Duel with Mr.Chicken!

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I laugh a bit and turn to see Riser flying straight for me with his fist pulled back. Without thinking I throw up my arm and grab his wrist, I jump out of the way and twist it while elbowing him in the stomach. He flies into a hill and makes a huge dent, rubble falls and I smile, "Trying to catch me off guard huh Mr. Chicken?" He walks out of the rubble "At least you realize I'm superior enough to call me MISTER!" He yells and two big fire wings shoot out of his back. He shoots forward and swings a punch at me, I dodge but out of nowhere another punch hits me. I fly backward into some ruble and break through it. 'Just one punch! He's stronger then he caches on...'
I stand up only to meet Riser's fist again. Punching me into the ground, I groan and I feel blood trickle from my mouth. I start to stand up and catch Riser's fist. His other fist extends but I apparate Ex-Ex——- [EXCALIBUR RX] "W-WHAT TH-" Riser connects his fist and it sends me flying backward. I stand up [L-L-L-L-L-LEV-LEVEL UP] a ping comes up with a pop up screen, "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" I yell and I feel power flow through me "My powers are fully restored!" I yell and a smirk spreads across my face

Due to observation +1 Int

Name: Y/N L/N
Title: Eater Of Galaxys
Fame: Demonic Valkyrie
LvL: 82
EXP: 80%
STR: 69

My smirk widens "[Dark Swarm]" Black energy shoots from my hand and fifty giant shadow bats fly through the air and dive into Riser. I simply turn around and a pair of glasses appears in my hand and I put them on
An explosion echos through the air. I smile and high five Kiba.


I exit the dorm of the ORC clubroom, I leave the gate of the school and start walking slowly until I find a big apartment building. I shrug and enter. 'I should try to see if I could get a new skill from my skill tree..' I think "Stats" I say and after a ping! A pop up screen appears. I reach down and press the [Skill Tree] icon and the world crumbles around me. I am in what looks like the dimensional gap, There is a big nebula floating and four branches shooting off in different directions. They say [Combat Arts] [Magic Arts] [Intellect] [Telepathic Arts] I instantly know my decision I reach out and Telepathic arts lights up the nebula pulses and shoots out to the side covering the [Telepathic Arts] section. All of a sudden I get a grinding headache and I feel power flow through me. My eyes glow blue for a second and then the gap crumbles and I am standing outside of the apartments again. I head inside and see a woman at a desk. She has black hair and is wearing a suit, She has a decent bust size and a light undershirt. I smile as I walk up to her. "Hello miss I would like a room." I say placing my hand on the table, she looks up and smiles. She pulls out a key "Room 252, but that will be 25 dollars every month and 50 now." I smile and lean in towards her "No actually that will only be 5 dollars now." Her eyes swirl blue "N-No sir actuall-" I place my lip against hers and she doesn't resist at all. I pull away and she smiles. "Now here's your money." I say and hand her five bucks. She smiles and hands me the room key. I take it and head up to my apartment. I flop down on the bed "Stats." I say and after a small ping! A pop up screen appears. I press the [Level Skills] button and all my skill points disappear, my skills all instantly raise to 120. I smirk "*clicks tounge* Noice." I say to myself and chuckle, 


I am currently sitting in the ORC clubroom with everybody except Rias. The doors open and she walks in, I smile and she smiles back at me "Okay everybody. Today we are going on a field trip!" she says and everybody cheers "Buchou where are we going?" Issei asks, "We are going to the familiar forest?" I say and raise an eyebrow and Rias nods "Y/N is correct. We are going to the fam-" She is interrupted by the doors swinging open "Familiar forest?" Sona Sitri says as she and her whole peerage walks inside. "Yes thats correct." Rias says and lowers her eyebrows "We where just about to leave." Rias says and Sona shakes her head "Mada mada" A/N: "Mada mada" is a japenese term that means "No good." "We where just about to leave and as we know the caretaker only takes one peerage every month." Sona says "So then you will have to wait." Rias remarks glaring at Sona "Actually I beleiv-" Sona starts but I interrupt her "How about we have a sports game winner gets to go." I say and Sona nods. "Sounds good to me." She says followed by Rias saying the same thing. "Woah Saji you're a devil now?" Issei asks and he smirks and raises his head "Yep, AND I took FOUR pawn slots haha!" but Sona simply karate chops him on the head "Next time you're going to boast make sure you know everything, Issei took 7 pawn slots." She says and Saji pouts "IM SOOORRY!" He yells and runs away


The first game is tennis, I am a sub for Rias' team. Currently playing are Rias, Akeno, Issei, Saji, Sona, and Tsubaki. They start with normal hits until Rias releases her aura. I am currently doing pull ups on the broken part of the fence and all I hear is 




Followed by a SMACK! And Issei groaning. I walk into the court and take the racket. Sona throws up the ball and smacks it. It lights afire and flies straight towards me. My normal instinct is to jump away but I fight it and swing my racket the rope breaks but I place an air pressure wall and the ball hits it and flies straight toward Saji. He dives out of the way and we win. Everybody cheers and I drop my racket "Let us move on.." I groan, 

Second Game! DODGEBALL

We are now playing dodgeball. this time everybody is in. "3. 2. 1. GO!" we all yell and I disappear  and reappear in the air with a ball. I chuck it and it hits Tsubasa who was picking up a ball. I fall down and land one foot on the ground and thenm do a backflip while grabbing two balls and dodging five. I land and throw one ball which hit Bennia in the face, I jump back and then FOOM SMACK! Another groan from Issei "MY FAMILY JEWL!" He cries and I hold in my laugh. He gets escorted off the court and then I realize it's only me, Saji, Tsubaki, and Sona. "Outmatched haha!" Saji laughs but I smirk and look down. "Mana Swarm." I say aloud and five balls lift up around me like Zenyatta They all glow black and I lift my head and wave "Bye bye!" The balls spin around and I throw my hand forward shooting all the balls SMACK SMACK SMACK! I hear and all of them are out. Saji pouts and Sona walks closer to me and sticks out her hand "Good game." she smiles. "You too." I say and I turn to all my teammates. "So familiar forest then?" 


Word Count: 1290!

-Eater Of Galaxys- The strongest devil's son~ Highschool DXD x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now