Chapter 15- Reuniting Family

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I had spent the next two weeks with them. They agreed to let me stay and help them, and they agreed to have Cameron stay too. I became good friends with Lauren and for once in my life felt like I had a home. But things don't always stay that way. Reed's powers didn't show up to much, but when they did I would help him. I tried to get him to learn to use them, to have lessons with him but he didn't want to do it. He treated his power like a disease, like to could be cured.

I had gone with them to an underground mutant community. I noticed a few things between Clarice and the leader. I found out what she's doing but decided to keep it to myself, she's doing it because it's what she believes. Their leader tried to get me to stay with them, tried to get me to join them, but I couldn't. I have to stay with Lauren, with Marcos. 

I didn't tell them much more about myself. I only told them that I was a foster kid, my mom died, and my dad couldn't take care of me. I wasn't ready to tell them about Lorna being my sister. They might think differently of me.

Lauren and I are sitting on the couch watching a horrible show when the door bursts open, it's Marcos. No one else is here. Not Kate, not Reed, nobody. He comes right up to me, grabs my by my collar, and throws me to the ground. His hands glow, but I restrain myself, I could really hurt him.

"What are you doing!?" Lauren yells. 

"She lied to us!"

"I never lied to you!" I yelled back.

"Then why didn't you tell us!? Why didn't you tell us that you're Lorna's sister?"

My eyes widened, "How did you find that out?" I ask.

"You tell me first." he turns his head.

"Not even Lorna knows! I mean I may have dropped a hint to her, but she's never known about me! I didn't tell you guys because I thought you'd look at me differently ! I mean my sister joined the Inner Circle, just like my father did!" I cried.

"My brother joined them too." Lauren said, "She didn't feel ready Marcos. I get what she feels, you should too. It's not her fault."

Marcos shakes his head I hear him thinking it over, "I'm sorry, I... I..."

"It's fine. I understand," I say getting up, "but how did you find out?!"

"Esme she cornered me, and told me about you. She told me that you met them and said to Lorna 'don't tell dad, he would have wanted me to stay and fight.' She told me that you're her sister, and then she left."

"Those damned triplets. At least I know that they know about me. The only problem is are they going to come after me?" 

"We can't worry about that, for now let's just carry on. We'll deal with it when the time comes." Lauren said.

Carry on we did. We developed a normal schedule. That is until we were trying to get mutants out of a facility and the Inner Circle showed up. We were trying to get mutants away from sentinel services, and while doing that Andy, Lorna, the triplets, everyone showed up.

I backed away from them, "Shit." I mumbled.

"You, you're my sister right?" Lorna called out to me.

"Yeah, I am." I mentally told everyone to leave. I told them that I'd get back to them one way. There was some resistance but in the end they did what I asked. They left, and I smiled.

"Then you know that our father founded the Inner Circle. You know that he would be proud to have both his kids in the group."

She's trying to get me to join.

"Sure he WOULD have. But I can't join you, you shouldn't have either," I turned to Andy, "You should have stayed with Lauren."

The the triplets started talking, "Come with us,"

"And you'll be treated,"

"Like a queen. You'll help,"


"Once and for all."

"NO!" I yelled.

Then their eyes turned blue, they must really want me.

My eyes turned red and so did my hands. Neither of us moved until one of them collapsed in pain. The other two stepped forward and concentrated even harder. Reeva helped get the triplet out of there, while the rest watched me. 

Damn this is hard. I've never had to do anything like this before, I'm going to pass out after this.

I rummaged through their memories, trying to stun them like the other, but it didn't work. The red smoke started to surround me. Growing up my arms, down my legs, everywhere. You could barely see me. Then I released the mental, and physical energy build up on them. They all fell back. The two left blacked out, while they others where knocked back a few feet. I fell to my knees, struggling to breath. Slowly I stood up and regained what little balance I have left.

I walked a few feet till I saw that sentinel services started to surround us. I walked backwards, in the direction of the collapsed mutants. When I reached them Lorna and Andy started to sit up.

"Hands up or we'll open fire."

They didn't give us a shot for the started shooting at us. Before Lorna or Andy could do anything, I put a red shield up around us.

"Pick them up, we need to get out of here!" I yelled at them.

They followed my directions, no questions asked. Then I used my strength and pushed the shield out more, and caused the agents to get pushed back hundreds of feet. Using my reality warping I turned their guns into water pistols, and we made our escape. They didn't have enough time to stop us, they would be able to catch up with us either. We where too fast. 

I used all the strength I had left to run. I ran till I got to their van. Then I collapsed on the ground. I passed out. I used too much energy, I could have killed myself. I couldn't see anything but I could hear Lauren and John calling out to me or Andy. Then there was no sound. There was nothing but darkness.

Nothing but fear.

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