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Once upon a time there was a little girl named little red riding hood she

*Assistant comes and whispers in ear*

"Oh wrong story sorry!"


She puts down a hand and helps me up,

I realize them I'm completely naked... I instantly jump back and hit my head on the ceiling.

She chuckles and looks at me.

"Here's my number call me when you need me" She says handing me a slip of paper

"I don't have a phone.." I say looking down towards the ground

"Yes you do!" She says handing me a flip phone

"It's not much but you can text and call." She says smiling

"K bye now!" She says as a magic circle appears under me and I'm transported back to the human realm.

"Y/N are you okay!?!" Issei yells as I sit up,

"Oh thank god I was talking to you and you just passed out!" He says relieved that I'm okay.

"Anyway come on I can't take all day!" He says as he grabs my hand and we start to run


We get to a giant mansion

"Here's my house!" He yells gesturing to the big thing.

"And this is the part where you mean that house, right?" I ask gesturing to a smaller house

"Nope this one is mine and I got you a room no more apartment!" He yells as he pulls me inside.

He shows me my room and all my stuff is in there already.

"And there!" "Your welcome!" He yells as he runs out of the room slamming the door.

I lay down on the bed and sigh

I snuggle up against the pillow the first decent one in forever.

I shut my eyes but I still see the light coming through the blinds, I put up my hand and wave at the light as it disappears.

I sit up suddenly surprised. The blinds are shut!

I run out of the room and turn around to shut the door but I stop suddenly,

I wave my hand at the door wanting to close it and it slams shut!

"Holy Shit!" I yell as Issei runs out of his room,

"What is happening??" He yells at me

I wave my hand at his door and it shuts behind him,

He looks at the door then back at me then the door again.

"Honestly I don't care very much but cool for you!" He says before turning and walking back into his room

I look at home and back at my hand and chuckle,

I decide to go for a walk so I go out the front of the building being stopped by Irina.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asks

"Oh just a walk would you like to come?" I ask her and she looks taken aback

"Sure Sure! yes I'll come give me a minute!" She practically yells running up the stairs


Irina walks down the stairs with a belly shirt small shorts and big boots practically naked,

She walks out the door and turns around to talk to me "Hey I had something I wanted to ask you.."

"Oh what is though pondering?" I say in a weird accent,

"I know all of us I mean the girls have a crush on Issei but.. I don't, I like you come to think of it," she giggles at herself before looking back up to me in with big eyes,

"Maybe will you consider.. being my boyfriend?.." She asks looking down at her toes considerately,


-Eater Of Galaxys- The strongest devil's son~ Highschool DXD x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now