"Sacred Arts"

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"Shall we start?" Aura asks but before I can awenser the room falls apart and we are in a completely black room that has perfectly good lighting but no ceiling nor walls just a perfectly lighted perfectly black area.

"To start we are in what's called "The Void" it is a place where time doesn't pass also this place can instantly regenerate your Mana whenever it lowers." She explains

She takes a deep breath before continuing "I'm about to teach you something barely anyone knows." "The only people that know this are the ones who are "Blessed" meaning they are capable of wielding the power of God or Satin your father was blessed and so was your mother making you one of the strongest things alive if you learn this." She pauses.

"So what is it?" I ask

She snaps back and looks at me "someone else is her and barely anyone knows how to get here. But for some reason I can't see them.."

I hear a distant clapping "god job Aura I knew your -Awareness- skill is higher then all the other and even with my highest leveled camo you can still sense me bravo" a figure appears out of thin air color fades in and I can see him clearly he is about my age with white hair and red eyes.

I hear a distant clapping "god job Aura I knew your -Awareness- skill is higher then all the other and even with my highest leveled camo you can still sense me bravo" a figure appears out of thin air color fades in and I can see him clearly he is ...

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"Anyway who's your little friend?" He asks pointing towards me

"Oh only the upcoming strongest devil Y/N    L/N" Aura says smirking

"Ooh, Mr. L/N it's such a pleasure to meet you" he laughs hysterically as he bows and praises me.

Aura laughs as well "Y/N this is my best friend Exis ( ecks- is) he is also a fallen angel."

"Ahh," I sigh "but what did you mean bye
-awareness- skill?" I ask

"And that's what I was going to explain if this idiot didn't show up" Aura punches Exis in the arm.

"Anyways.. To start we have to go back a while to when the "Big Bang" happened. Before that actually, how it happened was there were two gods that lived in unison. 1. God and 2. Satin but one day a man appeared out of nowhere he had no eyes and long arms. He always would wear a coat and one day he used its power past its extent. Now you may say that god and satin have limitless power but that's not true." She takes a deep breath "god has the power of Holly Light well satin had the power of Unrelenting Darkness. But the other god had the power of Asmattor it is the power to control anything basically anything is at your will. One day he created something named 'Pixel' it is a vast land that has whatever you imagine. One day he decided to stretch his power even further and created what he named Pixel Cubes. They are little cubes that have runway embedded into them, when a Blessed touches one the rune is burned onto the back of their hand and they have 1 quarter of the power of him."

Exis cuts In "yep, and you happen to be a blessed and so are we and we have this power. You know what a video game is right?" He asks

I nod my head "good that's what Pixel is when humans first created video games a small area opened in Pixel and then more and more and more areas opened every time a game came out. And basically the pixel cube grants you the power to live as if you where in a MMORPG game." He explains

A big bag materializes in front of Aura and she reaches into it pulling out a small black and purple cube.

She reaches it out to me. "Here take it.." you reach your hand out and touch the cube it practically explodes and you lose consciousnesses...

Hey guys!! It's me obviously and I hope your enjoying the book so far. This chapter and here on will be tilted to the side from the original story line I was going for because of @Drexhuntercross he made a book highschool DXD x Gamer that I'm really enjoying in no means am I trying to copy him/her it will not be the same book it was just slightly influenced. That's it anyway bye!!

-Eater Of Galaxys- The strongest devil's son~ Highschool DXD x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now