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"We don't want to kill anybody, know do we?"

Y/N's head turns, he is completely frozen in mid air, with his sword slashed down, but not hitting his target. No. Instead, there is a man, with white hair, holding the blade of Y/N's sword, blood drips from the mans hand, surprisingly his hand isn't completely off.

"let go of my sword."

"What was that?"

The man asks, as he cups his ear to hear Y/N.

"I said; Let. Go. Of. My. Fucking. Sword."

The man lets go of Y/N's sword, the second he does, Y/N flips around and puts the sword to the mans neck. The man puts his hands up.

"Didn't I just say we don't wanna kill anyone?"

He laughs loudly, Y/N squints at him.

'Is he insane? He's about to lose his life, and he is laughing?'

The man jumps backwards and lands on the ground with a spin.

"Obviously, you don't know who I am brother."

Y/N slashes his sword sideways, There is a slashing sound, then a thud of the "God"s head who was about to attack him.

"Hey man! I said we weren't killing anybody!"

Y/N rolls his eyes.

"You call me brother?"

The man nods towards Y/N.

"The name is; B/N(brothers name) L/N."

"L/N? So you are my brother?"

The man nods and bows.

"Pleasure to finally meet you, brother."

Y/N bows back, if this person wasn't extremely strong, and hold many physical resemblances towards Y/N, he would've killed them on the spot.


Y/N finally relaxes on the couch in his house. He clutches the sides of his head and leans his head back. He looks up at the ceiling and groans.

"Something the matter darling~?"

Waibi purrs as her raccoon body elongates into a human one.

"Not now Waibi."

I sit up and push her off of me.

"I need to cool my mind."

I walk out to the deck of my apartments.

New quest!
Defeat the ArchAngel attacking the city.

An archangel has fallen from heaven, and is enraged and taking it out on the human city.

"Perfect timing."

Black fire sprouts from my forehead, forming two large horns. My hair blows to the side, as it turns white. And finally, more black fire sprouts from my tail bone, creating a long tail made of fire. I shoot up off of my deck, and into the air. I smirk, as I begin to talk to myself.

"Wings are for pussies."

I spiral through the air, until I stop my momentum in the sky above the clouds. The bright moon hits the side of my body, casting a large shadow over the city below.


A screen appears showing a little white cursor as me. A read cursor appears right on the edge of the city.


I roll my arm back, and point my chest forward.

"Black demon punch."

The clouds behind me burst into rings due to the enormous amount of wind shooting off of my body, as I burst forward through the air. An aura generates around me as I rip through the air, black flames trail my now ignited fist.


The archangel, which appear in my vision, has short white hair, and is wearing a fancy robe with golden markings. Golden lightning explodes from his hands, to try to stop me, whom he saw from the corner of his vision. By the time he's ready for me, my fist is in front of his face.

"Not a chance."

My fist hits his face, sending him flying backwards into a wall, and not just a wall. He breaks through the wall, and many others, until his momentum finally stops.

"Woo! Thirty buildings! New record!~"

I see him start to stand up, and I smirk, the smirk opens, and turns into a full toothed smile, with a single burst of speed, I appear before the angel. Wind that was trailing me hits him like a wrecking hammer. But he holds his ground.

"You're weak."

I scoff.

"Really? Cuz I thought I punched you through multiple buildings."

He glares at me.

"Do you think your funny?"

My smile widens, then suddenly my fist is in front of his face.

"No. I think I'm hilarious."

My fist hits him, not through buildings this time. Instead I punch him into the ground, creating a large crater. I look down at him, he is pointing his hand up at me, and golden lightning shoots out of them.

"I'm not too good at this yet. But here you go!"

I throw my hand forward, and a portal appears. The lightning all goes through it, and another portal opens in front of him. The lightning shoots out of the portal, hitting him with his own magic.

"You know my own magic won't hurt me."
"That wasn't the point."

The lightning goes away, clearing his vision. And all he sees is me, with my two hands pointing towards him, fists clenched.

"Black shotgun."

Purified black mana shoots out of my fists, hitting him head on.


You've completed the quest!
10,000 credits
Angels Blessing

"Angels blessing?"

Angels Blessing
A blessing which increases HP regeneration by 50%

"Fifty percent? Woo."

Words: 883

Hey guys! Sorry for the break and late updates. I'm sorry to keep you all waiting, I've just had a hard time lately and haven't been able to write much. Anyways, I love you all, bye!

-Eater Of Galaxys- The strongest devil's son~ Highschool DXD x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now