Chapter 13- Escalation

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To say things escalated quickly would be an understatement. From the moment I saw Andy Strucker things went down hill. 

I walked away from Andy stunned. 'Oh my goodness. What the fuck?' I turned to look at him, and there he was staring at me. I quickly turned around and sped up my pace as I walked down the street. I turned the corner as fast as I could, only to be met with more people I didn't want to see.

I stopped short and looked ahead. Three girls with blond hair, an African American woman, a teen with brown hair, and Lorna.

As fast as I turned the corner I turned around, only to fall to the ground. I bumped into somebody, hard. I fell on my butt, again.

"Again?" I said aloud.

As I looked up it was Andy, "You again? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." I said.

"It's alright." he said. He glanced behind us, 'shit'.

"Is everything alright here?" asked Reeva. 'Holy fuck, Reeva Page.'

"Yes, I just happened to bump into him, again." I said sheepishly.

She walked over here, only to have the triplets, and Lorna follow her. I looked at the ground and turned to leave, "I really have to go, sorry about bumping into you." I said looking at Andy.

"What's your name?" Andy asked.


"June." I said, "Sorry again." I said walking away.

I turned out of the alley, and started down the street. Suddenly I heard a loud screeching noise. I looked up, "Fuck me." The purifiers are coming down the street, staring right at me.

I turn and run back down the street, right into that same alley way. I turned the corner and ran. I pushed through the triplets, jumped onto the hood of the car, ran over it, and jumped on to a fire escape. I climbed up the ladder quickly, only to hear gun shots. Suddenly a sharp pain fills my arm, and when I look at it, 'fuck it's a bullet'. I hoisted my leg over the side of the building and fell into the roof. 

I peaked over the side and saw the purifiers winning. I stood up and focused. I built up enough energy and released it onto the purifiers. As soon as the red energy hit them, they flew back into the street. Andy, Lorna, everybody, looked at me. 

Then I heard one of the purifiers yell to me, "You won't get away that easily Wai L. Tyler! You won't!" 

At this I looked at Lorna and said, "Sorry, got to run. Don't tell dad that I'm running, he wouldn't like that." Then I turned and ran across the roof, and hopped onto another.

I eventually got off the roofs and walked down the streets. The back streets of coarse. I mean, I do have a bullet in my arm. Then I see it, 'thank the lord, a mutant friendly clinic'. Quickly I walk up to the doors, and stumble through them. The lady at the front desk sees me and runs to me as I fall to the floor, clutching my arm. 

"What happened?" she asks.

I don't answer instead I flash my red eyes at her. She makes a face, and pulls me up. She brings me to the back and calls out to someone. I can't hear her, it's too much. A few people run up to me, and try to get me to answer them. I can't see it's to blurry. I gasp and fall to the floor, moments later I feel someone pick me up bridal style. Then nothing.

When I wake up I blink my eyes a few times trying to get my eyes adjusted to the light. I sit up, pain flares through my arm. I look at it, the bullet's still in there.

A lady comes into the room, "Listen, I have to take the bullet out, it's going to hurt. I need you to control your powers. Can you do that?" she asks me.

"I can try." I say grunting.

Soon I realize that Kate Strucker isn't the only one in the room with me, I turn and see a big man. John Proudstar. The Kate starts working on my arm, out of instinct I grab onto John's arm and let out a grunt of pain. More pain fills my arm, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." I whisper. I hunch over as my eyes turn red. John lifts me back up, I can tell him and Kate are trying to talk to me, but I can't hear them. I squeeze my eyes shut, when I open them they're still red, and John is sitting right in front of me.

He takes my hand, as I cry out in pain. The lights in the room start to flicker, luckily that's the only thing they're doing. Suddenly the door bursts open, and the only word that comes out of my mouth is, "Cameron."

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