>The flip side<

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Hey! I know I said this last chapter but thank you so much for all the reads and votes I'm so happy I literally made this yesterday! Thank you so much!! Anyway as the HDJFH stepped into.. oh wait I've got to use my announcer voice-

The HDJFB steps into your room greeting you like your best friends, you feel like you recognize him but you don't remember him at all. He smiles at you but his eyes glare as if showing you how he will take you apart.

Y: do I know you?

HDJSN: no you don't but my name is Dave it's a dumb name but we use a random name generator for our human name..

Y: okay well why are you here?

Dave: I'm here to give you back your energy.

Y: my energy? Are you a telemarketer?

Dave: No. By energy I mean your Chi the energy that is the fluent that binds all of your powers together.

Y: my powers? And your sure your not a telemarketer?

Dave: yes your powers the ones that you father sealed inside you. You've had the flashbacks haven't you the visions?


You are standing there with blurry vision as you see a man with tall spilt horns holding a small baby he chuckles at it before tapping his two fingers against its neck. A small rune glows and then the baby disappears before you wake up sweating..


Y: yes, I have

You murmur under your breath feeling intimidated by the man at this point.

Dave: I can feel your emotions I know your intimidated but I'm literally your spirit guide I'm here to help you not to hurt you so you can calm down.

You nod

Dave: anyways put your to fingers right here on your neck,

He places his to fingers on his neck to show you where. You follow his movement and nothing happens.

Dave: hmm seems like he locked it more, follow my words. 

       Arskath es enchanteth.

You repeat the words and then feel like a weight falls off your shoulders and you feel like your light as a feather.

Dave: you feel it don't you? That's the simplest thing in your arsenal. It's called feather your as light as a feather but you fall at a normal speed also you can jump high it's weird but I don't create magic so don't ask me.

Dave: anyway I'm not supposed to be here so call or whimper when you need me good luck..

His body starts to vibrate while losing its color and fading away.

He disappears so you jump up out of bed flying up and hitting the ceiling. You smack your head and a bolt of pain flys through you.

Y: Well this will be hard to get used to.

You fall down to the ground and run over to the door slamming it. You look down and see a note.

       Asmeret las vodas

Y: spell?

You pick up the note and study it not finding an exact point of interest you set it down on your desk before running out to the deck.

You take in a fresh gulp of air and let it out. You don't feel tired anymore which is a surprise because your always tired.

You squat down and count

Y: 3.
Y: 2.
Y: 1.
Y: We have lift off

You jump into the air pushing as hard as you can. You soar through it like an eagle or a hawk. You land on top of a building and run for a second keeping your momentum
Before launching off the building soaring through the air again.

Eventually you land on the ground without any restraint. You are in the middle of no where so you turn around and start to walk back, before you come to a realization

Y: oh shit I have school tomorrow.

-Eater Of Galaxys- The strongest devil's son~ Highschool DXD x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now