Chapter 3- New hair

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That night I had ran from the diner, I didn't come up on any good places to spend the night. There where two motels, I abandoned building, and a hotel. But those places are the first places that they'd look for me. So I decided that I'd be Katnis, I climbed a tree and slept there. It wasn't the best place to sleep, but it kept me safe. Sentinel Services passed through the town, looking everywhere for me, but they never did. While I was making my way back into town , I saw more cops. They had obviously thought that I could still be here.

Pausing, I ducked into an alley and opened my bag. I took off my black hoodie, and replaced it with my red sweater. I put it into my bag, zipped it and went off again. My hair was still in a ponytail, and most of it was hidden under my hood.

'They're looking for a blond teenage girl. I should change that.' I thought to myself.

I looked around and saw it. A gas station with a convenient store, lets hope they have what I need. Opening the door, I walk over to the beauty section. Browsing through I finally found what I'm looking for. The hair dyes. 

'Blue, orange, grey, black... BROWN!' 

I grabbed the brown hair dye and was about to walk to the counter when I stopped, 'he's going to find it strange is I come in here and the only thing I buy is hair dye.'

I turn into the next isle and come to find drinks, I grabbed a coke. Placing my items on the counter the man looks at me. He raises an eyebrow.

"My mom ran out of hair dye, she absolutely refuses going to a salon." I lied.

"My mom used to do that too." he replied.

'Yes! I didn't think that he was going to bye that.'

He scanned the two things, placed them in a bag and handed them to me. I dug through my bag, took out a ten dollar bill, and paid for the items. I walked out of the door and turned to the side of the building. I saw the sign for the woman's room and went towards it. I knocked on the door first, just to make sure that it was open. I turned the handle, but found that it was locked. 

I looked at the noted that was placed on the door it read:

Bathroom keys inside. Please ask the cashier for it. Thank you, have a nice day.


Then I realized something. I opened my bag and shuffled through a few things. Then I pulled it out, a bobby pin. You can pick certain locks with these babies. I crouched down to eye level and put the pin in it. Moving it around it lock clicked. Slowly I opened the now unlocked bathroom door and stepped inside. I locked the door and put my bag on the ground. walking over to the bathroom mirror and sink I take the gas station bag. I put the bag in the sink and take out the hair dye. 

I open the box and take out the items inside. Rubber gloves, applicator brush, small bowl, and the dye. I read the directions on the back:

1- put on the rubber gloves, and drape a towel over your shoulders, to protect your clothing.

2- put the dye in the bowl and mix for 1 minute. 

3- split your hair into 4 parts.

4- use the applicator brush to apply the dye to the sections.

5- when finished applying the dye, wait 20-30 minutes. After waiting wash out the extra dye, and dry your hair.

6- And done! Please note that this hair dye is permanent and you will not be able to wash it our after 48 hours.

'Permanent? Why not, I'm already on the run.'

I take the rubber gloves and put them over my hands. realizing that I don't have a towel, I take out my black hoodie and tie it around my neck. I tie my hair off in 4 sections and pour the dye into the small bowl. using the brush I mix it for a minute before putting it in my hair. After a while I finished all four section of hair. I dyed all of it, including the roots. I threw away the bowl, brush, and empty dye bottle, before moving back over to the sink. I look at the directions and sit on the floor. Twenty minutes later I stood back up and turned the sink water on. carefully I put my head under the running water and wash out the extra dye. After doing that I ring out the water, and use my black hoodie to dry my hair. When it was dry enough I looked down at it, there where patched and streaks of brown covering the black fabric. 

I fold the hoodie and put it back into my bag. I take out my glasses case and turn back to the sink. Carefully I take out my contact and throw them into the trash. Blinking a few times i put on my glasses, it's been a while since i put these on. But with my glasses on it would make it easier to not get noticed, I mean they're looking for a blond teen, with out glasses, in a black hoodie. They're not looking for a brunette teen, with glasses, and a red sweater.

I sigh and look in the mirror, 'What would my real mother and father think? My father would probably tell me not to hide, but to fight. My mother, she'd probably just comfort me.'

I rummage through my bag and pull out a new pair of cloths. I put these on and put the red sweater back on. I throw away all my trash, grab my bag off the floor, and unlock the bathroom door. Stepping out I see that it's gotten brighter, the time is around 2 pm. I walk down the street til I see a bus station. I run over and look at the scheduled. The next bus was headed to Richmond, Virginia. I run inside the building and buy a ticket, and good timing too, because when I got outside the bus pulled up.

I handed the bus driver my ticket and he said, "Have a nice ride, Savannah Clark."


I headed to the back of the bus and sat down. Boy this is going to be an adventure.

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