Chapter 8- Disappointment

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A few days after I got to Charlotte everything was fine and normal. That is until I decided to turn on the TV. I looked at the news. Sentinel Services searched multiple locations in both Durham and Raleigh. Not only that but Sin was being led out of the Johnson's home in cuffs. They found out, how? Why was Sin being arrested? No. 

"This young man Sin Carver was heard talking with the fugitive Wai L. Tyler. He is being questioned on everything he knows and if he hasn't had any other contact with her, things may work out well for him. For Ms. Tyler if you're watching this, I hope you're happy."

I turned the TV off. I cried into the pillow on the bed, until I fell asleep. I seem to be doing that quiet a bit. 

The next day I woke up and changed into a different outfit. Today I'm supposed to be meeting with a group of people who are supposed to be connected to or need help from the mutant underground. This time I put on my blue jeans, black shirt, sneakers, and again the red sweater. I put some money in my back pocket and left the room. I walked for a while till I found where I was supposed to go. It's a church.

I go inside the front door and sit in one of the pews. I sat there for a while, I was quite early. But it felt good to get back in a church. After a while a few more people came in but some of them left. I observed the people around me, some of these people are definitely mutants. There's a man who seems to be in his twenties that has blue hair, and small blue designs on his hands. There's a couple near by, the girl has pink skin, but the man looks normal. There are a few others but not many. Through the back doors a Priest comes out and starts walking to each person in the room. When he gets to me though this isn't what I expect him to say.

"Hi, I'm Father Ryan I don't think I've seen you here before. What's your name?" he asks.

I look at him and flash my eyes, "Wai L. Tyler." I whisper.

Realization hits him and he sits down next to me, "Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"

"No I'm fine," I pause, "I didn't attack my family like they said I did."

"I know. Most don't do what the news says. Mutant powers first start to appear in a stressful environment, which means maybe hurting someone."

"Thanks." I say.

"So I'm guessing you're here to hear about the underground, and possibly going there?"

"Yes, I just want some information though. I can't go yet."

"I understand. You saw which door I came through yes?" I nodded, "go through that door and take the stairs to the basement. Wait there, a few more people will come and join you."

"Thank you." I said getting up from the pew. 

I walk down the isle and when I get to the door I hear something. When I turn around it's a woman with a young child. She's yelling at the blue haired man. Why do people have to be so cruel? I turn to face her and soon she sees me looking at her.

"What are you looking at? You one of those mutants too?" she yells.

The Priest and the other mutants all look at me to see what I'm going to say. The little girl seems so embarrassed.

My eyes light up red and I look the woman in the eyes, "You should go home, and forget everything that happend here today." 

Suddenly the woman's eyes also turn red and she starts towards the door. Her hand grips the little girl's. The little girl looks back at me and smiles. When the woman's gone I turn back to the door and open it. I walk down the stairs and enter a small room. Inside the small room there's a man and a woman in the front. I don't really want to bother them because they look like they're in deep conversation so I take a seat in the back of the room. At some point I can tell that they noticed me, but I don't care. They only did when they heard the blue haired man walk down the stairs. He came up to me and sat a few seats in front of me, before turning around.

"Thanks for earlier." he said, "Your powers are really cool."

"Thanks, and it was no problem. I mean we're in a church, and you wren't bothering anybody. It just make me upset to see things like that, we're people too."

"Yeah, I get what you mean. But people are afraid of things that are different, besides there are others who have it harder than you or me. I mean I only have blue hair and small almost unseen designs on my hands. You, you look human, while others like the girl up stairs have completely different skin colors."

"Yeah... This isn't even my real hair color." I said playing with it.

"Really? It looks natural."

I sighed, "Thank god! I dyed it in a gas station bathroom."


We talked for a while. His name is Cameron Saint, and he's 28 years old. He got his mutant powers when he was 11, so he's been living with this for a long time. He's only now on the run because there was this girl who was being attacked by some guys in an alley, so he attacked them. In the end they blamed him instead of the attackers. He has the ability to absorb the electricity around him and expel it from his hands. 

The rest of that day was filled with information. I know where the main mutant underground headquarter is, and I know multiple ways to get there. I told Cameron where I'm staying and asked if he wanted to stay with me for a bit. I'm very happy because he said yes. 

We both headed back to the motel, but I gave him my beanie so he could cover his hair. I didn't want him to get caught.

When we got back to the motel, we walked up the stairs and headed for my room. Suddenly the lady who owns the motel came around the corner and started talking to me.

"Oh Sarah it's good to see you. Who's this?" she asked pointing at Cameron.

"This is my brother Will." I said as if it where true.

"It's nice to meet you Will, I must be going. Remember you check out in a few more days." she said walking away.

I smiled and turned back to the door. I unlocked it and let Cameron by before shutting and locking it again.

"Sarah?" he said smiling.

"Yes, I can't use my real name. Besides I've already used the name Savannah a few to many times."

"Ok, but why Will?"

I looked at him, "It was the first name that popped into my head."

I showed him where the bathroom was and told him what bed he was sleeping on. We both decided that we were going to stick together for a while. We both are heading to Atlanta, but want to take our time getting there. We don't want to look suspicious so we'll take our time. I told him that we're going to stay here in Charlotte for a little while longer, and we did. We stayed in two other motels, each for a week. He has some money also so he's paying more. 

The next place we went to was Spartanburg, Georgia. We stayed there for one week before leaving again. After Spartanburg we went to Anderson, and stayed there for 2 weeks. The last day that we were there police officers came to motel looking for a different family of mutants. They never saw us but we left as soon as we could. From Anderson we took a bus to Athens. We've been here for four days, and are only staying here for two more. The motel we're in isn't the best but it'll keep us off the radar. Cameron and I have grown closer, he's like a brother to me. He's like Sin, but older. He's shared more of his life story with me, and so have I.

I've told him that I was in the foster system since I was three. I told him all about Sin, and Katie. I also told him that my mother's name was Lee Tyler and she was the kindest woman I ever met. The last memory I have of her is her singing to me, and my father. One thing I told him was that I know about a half sister I have, her name is Lorna Davis. My father from what I can remember would always talk about her, and if I were to ever be in trouble, find her. I also ended up telling him about my father. I told him that my father is Erik Lehnsherr and that he disappeared from my life after my mother died. 

What I didn't tell him though is that I know my father isn't dead. He's still out there, and looking for me and my half sister Lorna.

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