Chapter 1

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      She arrived in Hell 7 years ago. When she first came here she was in a long black peasant dress, unsure of what was going on. Flames lit up and revealed a courtroom, but instead of pews for people to observe, a jury box and a judge's bench, there was a seat in the middle of the room. At the end, stood a long bench that seated 2 people. Lucifer and Lilith appeared before her, told her to sit down and informed her that she was in Hell.

     "You're here for 3 counts of murder and 1 count of suicide." Lucifer said darkly, looking down at her from where he sat. "3? How can there be 3? The only people I killed were my father and his girlfriend, and you can't murder yourself." Luna said utterly confused. "Luna, what happened after you turned 18?" Lilith asked in a motherly tone. Luna tried to think back. "I turned 18, went to school, came home..." Luna said as she tried to remember that day. "Go on." Lucifer said in a fatherly tone this time.

     Luna then felt some pain in her head as she thought of what else went on that day. She rubbed at her right temple as she continued, hoping the pain would go away. "I came home to have Gwen slap me in the face. She said I ruined one of her dresses, which wasn't true because it was clean after I washed the vomit off it from the binge drinking she and dad had the previous night." She wasn't surprised to remember that. What surprised her was the pain in her head increasing as she spoke. "Me and Gwen argued over it, but dad took Gwen's side. He always did. So, they beat me up, I went to my room afterward, did my homework and that's it." Luna finished. "That's all you remember?" Lilith asked. "Yes." Luna said. "That's all I can remember."

     Lucifer stood up from his chair and walked towards her. He leaned down and looked deeply into Luna's eyes as though he was looking for something. Luna kept massaging her temple, 'Why am I having this pain in my head? It never happened before when I had to remember something, so why now?' She thought to herself as she looked at the rulers of Hell. After a few minutes of him looking into her eyes, completely aware of Luna being so uncomfortable with it, he straightened himself up and looked at Lilith with a humble expression. "It seems she has some slight amnesia my dear." "What?" Luna asked looking at them in confusion. "That is rare for a demon..." Lilith said in deep thought. "Excuse me your majesties, but what are you talking about?" Luna asked as she became even more confused.

     That's when Lilith stood up, walked over and kneeled before Luna, with a motherly expression on her face. "When someone is sent down here, the person will have all of their memories from their life in the living world. Those memories are used as tools to help them survive down here." She said softly, making sure Luna understood what she was trying to tell her. "Since Hell was created, there's been a balance between those who have their memories intact and those who have no memories at all. However," Lilith paused as she placed a finger on Luna's chest. " seem to be out of this balance." As Lilith removed her finger from her chest, Luna looked back at her even more confused than she was earlier.

     "You seem to have retained most of your memories and while that may sound like a good thing, your mind won't allow you to remember all of your memories." Lucifer explained. Lilith and Luna looked up at him as he spoke. "We don't know the reason behind it, but that seems to be the case." "Then why isn't my mind letting me remember them?!" Luna yelled as she stood up in frustration, but as she did, her head felt it was going to burst. She immediately sat back down holding her head in her hands, trying to calm down the headache she was experiencing.

     "I'm afraid that's something you'll have to find out on your own my dear." Lilith said softly as she placed her right hand on Luna's left shoulder. "You'll remember all of your memories, but it'll take time." "I hope you're ready for what awaits you down here," Lucifer said once again sitting at the bench. "because you'll be here for a long while." And with that, he sent her on her way into the world of Hell.

     "In the last session, this is what you told me, Miss Luna. Today, I want you to tell me more about you." Baxter said after reading her file. He was an angler fish demon with grey-blue skin and fish fins to resemble his ears. His hair was dark blue, his teeth and the sclera of his eyes were cyan, while the iris was red. He had yellow goggles for glasses, a gray laboratory suit with a tiny grey hat, and black gloves with matching boots. From what Luna was told, he was the only respectable and licensed psychologist willing to take on a new patient. She didn't want to be here, but it wasn't like she had much of a choice.

     In the 7 years she had been in Hell, she had 5 mental breakdowns, one of them being at work. Her sixth mental breakdown was so bad, she was given an intervention stating she needed help. If not, she would lose her job and possibly her home. She didn't know why she was having them or what set off the break downs in the first place and to be honest, she didn't want to know. However, to keep her job and home, she had to do this. Maybe this will be a good thing, but only time would tell she supposed.

     She was sitting in a very nice psychologist's office. Baxter had a fancy couch with matching chairs, a nice desk with matching bookshelves to store all his medical books. He also had a safe in the corner of the room though she didn't ask what that was for. While she knew he put his electronics in there, she could only guess that the files of his patients were kept in there as well, so they wouldn't get stolen. The walls and floor were in neutral colors supposedly to keep the patients calm, it may work for some people but not for Luna.

     Even though she's met Baxter twice, she still felt uncomfortable. She just wanted to get out of here. "I know you're still uncomfortable being here, everyone usually feels that way when they come here, but let me assure have nothing to be ashamed of by coming here. Just being here shows true bravery. You should be proud of that. Let me remind you, everything you say to me stays in this room. There are no consequences for speaking your feelings or whatever thoughts you may have. It's all a part of having these sessions with me, to help you get to the root of what's really going on in your mind." Baxter said with his best reassuring smile.

     Luna took in what he said and took a couple of deep breaths before she spoke. "Okay...What do you want to know Mr. Baxter?" Baxter continued smiling as he reached for his laptop to start taking notes. "I want you to tell me as much as you can remember about your past. The people you were close with, the places you've been to. What you wanted to do for a living when you were alive, what were your dreams, fears. Tell me everything you can remember." Baxter stated. Luna closed her eyes as she rested on the couch she was laying on. 

"Whenever you're ready Miss Luna."     

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