Chapter 7- New places

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I had ran across town. I ran to the other motel, I didn't want to stop. I wasn't going to let them catch me. Even if I had made them forget, I still can't take the chance. I had gotten a room for a week, and ran straight to the room. Once inside I collapsed on the bed. I cried. I cried for hours, until I fell asleep. 

I was there for the whole week this time. Nothing to eventful happened because I didn't go out much. I didn't want anything to happen. When I wake up tomorrow I'm going to head to the bus station and get a ride to somewhere in North Carolina. I'm on the run and I've stayed in the same place for 2 weeks, not the smartest thing but I'm new to this. 

I get out of the shower and change into the outfit I'm going to wear tomorrow. It's a nerdy science shirt, black leggings, and the red sweater. I put my hair into two french braids and sit on the bed. I turn the TV on and totally space out. I can't always sleep in a motel, it costs to much. If I stay in a place for a few days then I'll find somewhere else to sleep, just not a motel. 

Soon enough though I fall asleep before I can even get under the covers.

When I wake up the sun is peaking through the small crack in the shades. I blink a few times before I make my way to the bathroom. After I finish everything I put everything back in my bag. I put on my combat boots, and head out the door taking the key with me. I walk down the stairs and head to the front desk. Once at the desk I see what time it is, 10:30. I ring the bell twice and a young man comes out from the back room.

"I'm checking out." I say handing him the key.

"I hope you had a good stay." He says taking it from me.

"I did, thank you." I say turning around.

"Have a nice day." I hear him call.

I start my journey to the bus station. Once I get there I look at the schedule to see when the next bus to North Carolina is. The next one is heading to Durham, North Carolina in a half hour. I go up to the ticket master and buy the ticket. I sit on the bench and take out Sin's sketch pad. I flip through a few pages before someone sits down next to me. I try to ignore them but they start up a conversation.

"So where are you headed?" I look at him and say nothing, "I'm headed to Raleigh. That's in North Carolina." he looks at me.

He's not going to the same place so, "Durham. Durham, North Carolina." I say.

"Cool. I've been there, it's a nice town." he looks at me, "Do you have family there?"

"Yeah, my mom. I was staying with my dad, but I going to my mom's house for her birthday." 


The bus to Durham stops in front of us. I get up and he says bye. I hand my ticket to the driver and take a seat in the back of the bus. I put my bag on the seat next to me and stare out the window. Who was that man? Why was he wondering where I'm going?

The drive to Durham was very long, but I looked through Sin's book. It's beautiful. I wish I could tell him that. Maybe I will. I don't know how long I'm going to stay here, maybe a few days.

I was in Durham for 5 days. Then I took the bus to High Point and spent 4 days there. I didn't do much in those places, mostly trying to get more control over my powers. Which I did. I learned that I could is other's fears against them, I can move things, I can see into other's minds, and I could manipulate reality. I accidentally used this and changed a tree into an old lamp post. I also changed a few other things but, I was able to fix it. It was hard but I had to learn how to do it. Today I'm leaving High Point and am going to Charlotte. I think in a more major city I'll be able to find out more about the mutant underground. If I can get there then I can get somewhere safe, and not be on the run, or at least by my self. 

As I walk to the bus station I see a payphone. I promised Sin I'd call him, I have to. I put a few coins in the slot and lift the phone to my ear. I dial his cell phone number and wait for it to answer. He might be in school, or he could be at lunch. I hope he answers.

"Hello?" says a voice.

"Sin?" I ask.

There's a pause, "Wai? Oh my gosh Wai! Are you ok? Where are you?" he says frantically.

"I'm ok Sin. I can't tell you where I am though." I say.

"I... I know. The agents didn't leave our house for a week. I think they bugged a few things but they don't know that I have a cell phone. I'm really glad you called, I'm glad to hear that you're safe."

"I'm safe for now. I'm headed to the bus station."

"Where are you going?" he asks.

I pause. What if his phone is bugged and he lied to me? I can't tell him, "I don't know. I think I'm going to Durham or Raleigh. I don't know yet." I say.


"How's Katie?" I ask.

"She's good. She misses you, like a lot."

"I miss her too. Can you tell her that I say hi?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll tell her... Are you going to call again?" he asks.

"Maybe. I don't know yet, but you wanted me to call you when I was safe. I thought now would be a good time. I... I looked through your sketch book, it's really good."

"Good... If you can call me again, call me in three weeks any day at 4 pm. The Johnson's are having a date week at that time, I know that Katie will be there at that time so... Please call then. I... I hope you do." he says.

"I'll try my best." I look at the time, "I got to go. I'll talk to you later. Bye."


I hang up the phone. A tear falls down my face, I wish I could have told him where I'm going but I can't. If he's working with Sentinel Services or they bugged his phone without him knowing. I can't do that to him, and I just can;t get caught. Not now, not ever.

I buy a ticket to Charlotte and get on the bus. I look out the window and fall asleep. I was woken up by the bus driver.

"Hey, we're here." 

"Uh, thank you." I said getting up.

I walk off the bus and head to the nearest motel. I'm so happy, this motel that just happened to be the closest is really cheap. I'm going to spend a week and a half here, for only $200 dollars. That's a crazy price, but I'm ok with that I need to save more of the money. I plop on the bed and fall asleep immediately. 

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