Chapter 16- Blurry

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A searing pain coarses through my head. An load gasp in pain escapes my lips. Slowly I peel open my eyes, and close them quickly. I blink slowly, trying to get used to the blinding light. I sit up and put my hand to my head groaning. I look away and look at my surroundings. I'm in a room. I look down, I'm on a bed. 

I stand up and walk over to the window, I already know the door is locked. I also know someone will be here soon. Looking outside I see Atlanta. I see the apartment building from here, he Inner Circle is close. Very close.

Then  I hear the click of the lock and turn around to face Reava, Lorna, and Andy. I stare at them blankly.

"You're awake, how do you feel?" Reava asks.

I give her a look, "How do you think?" I ask.

She turns to Lorna, "I'll leave you." Then she leaves, but Andy doesn't.

"So you're my sister?" she asks.


"Why did I never know about you?"

This time I give her a look, "If you were trying to keep your daughter safe would you go and tell her about her sister who you're also trying to keep safe and secret?"

"No, I guess I wouldn't."

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"You passed out, we wanted to make sure that you were ok. We also wanted to find out more about you if you really ended up being my sister." Lorna replies.

I nod, "When can I leave?"

"Not now." Andy says.

"You can't keep me here. You could try but you'd fail."

"We don't want to keep you against your will, we just want to know more before you go." Lorna interrupts.

I look between her, Andy, and the camera. I look back at Lorna, "If you want to know more I want to do it one on one." I look at the camera,  "Alone."

"Sure no problem." Lorna motions for Andy to leave.

Andy leaves and they tilt the camera down. They want it to appear as if it has shut off but I know it hasn't. My eyes and hands glow red, then the camera feed shuts down and the camera falls to the ground. I look up at Lorna, her hands are green.

"I wanted to talk alone, we weren't alone."

Her green mist goes away and so does my red.

We sat on the bed, she asked me questions. Some of them were just for her to know like personal things about myself. She also asked me things about our dad, I showed her my locket, and what few memories I had of him. She also asked about things that the Inner Circle wants to know. For some of these I lied, some of them I didn't tell her anything.

We talked for a few hours before another person came to the room. They let me change into a different pair of clothing, and their doctors checked up on me. I have a minor concision, and a few bruises but other than that I'm fine. Lorna gave me her number and said that if I never needed to contact her I could. She also sent me a picture of my niece, Dawn. Oh she's so adorable. I spent the night in the room, but the next morning they let me leave. I was so happy to leave, but at the same time sad. The whole reason that I came to the mutant underground was to connect with Lorna, not join the inner circle.

I walked up to the door and knocked on it. When it opened Lauren engulfed me in a hug. She rushed me inside and I can now see that everyone is here in the apartment.

"Are you ok?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I met Lorna." I smiled.

"Did you tell her everything?" Cameron asked walking up to me.


I hugged him and sat down at the table and told them almost everything. I didn't tell them that I know where the building is, or that I have Lorna's number. I told them that I talked to Lorna, and I saw Andy, and everyone else. Kate asked me how Andy looked, and I showed her a mental picture of him. She smiled, and commented on his new hair. We talked for a while more but then we decided to order take out. We ate the takeout and watched a movie. I sat next to Cameron and fell asleep on his arm. When I woke up I was in my bed, I guess Cameron brought me there.  

Boy my life if crazy.

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