My Hazbin Hotel OC story- Luna (OC) x Alastor.
At age 18, Luna was sent to Hell for killing her abusive father and his just as abusive girlfriend and then killing herself. That was 7 years ago, and since then she has gotten a little more independen...
"Luna's gone?" Alastor asked into his cellphone as he walked outside the radio station. He was in a very late business meeting and already knew he wouldn't be able to see Luna for supper that night, but he hoped she would understand. Charlie, who was on the other end, only explained that Luna and Angel got in a fight and she took off. As much as he wanted to torture that slut of a spider for causing Luna to run from the hotel, finding her safe and sound was his primary objective. "Don't worry Miss Charlie, I'll let you know if I find her." And with that he hung up the phone and ran down the street.
Alastor decided to go back to the hotel and change into his deer form. Following her scent from the courtyard towards the trail, it led him deep into the woods. It was a full moon outside, so it would have been easier for her to find her way around at least that's what he thought in his mind. Luna's scent became weaker after a while, so he sent some of his shadow friends to search in other areas of the woods. When Alastor found Luna's cellphone about two miles from the entrance of the open field, where he used the area as a hunting ground, this got him to run down the trail in full force searching for any sign of her.
Her scent became strong once more upon entering the clearing and to his horror, he found her on the side of the moss-covered boulder, appearing to be dead. Alastor ran to her, changed back into his original form and gently checked her pulse like he had seen her do on her patients. He was slightly relieved that she was in fact alive but was deeply worried of her current state. He gingerly picked up Luna and carried her out of the field, through a bayou like area and into another clearing where a home resided. His home.
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It was a southern antebellum style home out of blood red brick and black paint on the exterior of the structure. Using his magic, he opened the door and walked into the Victorian entryway straight to the staircase, went up the stairs to the dark corridor and into the large master bedroom. Alastor walked over to the bed, used his magic to move the covers and gently laid her down. He removed her shoes, carefully checked for anything in her pockets and pulled her long and thick hair out of the ponytail before pulling the covers most of the way on top of her.
After making sure Luna would be okay, he went into his bathroom and showered. Once he cleaned himself of the sweat, dirt and any blood he may have missed from that morning, he dried himself off, changed into his night clothes, slipped into the bed next to Luna, making sure not to disturb her and watched over her.
When Luna showed some signs of distress the first couple times during the night, Alastor was quick to assure her that she was safe, however this didn't seem to get through to her as she continued to be in distress until she seemed to give up in a way. It wasn't until the third time that she finally heard him and relaxed a little more quickly than his previous attempts. With this revelation, Alastor whispered a sleeping spell in her ear and her body relaxed even more, she even smiled a little, making him feel more at ease and soon fell asleep himself.
It was at a quarter to six in the morning when he woke up. Opting to miss his normal morning hunt, he carefully slipped out of the bed and went into his study across the hall to make several phone calls. The first ones were to his radio stations to cancel all his meetings and he told his associates that he was not accepting any phone calls until further notice. Alastor's next call was to the front desk and he asked for Charlie, who came to the phone not a second later. "Alastor! Did you find Luna?" Charlie asked filled with worry. "Yes Miss Charlie, I found her." Alastor said keeping his voice low, not wanting to wake up Luna in the next room.