The Highest Order

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"It's about time, don't you think?"

The large man in tattered cloth, with a bow strung across his back, and a large dagger on his hip nods.

"It is."

The two men who where until just now sitting on large thrones, One made of bones, the other made of animal hide.

"God of death, Hanus." (Hay - Ness)

"God Of The Hunt, Aperul." (Ah - Pair - rule)

The two mean stand up. The turn and start to walk down the large corridor to their left.

. . .

"They are commmiing.. "


Y/N asks, as he hears a soft voice.

" Watch out, Y/N.. "

Y/N lowers his head.

"The Highest Order, you mean?"

" That is correct.. "

Y/N lifts up his head, now looking at the girl with long light blue hair.

"I'll be careful."

She giggles, she turns and walks into the shadows of the alleyway next to Y/N.
Y/N shakes his head.

'How am I going to fight a whole corp of gods?'

Y/N rubs his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just have to train, but for now. I need some sleep."

Y/N pulls the keys to his car out of his pocket, he unlocks it and enters the car. He plops down into the drivers seat and starts the car.



The pleasant sound of the electric engine starting up fills the car. Y/N smiles, he puts his foot on the gas and the car starts to move, silently down the road.

. . .

"Ya, my sun flower~"

Y/N hums along as he nears his apartment. He turns the wheel and pulls into the parking garage.

"Home again, home again."

Y/N pulls the keys from the ignition, he steps out of the car, not having to unbuckle his belt cuz he a rebel. The second the door shuts Y/N leaps into the air.


Y/N's surprised face looks down.

You have detected bloodlust.

"Trying to kill me so soon?"

A large man, at least 12 feet tall, with his fist smashed into the ground looks upward at Y/N. He has completely red eyes, and pale white skin, messy black hair and a disturbed face.

"I guess your stronger then we thought."

Y/N lands on the ground and turns around, there is another man, slightly less tall then the other, he is wearing a leather cloth and a bow slung across his back. He is twirling a dagger around in his finger.

"So? We gonna do this?"

Before he can finish a bone shoots from the ground, nearly impaling Y/N. Y/N quickly dodges, the second he does another arrow flies past his face.

"Playing dirty are we?"

Y/N's muscles bulge, His legs and arms grow longer, horns of plasma shoot from his head and his shirt rips and falls off.

"Now this is more like it."

Y/N cracks his neck, he bends his knees.

"Come at me."





The ground cracks and shakes as fire boils up from the new ravine in the ground. Fire shoots up in a column, a figure can be distinguished. The fire fades away, a man, probably in his twenty's, is floating where the fire was. He has Snow White hair, and crystal blue eyes.

"Oh, brother! Where are you?"

The man lands on the ground, standing at about two meters tall, he makes his way through the street, every time his foot hits the ground, the street around it cracks.

"Have you seen my brother?"

The man grabs a woman off of the sidewalk by her collar.

She shakes, and her body trembles.

"Oy oy, am I THAT scary?"

He snarls and tosses the girl to the side. He continues down the street.



A fist slams into Y/N's forearm. Y/N's foot swings and hits the man in the side of the head.

"This is lame, you guys are the highest order, and you haven't even hit me right yet."

Y/N places his hand on his hip, and jumps out of the way as a pale fist slams into the ground. Y/N lands on the ceiling and puts his hands together.


A white ball appears in Y/N's hand. A beam shoots from it, the white beam hits the large pale man like a truck. Slamming him into the wall at the end of the room. The ceiling collapsed from above, and falls on top of the skeleton man. Y/N falls to the ground and dusts himself off.

"Well then, I guess I'll be on my-"

A red arrow rips through the air towards        Y/N's head, Y/N's smirk doesn't fade, he swings his hand and catches the arrow. The second it makes contact with his hand, it explodes, throwing Y/N into a large stone barrier.

Y/N pushes himself off the barrier, his smirk now faded, a flame ignites in his eyes as he stares at the large man with a bow pulling it back towards him, he has a cut across his forehead, and blood leaking down most of his body. The arrow flies forward again, Y/N doesn't move, he stands silently, watching the arrow as it soars. Right as the arrow reaches Y/N, he leaps into the air, the arrow hits the remains of the stone barrier, and explodes.

"You... bitch..."

Y/N is launched forward at an alarming speed, the mans eyes as he guards his companion whom is still standing up. Y/N's body twists, he spins through the air, a sword appears in the air, floating in front of the large man. Y/N, who has now reached him, grabs the handle and slashes down.






-Eater Of Galaxys- The strongest devil's son~ Highschool DXD x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now