Chapter 4- Bus trip

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The ride to Richmond, Virginia was a very long one, but it was even longer when the bus was stopped at a check point. One sentinel services agent came up on the bus, and checked everyone's ID. When he came to the back and was with me, I gave him my name. He was about to say something into his walkies talkie when I stopped him. I used my powers to stop him, my eyes and hands still lit up red but this time it was different. This time it was like I looked into his head and made him do things. I made him think that Savannah Clark was my real name. So he got up and left with no problem, and we were on our way to Richmond. 

Nothing to eventful happend after that, it was mostly me sleeping, eating, looking out the window, and using the bathroom. A few more people did join the bus, one of them sat near me. She has short blond hair, blue eyes, and you could tell that she was troubled.

After hours on that bus it finally stopped in Richmond. I got off the bus and sighed, 'I need a place to sleep,' I thought. I went inside the building to the bus station and looked at a few of the leaflets. Two of them I noticed are the two most popular motels in the town. I took both of the leaflets and left to the City Motel. It was close by, that's why I decided to spend a few nights there first. I arrived outside the motel and took a deep breath, 'I can't stay here to long, but as long as I can.' I walked inside and went up to the front desk, there was no one there so I rang the bell. Soon enough though an older woman came through the back door.

"How may I help you today?" she asked.

"I'd like to book a room for two." I said.

"Of coarse, how long will you be staying?" she asked turning towards the computer.

"My mother and I will be staying for a week." I said.

"Of coarse. That will be $150."

I handed her the money and she left me alone for a few moments. Son she came back with a set of keys.

"Here are your keys, it's room number 208. Second floor." she smiled.

"Thank you." I said walking out the door.

I walked up the stairs and down the hallway that leads to my room. When I got to the door I put my key in the lock and went inside. Once inside I locked the door again, plopped by bag on the floor, and collapsed on the bed. 

"I need money." I spoke aloud.

I sat up looking at my surroundings. it wasn't bad, but I'm not the biggest fan of orange, brown, and red. To my right there's a window, and to my left there's another bed, and a door. Getting up off the bed I grip the door handle and open it. It's a brown bathroom. Great. I walk back into the main room and sit once more on the bed. I take the remote for the TV off the nightstand and turn it on. I immediately go to the News, I need to know if they're saying anything about me. Soon enough I find what I'm looking for.

"Thanks Ron, now onto a very disturbing story. Two days ago a young mutant girl attacked her family. Her name's Wai L. Tyler, if you see her please contact the police. She has blond hair, and was last seen wearing a black hoodie, dark blue jeans, and a white shirt. Our sources tell us that her foster family and her were done eating dinner when it happened. She used her mutant abilities and attack her foster father Hank Johnson. After that she ran to diner were later that night she took out a whole squad of sentinel service agents. Please is you see this girl call 911." Finished the news caster. On the screen now was me with blond hair, and myself wearing contacts. 

'This is great, just great. Now everyone thinks I attacked my foster family for no reason and then attacked sentinel services.' "UGH!"

Time had passed and I had passed the time by channel surfing. I stopped on one channel when I saw that this town has a local news. There was a fire three nights ago, no one died but two people are in the hospital. Someone tried to rob the McDonald's. Susan Perish cutting down a few of her trees, Michael Williams is helping her. Carl Danvers wrote a book, and there's a reward. Lily Jacobs lost her dog Sharpie and is offering a $500 dollar reward for anyone who finds and brings back her dog. '$500!? This girl must be rich as fuck! I better find that damned dog.' 

Finally after a little while more I turned off the TV and went to bed. The beds in this room aren't uncomfortable as I thought they'd be. I was able to fall asleep within five minutes of closing my eyes.

'I wonder if I'll be able to use my powers to find that dog.'

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