Chapter 14- Cameron

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Pain, all I can remember is pain. Wait, CAMERON!

I jolt awake, and into a sitting position. I look around the room frantically but find that for now I'm alone. I look down at my arm and notice the large white bandage. I run my fingers over it, deciding that taking it off wouldn't work. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, and kick them slightly, gosh, I'm so bored. I decide to stand up, and walk around a bit. I look around the room, my jacket is on the chair, one arm covered in blood, and there's some blood on the floor. My backpack is also on the chair, but there's no blood on it.

I walk closer to the door when I hear voices. I can't really make out what they're saying, and I don't think peaking into their minds is the best thing to do. I jog back over to the table, and sit on it. They don't enter my room right away making my become more curious about the bandages. I again run my fingers over them as the door opens. A blond woman Kate Strucker, a blond teen Lauren Strucker, a tall man with a pony tail John Proudstar, a Hispanic man Marco Diaz, and a girl with purple hair. Who is the girl... Clarice Fong.

Where is Cameron? I saw him earlier. I saw him before I blacked out.

Soon Kate came up to me, "Can you tell us your name?" She asked.

I gave her a weary look, then looked at all the others, "Wai. Wai L. Tyler."

A few of them turned to each other and started to whisper about me, "It's rude to talk about someone behind their back, or in front of their face." I scolded.

"Is it true?" asked Marco.

"Is what true?"

"Did you attack your family and then Sentinel Services?"

"No! I never attacked either of them, it was an accident... my... my power had just manifested." my voice cracked. "Where is Cameron?"

"I'll go get him." John said leaving.

There was an awkward silence in the room. Kate looked over me, checking my pupils, all that fancy stuff. Lauren had sat down in the chair, everyone else had filed into the room.

Soon enough though a large figure entered the doorway. Cameron.

"Cameron!" I yelled getting up.

I jumped off the table and tackled him in a hug. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face into his chest. He then took my face i his hands and started looking me over. He laughed.

"Your hair is definitely turning red." he smiled.

I smiled back and then slapped him, "You left me there! You left me in the woods! You could have died you PRICK!" I yelled at him.

I looked down, "Wai I'm sorry, but..."

"No buts! Apologize or I'll make you." I said flashing my eyes.

His face stayed the same, he knows what he did was wrong, he know he should apologize.

"Wai, I'm sorry ok. I really am."

"It's ok, just don't do it again." I said hugging him.

A throat cleared from behind us, that's when I remembered we aren't alone. My face heated up and I blushed. It turned tomato red.

"Oh my gosh... I'm so embarrassed." I said in a quiet voice.

Cameron chuckled.

"Ok, I think it's time we leave the clinic, and return to the apartments. Come one, got your stuff and we'll leave." Clarice said.

I smiled. I ran over to my jacket and bag. I slug the bag over my shoulder and swapped out my sweater. I put on the jacket and ran over to them, as they left the building. I climbed in the car and sat next to Lauren and Cameron.

When Lauren looked at me I smiled, and she did too. Maybe we could be friends, maybe I can make a friend my age, I haven't had one of those for almost four months. Then we drove off. I looked out the window and noticed the alley where I saw them. There was nothing there, except a few bullets and small patches of blood.

Soon we arrived to their apartments and I climbed out of the car. Kate and Lauren said that I could stay in their apartment, until everyone talked. Once inside the building something felt off. As we got closer to their apartment door the feeling of uneasiness grew more and more. I walked slower as we approached the door, Lauren looked at me.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

The suddenly we heard a yelp of pain come from the other side of the door. I ran to the door and swung it ope. Reed Strucker is crumpled on the floor, his arms red and black. His mutation finally caught up with him. I heard Kate and Lauren call out to me but I ignored them as I went over to Reed. I crouched down next to him.

"What... what are you doing." he stumbled out.

I looked him in the eyes, "Will you let me?"

"Let you what?" he asked.

I flashed my eyes at him. His eyes widened but he nodded yes. The red smoke surrounded my hands. I gripped Reed's hands and my red eyes brightened. I looked into Reed's mind and digged through it. All the pain and anguish he's felt throughout the pass few days, the pain he felt when he was younger. I pushed those memories down, and surfaced the good ones. The ones of Andy, the ones of his family at Christmas, the ones he enjoyed the most.

Reed calmed down and his powers subsided. I pulled myself out of his consciousness and stumbled back. Something's dripping from my nose. I put my hand to my nose and looked at it. Blood. A bloody nose. I looked up and Reed, he's better and I'll help him. Then I looked to Lauren and Kate, they looked at me strangely but that's when I noticed everyone else was in the room too.

I stood up but fell back to my knees.

"Shit." I said.

This must have pulled them out of their trance because Reed came over to me and helped me get to a chair.

"You shouldn't have done that, you used to much energy. You could have hurt yourself." Reed said handing me a napkin.

"You could have hurt yourself too." I paused and looked at him, "Reed I know that things haven't been to good, but you can't push it aside. It hurts you and if you don't learn to control it you could do damage to yourself and your family."

He looked down, "Thank you."

I smiled and put the napkin to my nose. I wiped my nose and kept it there and tilted my head down.

"What did you do?" Lauren asked.

"Not much. I pushed all the bad feelings and memories down and surfaced good ones. It was all I could do at the moment." I replied.

"So what exactly can you do? Like what are your powers?" Clarice asked.

"Telekinesis, telepathy, mental manipulation, and uh reality warping."


"What's reality warping?" Kate asked.

Red smoke surrounded my hands once more as I changed the fruit bowl into a box. Of course doing that made all the fruit fly off the table and almost onto the ground. I lifted the fruit back into the bowl that was shaking as if it had been dropped.


"I think I need to lye down." I said feeling more dizzy.

John came over to me and helped me stand, "Lauren can I lead her to your room?" he asked.

"Yeah." she replied.

John helped me walk to Lauren's room. Once in there I collapsed on the bed, and fell asleep instantly. I hope being with these people helps me, and I hope I can help them.

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