Chapter 17- Blank

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It had been weeks since I was with the Inner Circle. Something in me felt off, so the weeks that I was back I was different. Sure everyone went on missions, and I went to a few too, but it was different. It didn't feel good. It was the same feeling that I got the night my powers manifested, and I've had that feeling for weeks. A few times Lauren or Marcos tried to ask me what was wrong but I'd wave them off and tell them that I was fine. I would walk through the apartment like a ghost. Silent and sad. I don't know what's going on with me, but it started the moment I left the Inner Circle. More than once was I tempted to text Lorna, I wanted to tell her what's been going on. I want to know if she would know what to do, but each time I was about to hit send, I'd delete it. Three weeks later the feeling in the pit of my stomach was more prominent than ever. Whatever's going to happen, it's happening today.

I was sitting in the window sill when it happened. A large explosion could be seen from the window. I gasped and stood up. Backing away from the window I ran to the door, I ran through the hallways and swung open the door to the roof. I ran over to the edge and saw the smoke in the distance. This is what I've been feeling. Soon they all showed up in the roof. 

"We have to get there," I tell them.

"No we can't it's too dangerous," John tells me.

"We have to! I've had this feeling in the pit of my stomach for weeks, this is what I've been feeling! We need to help, it's... it's not over," I say looking over at the city.

"Wai's right, we have to help. Mutants helping could help," Marcos said.

With some persuasion we finally all agreed to go to the smoke and help, to see what we can do. I climbed into the car with Lauren, Reed, Cameron, and Marcos. We sped off to where it's located. When we got there, the car came to a sudden stop. 

Fire is everywhere, people are running, it's chaos. At the center of the chaos are the Purifiers. They're so hell bent on stopping mutants that they don't care who they hurt, and they don't care how they do it. I pulled out my phone. I guess now is a good time to call Lorna.

I hit call on her number, as I climbed out of the car. Then she answered.

"It's about time," Lorna said.

"Please, we need you! It's chaos, the purifiers, they... they're hurting innocent people. Please HELP!" I cry.

"You're there aren't you, you're at the smoke."

"Yes, please help us. We need you, they need you," I plead.

"The underground doesn't need me."

"Not the underground. The people, the humans, the innocent people, the innocent mutants that the purifiers are killing. They need you. Please."

"Ok, fine."

I hung up the phone. Lauren runs up to me, "Who did you call?"


Then I take action. Using my powers I protect a small group of people from falling rubble. I tell them to run, to get to safety, and they do. 

Things start to get more heated. The purifiers got new guns, ones that are really dangerous, and they're using them out in the open. I see on the of the purifiers aim at a mutant. The thing is that mutant is trying to get people to safety. The purifier shoots, at the angle he shot it at, it's not going to hit the mutant. It's going to hit one of the people. I stop the bullets, and form a sheild around the gun. I use the sheild to rip the gun out of his hands, and break it apart. 

Soon a van pulls up, reinforcements are here. Lorna, Andy, Reava, the triplets, they all hop out of the car. I smile at them, and Lorna returns the gesture. We started to win, to succeed. 

I use my powers to help the people, to help the other mutants, but I didn't think of myself. 

All of a sudden a pain like I've never felt before hits me. I stop in my tracks. I look down to see blood oozing from my stomach. I cry out in pain, and collapse to my knees. this not only draws the underground's attention, but Lorna's. I think I heard her call out to me, but everything's hazy. My hearing is going in and out, just like my vision. The only thing I can see is red.

instinct falls over me, and red starts to surround me. It surrounds me like a whirl wind. Using my powers I locate all the guns, all the knives, all the purifier's weapons. In a rage I push out, I use the energy wave that built around me. I used it to disintegrate all the weapons, all of them. Not only did it do that but all the purifiers were knocked out. 

When I stop I collapse. I fall even more, and I roll onto my back. I squeeze my eyes shut, all I can feel is the pain in my stomach. I can feel hands on me, I can feel the bullet moving. I gasp and open my eyes. Lorna is over me.

"Stay with me," she says.

"Thank you, thanks for coming," I struggle to say.

"You're going to be ok, ok?"

I shake my head, my eyes start to go fuzzy.

"Stay with me!" she cries.

I try to stay awake but I can't. "Lorna there's something you should know. Our father, our real one, he's... he's alive. He's looking for us, and... he... he left the Inner Circle... willingly. No... not because he had to dis... disappear, but because he wanted to."


"Change them, change the inner circle."

My vision starts to go, I start to see black. I felt another presence next to me, but I don't know who. 

Before I couldn't hear anything,

before I couldn't feel anything,

before everything went blank, 

I heard him.

I heard my father call my name, and I smile came to my face as I drifted.

AN - sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was having trouble writing a new chapter, plus I've also been writing a few different stories. Go to my page check them out please, and I'll try to update by next week. Thanks!

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