Chapter 5- The dog

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It's been almost a week since I've been staying in this motel. I only have two days left here, until I go to the next motel. I'm only going to stay in Richmond for two weeks, because I need to get more money. That lady who lost her dog, has risen the reward price from $500 to $850! Like wow, this is unbelievable. With that much money she could get another one. 

I need to get something to eat before I practice using my powers, or before I try to find that damn dog. I have one of the flyers in my bag, so if I do find the dog, I can just go to that woman's house and get the reward money. As I step into the McDonald's I notice that there are a lot of police officers here, like an unusual amount. I slowly walk up to the counter and wait in line. As I'm waiting I over hear two of the officers talking.

"Who do you think is going to win?"

"I don't know, but I hope it's me. I could really use that gift card, you know how much I like to eat here."

The officer chuckled, "Yeah, I just hope it's not Kenny, he already eats to much junk food. But yeah it would be cool to win it, and rub it in the Captains face."

"Yup, I hope someone in the department wins it. If they do I'm giving them a hug. captain Barnes yesterday was bragging how he was going to win it and if he did he's going to laugh at everyone."

"That man takes his McDonald's way to seriously."


So they're talking about here? McDonald's is giving away a gift card, and the police force wants to get it before their captain so they can rub it into his face. Oh my word, what has this world come to? I get to the front of the line, those two cops didn't get the card. As I order my food and my receipt is printed confetti is spewed all over the place. I jump, and the cashier smiles at me.

"Congratulations! You're our 1,000th customer! You get a $100 dollar gift card to any McDonald's and your meal is free!" she says handing me the card.

"Tha... thank you?" I say taking it.

I have to idea what to think. I won the gift card? What? I like never eat here, this is my first time coming to this one. I get my tray of food and pick a place to eat. Suddenly the two cops who I overheard and a few more cops stand in front of me.

I look up at them, "Uh... Can I help you?" I ask.

The two look at each other, "ok so here's the thing... I told her that if anyone besides our captain won that card I'd give them a hug."

"Yeah, I know... I overheard you guys talking." I said giving them a sheepish smile.

"Ok, so..."

I get up and stand in front of him, "THANK YOU! I'm so glad it was you and not our captain!" he yelled giving me a hug.

I laughed and sat down, but not before another officer came up to us. "She won the card?"

"Yes sir." they all said in unison.

I smiled at him, "Damn it!"

"You must be the Captain." I said.

"Yeah. I wish I won, now I owe my with $100 dollars. Have a good day," he looked at everyone else, "Get back to work everyone."

I turned back to my food and thought, 'Oh my goodness. Is this the way the universe is saying sorry? Sorry that we have like the whole fucking government going after you, here's $200 for food. Like what?!' I sighed.

I finished my food and left as soon as possible. Today must have been my lucky day because as I was walking back to the motel to get a few things I saw something. It's small and white... It's the DOG! I ran over to the dog and picked it up. 'Yep it's the dog.' Talking out the flyer I start to head towards where the woman lives.

Once I get there I can really see how rich this person is. She has a huge mansion and like guards. Who need guards? I knock on the door and wait for it to be opened. When it is it's opened by a tall bald man.

"May help you?"

"Um I found this dog earlier and there's a flyer around town saying that someone here's looking for him." I say holding up the dog.

"Please come in." he motions.

I stop once I'm a few feet in the door. He walks away but I stay put, I don't want to intrude. Suddenly I hear a scream and running foot steps. An older woman come running out of the door way and the takes the dog from my arms.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! What's your name honey?" she asks.


"Well Savannah thank you. Smith! Get the money."

The tall bald man comes back into the room with a wad of cash. He hands it to me and my mouth falls to the floor.

"Thank you." I say.

"No need, there's a reward." 

Once I leave I really feel like today's my lucky day. I won a $200 dollar gift card that's probably going to feed me for a while, and then I found the damn dog and got $850 dollars! This is a runaway's dream! I get back to the motel and put the money in the bottom of my bag, I put the gift card in the pocket and I sit down. 

For a while I practiced using my powers, getting used to some of the small things. I practiced moving things around the room, and putting up shields. but I need to practice some of the mind things. I walk out of my room and down to the front desk. The older woman's there, and I use it one her. I make her do a few small things before I look fully into her head. I know that this is wrong but I'm not going to do anything harmful to her, I wont let myself become like the Hellfire club. Suddenly a man comes bounding down the stairs and sees me using my powers on the older woman.

"What are you doing?!" he yells.

I back away from him and the woman. The woman still seems out of it even after me leaving her mind.

"What did you do to her!?"

I back away even more but he grabs my arm. He pulls me into his face and his grip tightens. I yelp in pain, and try to get out of his hold. I use my powers to push him back, causing my to fall on my ass. He looks at me, "You're one of those mutant freaks!" My eyes widen.

Then as if out of instinct I invade his mind, and use his greatest fear against him. I show it to him and it's all he can see, all he can process. I get up and run back to my room, I grab my stuff and run back down stairs. before I leave though I make the older woman forget I was ever here, and I make the man forget everything from the past two days. When he wakes up he's going to be very confused. 

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