Opening Night.

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I paced back and forth in my dressing room . You got this Tianna girl. I was so nervous I couldn't think straight. I'm not sure where this anxiety was coming from. I sat down and took a few deep breaths. I closed my eyes and tried to take some of the edge off. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.
"You got this babe. Just relax I gonna be with you the whole way."
His words soothed me my breathing became normal again.
"We gonna go out there and rock them bébé after this tour everybody gonna know who Tianna Leshonne is."
"You think ?"
"I know so you amazing cherie and anyone who non realize that is crazy."  He said as he kissed my forehead.
I felt like I could conquer the world now. I stood up and sashayed my way to the door.
"Thank you baby."
"You know I got you girl." He smiled
I stood in position waiting to make my entrance on stage. Once I stepped into the light my alter ego took over. She was in rare form tonight. Once the twins were introduced the crowd went wild. They performed a couple of their songs afterwards they joined the dancers. Larry grabbed the mic it was time to perform our duet.
As he's famously known for saying he looked out into the crowd and said "You not ready."
The crowd went bananas
The music began to play for the song we wrote together. I sung like my life depended on it. You could hear my soul in this song. My emotions began to take over giving the song a more dramatic feel as tears rolled down my cheeks. Looking out at the crowd there wasn't a dry eye as far as I could see. When the song was done. The crowd exploded in applause. It was an amazing feeling. Larry, Laurent and Jason had decided to live stream the performance of the song. It received tremendous amounts of views. Larry was right if they didn't know who I was then they knew who I was now.
I was on the highest cloud in the sky. After the concert I sat in my dressing room personally going over the comments on my song I was going to answer each and every one myself. My fans deserved it. For every city we visited there were two concerts and two Les Twins workshops. I made it my business to show up at every single workshop as the twins showed up at every single concert. I owed them at least that much. I was more confident than I have ever been and it showed.
"Larry you must be laying some serious pipe cause since she been with you she hasn't stopped smiling and you can really see her coming out her shell."
"Yeah I agree the notes she was hitting tonight was amazing." Laurent added.
"I non do nothing that no man shouldn't already be doing for his woman."  Larry said
I was on my way back to the table and the guys were deep in conversation.
"Hey what you guys talking about?"
"Nothing." All three said in unison.
"Mmmhmm." I laughed as I sat back down.
I sat there thinking about the three most important people in my life. They all played different parts but all just as important. Jason has been there with me forever my highs and my lows. Laurent is just amazing always encouraging me to reach higher always my protector and I love him for that. Then there's Larry my sun my moon my stars my everything. He loved me even when I couldn't love myself. He saw beauty in my darkness and brought light back into my life. I love him more then words could ever express. I smiled to myself. I was broken out of my thoughts by his lips meeting mine.
"Mmmm what was that for?"
"Have I ever needed a reason to kiss them sexy lips."
"Come dance with me bebe."
"Mmm yes Daddy."
"Ooop" Laurent laughed.
"Y'all behave out there." Jay laughed.
"Ha them never behave."
We walked to the dance floor hand in hand he pulled me close to him tugging on my bottom lip with his teeth."
"Mmmm yummy" I said as he pulled back.
"You better stop teasing me before Daddy have for teach you some act right."
I smiled "you promise."
"You know it ma cherie."
We danced into the the early morning then finally retired to our hotel. This by far has been the best night ever.

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