Is this guy a fuck?

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Awwwww my god thank you guys so much for all of the support I have been getting lately! Like 30k reads is insane. Anyway as promised here is a SPECIAL CHAPTER! K peace,

3rd Person POV

Tap tap tap tap "You runt!" A man yells, he has a buzz cut with blonde hair and a tattered cloth around his waist, He looks to be chasing after another man jumping through the trees who is wearing a cloak and holding many juels.


All of the ORC is on the helltrain as I like to call it. We are currently going to the familiar forest. Of course like most things I sort of have an idea for the familiar I want. Ding! "Now arriving st Familiar Forest." Ding! The train slows down and comes to a stop and to doors slide open. "Alright everybody follow Akeno!" Rias says S Akeno stands up and walks out the doors followed by everyone. I get up slowly and walk near the back of the line, we keep walking until we reach a big forest. We continue walking inside until we find a man sitting in a tree. "Hello travelers! It is thee the Familiar Master is me!" He greets us and shifts his position in the tree. "Does He only speak in rhymes?" Issei whispers to Rias and she simply nods. "Come on now children familiars to see, so come come on and follow me." He rhymes again and leaps off the tree. He lands perfectly then starts walking, A/N considering they never really use familiars in the show I didn't think we need to come up with some way for Asia to get her dragon. As we walk we see some green thing and all of a sudden it- A/N I'm not writing this part sorry.

Time Skipuu!

All the girls restored their clothes Issei got a good punch and I walked away. As I am walking I hear a crunch followed by scampering then a small white and black furry thing runs across the path,
"Whatever you are to do, don't stray off the path everything there will see you too." I remember the Familiar Master saying. I shake my head and run into the first following the scampering until I get tackled. I feel hands in my pocket but I kick up a foot and dig my heel into someone back knocking them off me. I stand up and see a boy looking about 14 standing there putting on a cloak. "Uhh," He stammers Issei walks up to me somehow knowing where I was. "Is this guy a fuck?"
I nod "I think so." We watch him fall and trip as he tries to put on his cloak. He finally gets it on and I spot the raccoon. I run after it until I find it in a tree. "What's wrong why don't you like me?" I pout at the raccoon and it looks at me for a second then turns. "You knoooow I'm magic right?" It doesn't even flinch so I reach two fingers into my forehead and swipe. A small drop of blood drips and I put it on my finger. "{Blood Seal} Force partnership!" I yell and a rad magic circle explodes out of my fingers and flies forward hitting the raccoon. It turns and its eyes light up red before going back. It purrs and jumps onto my shoulder it walks around and sits. I smile and walk away meeting up with the group. Issei is sad and I got a Familiar. Although the man is still.. "AAAAAHH!" Somebody yells and I turn to see him tackling me. I jump out of the way and he lands face first into the ground. Without any warning he disappears with an odd high pitches sound. I feel a hush of wind behind me and turn to see him in the air with two fingers on his forehead "Instant transmission!" He yells before spinning and kicking me in the face. I fly to the side and slam into a tree. He lands on the ground,

Motoku Forush
Fame: 4th wall breaker
Age: 15
LvL: 32
Stats: ???

I grunt and stand up, "what the fuck was that?" I ask and he simply shrugs. "I was testing you. Being the main character I'd figured you'd be more powerful." He smirks and pulls a chair out of nowhere and sits down. "Main character?" I ask raising an eyebrow "forget it." He stands up and slings an arm around my shoulder "the name is Motoku, wasup." He smiles "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N." I tell him. He bows his head, "well what are we waiting for let's get outta here." He smiles and starts to walk away.


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