Chapter 9- Atlanta

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Cameron and I spent six days in Athens. From Athens we took a bus to Atlanta. Here in Atlanta we can go from place to place, and hopefully stay off Sentinel Services radar. We've been doing a good job of that so far, but we don't want to take any chances. 

Atlanta is the home to the mutant underground, but it's also the home to the Hellfire club or mostly known as the Inner Circle. I know all about them. I know about Riva Page, the triplets, everyone. I even know that my sister Lorna recently joined, why? I don't know. The Hellfire club is evil, that's why in the end my father left it. Of coarse she doesn't know that, they'd never tell the daughter of Magneto that he left the Hellfire club because he started to not believe in the cause. They probably would think that it would make her not want to join, and they're right. All they've done is lie to her, hopefully she can figure that out. 

I hoped off the bus behind Cameron and walked to the nearest gas station. I went to the bathroom but before I left I noticed something. My hair. My hair is growing, but the roots they aren't returning to heir original color. 

I left the bathroom and went right up to Cameron. He noticed something was off so he asked me something.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just strange. My hair, it's grown since I dyed it but my roots aren't growing blond. They're still brown but with a reddish tint." I say.

He looks at me, "Maybe it has something to do with your powers. I mean, hair is the most common thing to change for mutants."

I shrug, "I guess."

We stayed in two different motels during the first week we were in Atlanta. The second week we stayed in three. It seemed that each time we moved there were more and more cops in the area. Atlanta is definitely not a safe place for mutants, but it's where the main action is for the underground. It's the third week and Cameron and I are going to a new motel.

As I walk through the doors I can tell that something is off. Cameron rings the bell but no one comes. He rings it a second time and still no one comes.

"Are they closed or something?" I ask looking at him.

Cameron shrugs in response.

We wait a few more minutes before we head out to leave. Suddenly a man comes into the room.

"I'm so sorry, I was in the bathroom." he says, "Can I get you two a room?"

"Yes, two beds please." Cameron says.

"Ok, names?"

"Connor Wild, and my sister Lilliana Wild." Cameron says pointing to me.

He hands us our key and we head up the stairs. Once inside the room Cameron plops down on a  bed and turns on the TV. I tell him that I'm goin to go and take the shower. Once in the bathroom I look in the mirror. My new greasy brown hair is in a braid, there's a little dirt on my face, and my glasses are smudged. My cloths are not ideal, they're dirtier than I'd like but I haven't had a chance to wash this pair yet. 

I strip down and step inside the shower. I turn on the water and start to rinse my hair. I put in the shampoo that smells like the ocean, and then put in the conditioner. My hair feels so much better, and so does the rest of me. I don't feel as dirty, I feel like I've washed everything away. Once rinsing off the body wash I stand under the hot water for a few seconds. I turn off the water and grab my towel before getting out.

I pull the curtain back and freeze. The man who was at the front desk, is standing in the bathroom with me. 

"CAMERON!" I screech. 

Suddenly the door bursts open, but at the same time the man grabs me. He put his hand to my throat and squeezes it. I see that Cameron's about to use his powers but I shake my head no. I don't want him to get caught.

"Let her go." 


Someone from a room next door looks inside and sees what's happening. A strange man in holding a girl by the neck, who's in a towel, and has wet hair. The person leaves but I can tell that they're calling the police. 

Not even minuets later sirens can be heard and soon enough four cops enter the room. They try to defuse the situation but only cause more damage when they find out he's a mutant. The man squeezes my neck harder causing me to gasp in pain. One of the cops pulls out his gun and shoots the man. 

I fall the floor gasping and coughing. I can feel that I'm embraced in a hug, but I can't tell by who. I'm to light headed and out of it to realize what's going on.

Cameron looks at me and holds my face. Tears stream doing mine, and I can see that his do too. The police officers come over to us and ask me if I'm ok. 

"We're going to have to ask you a few questions." he said.

Holding my towel I ask, "Can I change first?"

"Yes of coarse. Um, can you two grab your things? You're going to be moving into a new room anyways so you can change there."

I nod. Cameron grabs his bag, and then mine. I don't even bother getting the cloths from the bathroom, I can't go back in there. Once inside the new room I change into  a new outfit, and put my glasses on. I keep my hair down and put my red sweater back on. Outside of the room the police officer starts to ask us questions.

"What are your names?"

"Connor Wild," he looks at me, "and my sister Lilliana Wild."

"When did you arrive here?"

"We got here maybe and hour ago." I say.

"When did you first see that man?"

"Have was the one of checked us in. He came to the counter late though, claimed to be in the bathroom." Cameron replied. 

He asked us a few more questions like why we are there, and if our parents knew we where here. Of coarse we lied for most of the questions but he couldn't tell.

They all left a few hours later, and Cameron and I were in our new room. The new room is on the first floor this time, and is a bit bigger. I laid on the bed, watching the TV, but I know that Cameron's watching me.

"Are you ok?" he asks out of the blue.

I sit up and look at him, and he does the same.

"No." I answer.

Tears start to fall down my face, as I sob. Cameron sits down next to me and hugs me tight. He doesn't let go, not even when I fall asleep. 

This week is going to be eventful, I can already tell.

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