Chapter 1- Mutation

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My name's Wai Johnson, and I was your normal teenage girl. I really do mean was. One single, stressful moment led to my mutation, changing my life forever. 

Flash back:

After school had finished I found my way back to the parking lot, where my brother Sin was waiting. I climbed into the Black Jeep, and buckled my seatbelt. Sin turned on the radio at full blast and rolled down all the windows, he likes to be that person. I rolled my eyes and watched the scenery go by, soon we were parked outside of another large building. The bell rang and soon enough students came flooding out of the front doors. Sin and I are picking up out younger sister Katie.

"How was school Katie?" I asked.

"It was good, you?"

"Great," she looked at her brother.

"Mine was good too."

As soon as we left the middle school parking lot, we went straight home. None of us like being late, our parents are kind of strict. My father hurt his leg last year and hasn't been able to find work. He now takes his frustrations out on his wife and kids. My mother has two jobs and drinks way too much. 

Sin parked the car and we all went to the front door. When I opened it I saw my father passed out on the couch, surrounded by beer bottles.

"You two go start your homework, I'll clean this up." Sin said.

"Ok, give me your bag. I'll put in your room." I said, holding out my hand.

Sin placed his bag in my hand and started cleaning up. I walked down the hallway and into his room. Placing his bag on his bed, I picked up his sketch book. I loves my brother's sketch book, he's an amazing artist, and his work is mesmerizing. Flipped through the pages looking at each one, taking in every detail. I didn't realize that Sin was standing behind my until he sat down on the bed.

"If you like it that much, keep it. I've filled it anyways." he said.



I hugged my brother and smiled, he didn't usually do these kinds of things. Most of the time, if something was his, he wouldn't give it to anyone, not even to borrow. I hoped off the bed, took my bag and walked to my room.

Opening the door I saw my room just as she left it, her light blue shades drawn, her twin bed made, stuff covering her desk and floor, and a waste paper basket filled to the brim. I threw my bag on the bed and sat on her spiny chair, placing my hands on my face. I feel horrible, there's a feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something bad is going to happen. If only I knew.

I got up and looked in m y closet. There was an extra backpack in there, my brother and sister have one too. We call them running bags, we have them in case something bad happens at home. If we do end up having to leave, we have what we need. Two changes of close (socks, under garments, two shirts, and two pairs of jeans), sneakers, a sweater, a water bottle, food, a tooth brush, tooth paste, and almost three hundred dollars. I worked all through out the summer to earn that money, mowing lawns, and babysitting. It was a lot of work.  All of us are prepared if we need to go on the run, but not mentally. I took the bag down, placed it on my bed, and put Sin's sketch book in it, for some reason I feel that I might need it.

Suddenly a loud slam was heard through out the house. I poked my head out of her door, to see Katie doing the same. Sin was at the end of the hallway looking on the whatever was happening. I walked over to him and put my hand on his arm, Katie soon came over but stayed behind me, peering over my shoulder.

Nora Johnson had just gotten home, and she didn't look pleased. She walked over to her husband who was still passed out, and slapped him across the face. 

He jolted up and yelled, "What the hell was that?!"

They continued to fight, screaming at each other. At some point though, I led Katie back to my room, and we did homework together. Sin stayed at the end of the hallway, he always did this. He wanted to protect his sisters if anything where to happen. 

After a while though it seemed as if our parents had stopped fighting, and soon our mother called our names. Katie and I left my room, and met my mother and brother in the kitchen.

"We're having takeout for dinner what kind do you want?" she asked.

"Pizza please." Sin and I said at the same time.

A smile spread on everyone's faces. Even though Sin and I are a few years apart, and not even related sometimes you would think that we're twins.

"Pizza it is."

-Time Skip-

We had finished the pizza when our parents started fighting again. It had escalated faster than it had before. Plates where broken, and sliver ware was all over the floor. Katie was huddled in the corner of the room, Sin was trying to pull his father off his mom, and I. I was frozen, I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, Sin was punched in the face and thrown off our father. Out father started beating his son, instead of his wife.

I screamed and put my hand out in front of me, like I was asking my father to stop. My eyes turned red, and red like smoke filtered around my hand and fingers. It pushed against my father, causing him to be pushed back. He hit the wall and I ran to my brother.

"What... what did you just do?" Sin asked.

"I don't... I don't.." I started.

"Freak! You're one of those mutant freaks!" my father screamed.

I got up and started at my hands, oh my goodness, I'm a mutant.

My father got to his feet and ran to the phone. he dialed a number, "Hello? Is this sentinel services?" 

My eyes widened. My father's calling the cops on me. I bolted to my room without a second thought and grabbed my running bag off the bed. I put on a sweater, took my glasses case, and my favorite book. I quickly put them in the bag and went towards the door, but someone was blocking it.

"Sin, what are you doing?!" I said frantically.

Sin wrapped me in a large bear hug and whispered, "Be careful, contact me. I want to know when you're safe."

I hugged him back, and he led me to the front door, holding my hand the whole time. Katie hugged me goodbye, but was pulled away by my mother, who was afraid of her daughter. I heard my father talking with the police, my mother's scared mumbles, and my siblings goodbyes. I looked back at my home, and ran out the door.

I took off down the street, and into the woods. Would I ever see my brother and sister again? Probably not, I'm on the run now.

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