Chapter Thirty One

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Y/n gasped and rushed outside. There was an explosion across the street, where Boxmore was. She saw Boxman, Raymond, Shannon, and Darrel stumbling towards them.

"Y/n! Oh, it was so terrible! All my hard work, gone! I don't know what happened! I was just sitting in my office when--" Boxman was cut off.

"Woah, woah, woah. What happened? Why did your factory blow up?" Y/n asked.

"We don't know. We were just waiting for something to do when the entire building suddenly blew up. We barely made it out." Raymond answered.

"You don't know what happened? Was anyone experimenting with anything?" Y/n asked.

"No. Nobody was working. We don't know how it happened." Boxman said. Y/n looked down, thinking.

"We'll look around, try to find out what happened." She said. She walked past Boxman and the robots, making her way to the building.

"Wait for us, Y/n!" KO called as he, Enid, and Rad followed.

"We're coming, too!" Boxman said as he followed Y/n. "After all, it's my factory."

"Right... Well, come on, everyone. I don't have all day. I've still gotta find Y/t/n." Y/n said as she led everyone across the road. They approached the burnt factory.

Bits of it were on fire, and most of it was completely obliterated. The walls were black with soot.

Y/n stepped inside the rubble. There were robot parts everywhere along with debris and fire. She placed her feet on the ground, hearing the crunch of glass as she walked.

"This is gonna take forever for you to fix..." Y/n said.

"If possible..." Boxman added.

Y/n found a spiraling staircase barely intact leading to an underground room. She began walking down it carefully, making sure not to fall.

She reached the bottom, and saw the familiar room from before. The large orb that held glorbs was now shattered completely, everything that was once in it gone.

Y/n found a trail of green slime leading to another room. She followed the ooz until she reached a room that was completely ruined. It was worse than any of the other rooms. It was pretty much all gone except for the few objects littering the ground and the walls barely standing higher than Y/n.

"Huh..." She picked up a grey orb. It had a large crack in it, and seemed to have speckles of the green ooz inside it. "This must be what a dead glorb looks like..."

"Y/n?" Someone called for her in the distance.

"Down here!" Y/n shouted back. A moment later, KO came running to her.

"What'd you find?" He asked.

"Some dead glorbs..." Y/n answered, not paying attention to him. She was trying to think. Why were these glorbs here?

"Your mother died in a glorb explosion..."

Y/n gasped, connecting the pieces. Someone has broke into the factory, stole the glorbs, experimented with them, and something happened that caused an explosion. But it wasn't just anybody, it was...

"Y/t/n!" Y/n exclaimed. She grabbed KO's shirt, pulling him close. She began whispering. "She's been following me!"

"What?!" KO exclaimed. Y/n shushed him.

"She followed me here yesterday and listened in on me and Dad! She found out that mom died trying to combine turbo energy and glorb energy! She tried to do that! She caused this explosion! She may still be here!" Y/n whispered. KO's eyes widened.

"We have to tell the others." He whispered. Y/n nodded and grabbed his hand, quickly walking out. She looked around the area for anything suspicious as they left.

They walked up the stairs and saw the others talking. The two approached the group.

"We need to leave now." Y/n said. Enid raised an eyebrow.

"Why? We're still looking for the cause of the explosion." She said.

"It was Y/t/n. She's been following me. She found out about my mom and tried to do the same thing as her. She could still be here. We need to leave." Y/n said. The others looked at each other before Enid asked,

"Are you sure?" Y/n nodded. "Well, let's go..."

They began walking back. As they walked back, they saw a crowd had formed in the parking lot. The others, confused, walked over to it. Y/n, KO, Enid, and Rad squished through the crowd. They saw the news reporter Dynamite Watkins talking while being recorded, and the crowd was listening.

"This is Dynamite Watkins, reporting live from the neutral zone. Reports have been coming in from local heroes here that a villain has been going around stealing their powers! It is unknown who the menace is, but victims say that they are most likely a child between the ages 6-11, and wears a black cloak to protect their identity. Warnings are being broadcasted across local radio stations, and people are being warned to stay indoors until the villain is caught. There is no known way of getting their same powers back, and people are starting to believe there is no way of getting them back..."

"Y/t/n." Y/n hissed. KO frowned.

"If she's stealing other people's powers to become stronger, would that mean you're still too weak to fight her?" He asked.

"I just need more glorbs. I can take her. Come on, KO..." Y/n grabbed KO's hand and led him away, walking behind the store. They found the same entrance into the sewer system that would lead to the room filled with glorbs. "You stay right here. I'm gonna get some glorbs. I'm gonna need them."

"Right..." KO mumbled. He watched her walk down the tunnel, disappearing in the darkness.

Y/n found the doors they had sealed shut from last time. She kicked it down with one strong kick. She walked inside and saw all the glorbs floating around.

She collected at least three of them, thinking that since they were very, very strong, she wouldn't need very many.

She walked out, shutting the door again, and made her way back to KO.

"Are you ready?" He asked. Y/n sighed and looked down at the glorbs.

"I'm ready."


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