Chapter 19- Awake

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My eyes peeled open.

A blinding light stabbed my eyes.

I groaned and blinked rapidly,

why... why can't I remember what happened?

Slowly I sit up and take a look at my surroundings. It seems familiar, almost like I've been here before. Then it clicks. This room is similar to the one I stayed in with the Inner Circle. I look at surroundings again, and spot someone sleeping in a chair. 

I peel back the covers, and slowly stand to my feet. My legs are shaky but I make it over to the strange figure. As I get closer the feeling of familiarity washes through me. I approach the figure, and knee down in front of this man. I look at him, I can't see his face, it's hanging to low. I lift my hand to his face and use my pointer finger and middle finger to lift his chin up. When I can see his face a gasp and fall to my butt. I stagger back and run over to the bed. 

The man starts to shift, his eyes blinking open, but when he spots the empty bed he jumps off his chair. He starts to walk over to the bed, but that's when he spots me sitting on the floor. Slowly he makes his way over to me, raising his hands in defeat.

"Wai, it's ok. I'm here now," he says in a calming voice.

I look at him, "But you left, you weren't there when I needed you most, when Lorna needed you most."

His face falls and turns into sadness and guilt.

"I did it to protect you, to protect you from this life."

"You did a damn good job of that!" I yell sarcastically.

I get up off the ground, radiating anger, "You left! You never came back like you said you would! You didn't come back for me, not even when my mother died!"

I walk closer to him, tears if anger and sadness falling from my face, "You were never going to come back were you!?" 

He looks down and doesn't say anything.

"I can't believe you! I can't believe that I still love you like a daughter should!" I collapsed on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. 

He knees down in front of me, wrapping his arms around my small frame. He starts to hum a song that my mother used to sing to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder. My tears stained his shirt, soaking through it. 

I have no idea how long I cried for, or how long he hummed for.

"I'm sorry, I thought things would be better this way. I never thought about how you'd feel."

I look him in the eyes, "Of course you didn't, you only care for yourself."

His eyes drop, "Please, I'm here now."

"You may be here now, but I'm not ready yet. I need some time," I tell him. 

I release him from my grip and walk away from him, "Give me some time, please."

He nods, tears brimming his eyes, "Ok, I'll give you some time." He hands me a burner cell, "Call me when you're ready."

I take the phone from his hand, and back away from him. I run to the door, not bothering to see what I look like. I roughly grab the doorknob and swing the door open. I run down the hallway, ignoring the people's calls for me. I make impact with elevator doors, and harshly push the button over and over again. Once the doors open I run in and push another button, waiting for the doors to close. When they do more tears fall from my sad eyes. I run out of the elevator, and out of the building. 

I run for what feels like forever, I run until my legs give out. 

I cry in an alley.

I cry there alone.

My walls, 

my sense of safety, 

my happiness, 

my life,

it feels like it's over.

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