If only

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That day, the day that Clarice died, it was heart breaking. Not only for me, but for everyone else. John he attacked Erg, and got his ass handed to him. That day was awful. But the next few days got better, I mean Lorna she ended up coming back, and with Andy too.

That night I wrapped my arms around her, I told her that I'm happy that she finally came to her senses, that she's finally left the Inner Circle. Maybe now we can actually have a relationship. maybe now I can meet my niece, and maybe when we stop Reava, we can start over. If only. 

The next day, we made a plan, a plan to stop the Inner Circle from taking down the whole government. While we sat around destroying files, and talking about it, we heard something outside. I went over to the windows, only to find that those damn purifiers are outside, and boy do they have an arsenal. They have a ton of men, a few trucks, and a ton of guns. Reed, and Kate went down to the storage unit they have, apparently Kate bought quite a few guns, and has been keeping them there. They went down to get them, and so now it;s just myself, Andy, and Lauren inside the apartment. We hear a creak, and then turn to find that the front door has been opened. 

Suddenly the triplets appear and they attack us. They prevent Andy and Lauren from using their powers, and as I go to attack, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and see a large kitchen knife poking out. I lift my head and in front of me appears Kade, he smiles and mutters a  fake sorry. I hear Andy and Lauren scream as I fall to my knees. Next thing I know they're gone, and I'm bleeding out on the apartment floor. I see Reed and Kate come back in, they're looking for their kids. Then they see my laying on the floor, and run over to me, hitting the ground besides me. 

"What happened?" Reed asks.

"Kade, he," I paused coughing up blood, "snuck in the triplets... They... they took A...Andy and Lauren."

Then Lorna, Marcos, Cameron, and John come running into the room. Lorna and Cameron collapse next to me, Cameron goes to pull the knife out, but Kate stops him. I'll die faster if anyone takes it out. Lorna grabs my face, and I see tears begin to stream down her face. I struggle to take off my locket, but Cameron helps me. I put it into Lorna's hand.

"I already kn... know that I'm not going to... to make it, a... and I accept that. Take this, tell... tell Dawn about me... keep this p... please," I tell her, tears falling freely, and the blood pouring from my wound, and my mouth. 

She nods her head. I look to Cameron and smile at him, "Thanks... you've been an ama... amazing brother."

Tears start to fall from his eyes too.

Then I speak out to the group, "You better fu... fuck up the Inner Circle. Take... take them down... help mutants... and please some... someone k... kill Kade."

I see them all nod, but then everything starts to go fuzzy. Everything gets brighter, not darker. I thought that when I died my vision would go black, not white. I guess not everything is as it seems. 

Death is a welcoming white warmth. 

Life is full of struggles and darkness, but death. 

Death is peaceful.

Death is easy.

No wonder everyone's afraid of death.

When something is hard, you know it's worth it. 

When something is easy... when something that seems hard is easy...

That's the scary thing. 

For easy is easy, but's it's one of the scariest things anyone could ever do. 




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