Chapter 25

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I walked back into the apartment 4 hours later. Elijah was sitting on the couch looking at the TV.
" hey" I greeted him.
" back already" he said.
" what's the supposed to mean. ?" I said it a little angrier than I had intended.
" nothing" and he looked back at the TV.
" what's wrong with you?!" I screamed.
" nothing !" he screamed back.
" Elijah, I'm  gonna ask you one last time. What is wrong with you ?" I was really running out of patience.
" Nothing" he answered calmly this time.
" Elijah for the love Of God stop saying nothing!" I bursted.
He stood up and came where I was standing.
" You wanna know what's wrong  with me?" I nodded.
" You are what's wrong with me"
" what did I do?" I looked up at him
" I've waited for you, I've waited...... I know you feel something for me, I know you do. But what do you do, you bring your Boss in my house just to fuck with me." he was breathing fast, I could literally hear his heartbeat from where I was standing. He was mad, at me, he's never been mad at me.
" Elijah" I called him but u was answers by the banging of the front door.
Right then and there I broke down. I let everything out. The anger that I ad held on for so long , the sadness, the hurt, the disappointments, the heartbreak. Everything, I let it out.


Elijah didn't come back that night. I was worried that he was  going to do something stupid. I had never seen him so mad like that. I was worried, I am still worried. And where the he'll is he? I tried to call him , I texted him a million times but he never replied, not even once. How could he do this to me. I called Mathew. He answered in the first ring.
" Daya" his voice alone brought a smile to my face.
" hey Boss" I smiled.
" I prefer Sir" I could feel his smirk . I knew at this moment he was smirking.
" I know, but I don't want to disturb little not so little junior Cole. " and he laughed. Gosh, I really liked him. Am I wanted was yo hear him laugh.
" so why are you calling me and why are you not at work. ?" he asked in a serious tone.
" yeah, I wanted to ask for a day off. im not feeling well and there are things I need to take care of. "
" you mean Elijah?" I sighed out loud.
" Don't do that, he's my friend, my best friend, and he needs me so don't do that right now" wat was it with guys ! I get that they are jealous but really!!?
" will you give me a day off? please" I could feel a headache coming.
" since you asked nicely, yes,but p Ru miss me one thing"
" what"
" you will talk to me, open up to me" his voice was pleading. u knew this hurt him. I knew how much he liked me and how much u liked him. At this stage, we might as well be in a relationship but I refuse to label it.
" OK, thanks " and I hung up. I looked at my phone and it was flashing ,I had a text.  I quickly opened it up.

I'm ok,at work

I released my. breath, I didn't even know I was holding it. At least he is safe , boe I got to do something important before I see him. I took my jacket and went out the door.
I have a feeling the this I'd going to b a long day.


"Hie" I breathed out as she opened the door.
" Come on in" she opened the door wider.
" Beautiful apartment" I commented as I was looking around. " I like the decor" I said while removing my jacket. She laughed nervously.
" I knew you were gonna like it, I don't even know why you didn't go to fashion school" she said as she st down next to me.
" are you kidding, my dad would have my scull on his wall ." we both laughed.
" I missed you Elle" I admitted.
"I missed you too Dee" she said as she pulled me into a hug.
" you look good, really good" I commented.
" thanks" she looked down " I've been Better, taking better care of myself. All thanks to you"
" thank Shauna for that" we fell into a comfortable silence.
" I miss this, us" Elle said breaking the silence " but i know we can't have it because its my fault, I know"she quickly added looking down on her lap.
" You're right, it is your fault, but I IBT think I can stay away from you any longer. " I smiled at her.
" you look like shit" she blurted out.
I laughed.
" yeah, I know, its hard to look ok when someone you love is not talking to you" I said.
" you love someone?" Elle said shifting on her seat. Her face had brightened up.
" yeah, and it sucks " I admitted.
" do I know him?"  she asked. I kept quiet for a minute.
" Elijah" I stated .... " and Mathew I think"
" Two guys?" I nodded " do they know?"
" No,I doubt it"I looked at Elle " what am I gonna do?" tears started flowing down my face. She pulled me into a hug.
" its going to be OK, you will know what to do. "she comforted
" but if I chose one, I will hurt one, I don't want to hurt any of them Elle, I don't want to, and they at such good guys, they at real, they are delicate, I don't want to break their hearts. " she let me cry and rant but she never let go. And she never said a word.


5 pm I was saying good bye to Elle. We had such a good time I had missed her so much.
" I'll call you" she said as we were hugging each other.
I walked down the hallway thinking about my life. How I ended up here. I never thought this was going to be my life. I had it all planned out before. It was going to be perfect. but right now, it was far from perfect.

"Mathew,can I see you after work?" I asked on the phone.
" yes its ok, just tell me what time. " he said.
" anytime is good" I answered
" I'm in my way home right now do if you can come now it would be ok. "
" See you in 20” I said
" This is about us isn't it" he asked. I could here the fear in his voice. and the brought tears in my eyes.
" yes" I answered and then I cut off. 


"Elijah!" I called out as I entered our apartment. "Elijah". I looked around the kitchen and he was not in there. He wasn't in the living room either. It was after 8pm and I knew the he was home. so I heard go the bedroom.
I opened the door without knocking.
" What do you want?" Elijah's voice filled in the room.
" I wanted to talk to you" I said nervously
" so talk" he was lying on the bed while staring at the ceiling. I went over and sat in the corner of the bed.
" Mathew and I .... mm "
" just spit I out!" he yelled.
" Elijah what's the problem with you? I'm trying to tell you something.
, its hard for me and you are just making it worse!" I yelled back.
we both took our time to breathe.
"Anyway, I wanted to tell you that ,I broke things off with Mathew and I quit the job, I think I went to quickly anyway. "
"oh" he said.
" and I'm moving out, " with tat he stood up quick.
"where are you going to stay, your parent's?" he asked in a rush.
"No, Elle,"
"Yes,I just need time space from both of you. I need my space to think." he looked down. I stood up and walked to the door. I'm going to come pack my stuff tomorrow morning. I will be out before you get back from work. " he looked up to me with sad eyes. I don't want to leave him but I have to be strong. I need this.
"And  I love you, don't ever forget that." and I closed the door.

The End.

So guys this is the end. My first novel is finished.
I can't believe it.
Thank you for the support I couldn't have do e this without you.
I love you all.
And please please for the last time don't forget to vote and comment. please comment.
I'm thinking of making a sequel of this novel. you know. write Moving on 2. But I cant do that without you.
please tell me what you think.

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