right now he was wearing shorts, v neck t-shirt and flops and he looked good. You could see his abs from the t-shirt.
"I'm the one who's supposed to say that Daya "
"I really don't care which is which " l said waving my hand at him. " did you order?" I asked him.
"Not yet, l didn't know what you liked"
"So how is everything ?"
"It's ok l guess, sometimes a little difficult but l think lm alright. There are other people who have more problems than mine and they are surviving so l think I'll live. " l told him.
"Other people have their own way of dealing things, I'm concerned about you" he said in a serious tone.
"Are you going all doctor on me?" I asked. And we both laughed.
"No I'm not, I'm  asking as a friend"
"I know, I'm ok, lm coping. " the waiter came and took our orders " ohh did l tell you  that l went on a date?" I informed him.  His eyes widened.
"Oh don't be a drama queen, it was long overdue " l took a sip of my water. He cleared his throat
"Are you sure it's a good idea, isn't it too soon,?" I knew he was concerned.
"It's been 7 months, l think it's okay "
"if you say so, ... So who is he"
"My boss "

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