Let Me Make Love To You

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"You okay?" Larry asked.
I sat gazing into the night as we drove to home.
"I'm fine." I lied. Deep inside I was still pissed.
He pulled my face to where I was looking at him.
"You say that but is never true. You non trust me with you feelings?"
I took a deep breath and gazed back out the window.
"I think I'm fucked up I mean mentally."
"I non understand."
"When I fought Lau's girlfriend I was sexually aroused by the pain I was causing her to the point where I almost had an orgasm. Who does that?"
Larry thought for an minute taking in all I just said.
"I non think you fucked up I think you different you feel things different. Us have very dark sides to us. Is nothing wrong with that. I think that's why us are so attracted to each other. Why us can't be away from each other for too long because we bring out the best and the worst in each other."
It was my turn to take in what he was laying down. I never thought of it that way. I was deep in my thoughts when my phone rang it was Laurent I really did feel bad about beating up his girlfriend but she started it.
" Hello."
"I calling for apologise."
"I know you try hard not to hit her she ask for it."
"No need to apologize Lau you can't control others actions."
"I know but thought I should still."
"Is she okay?"
"I non know she broke up with me and caught a uber home."
"Awe I'm sorry Lau."
"I not I just wanted to get in her pants anyways and truthfully the sex was whack. Tell mon frère to call me when he get a chance."
"Ohhh too much information Lau" I laughed "And I'll definitely let him know."
I hung up the phone and continued to gaze at the night sky something about the darkness always have a soothing effect on me.
We pulled up in the driveway. Larry has an issue with me getting out of the car before he opens the door for me so I sat and waited for him to open it. I stepped out of the car shoes and purse in hand my clothes ripped my hair all over the place. To look at me you would think I got my ass whooped not the other way around. Larry opened the front door and I entered. I sat my shoes down and flopped on the couch. Larry went to the linen closet and grabbed a wash cloth. He wet it and wiped my face. His intense stare made me look away.
"I non like it when you fight Tee-Tee."
"I know but she asked for it baby."
"You mess up my beautiful face and that's a no no."
He always knew what to say to make me blush.
He stepped in the bathroom and ran a bath.
"Tonight I want us to do something different."
"I not want to fuck you rough I want to make love to you. I want to fuck you physically and mentally. I want to not just make you pussy cum. I want to make you mind cum."
"Yes Daddy."
He helped me undress removing every stitch of fabric slowly kissing my bruised skin. He then let me undress him. It may not seem to be much to other people. But to let someone undress you is giving them trust letting them see you when your most vulnerable. I stepped into the bathtub he got in behind me. I laid my head against his chest hearing the pounding melody from his heart it soothed my busy mind. The touch of his finger tips running through my hair melted the anger in my heart. His soft kisses on my neck made me float into another reality. That place I go where it's just us. I was afraid of what I was feeling for him I don't want to open my heart and let love in again but it was forcing it's way back in at an alarming rate suffocating me into submission. Larry had the keys to my heart he just didn't know it.
"What's going on in that beautiful head?" He whispered.
His warm breath caused my kitten to start purring with delight. She loved the sound of his voice and so did I.
"I'm just enjoying our bath." I smiled leaning back against him. He continued to nibble on my shoulder.
"I love you smile bebe." He smiled and pulled my face closer to his kissing me ever so gently. "You get more beautiful every day mon amour."

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