Chapter 23

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Luna was resting on one of the beds in the medical ward while Baxter went to grab more supplies after the last patient was out the door and all the paperwork for the last few days was completed. Earlier that morning, Luna and Alastor had arrived at the Happy Hotel in a town car and the minute they walked inside, she immediately had to get right back to work because almost everyone in the hotel had gotten sick over the weekend, thanks to the chef who decided to work while having a terrible cold. The only ones who didn't get sick were the employees, and the small handful of residents who weren't sick needed their usual treatments, so between Baxter and herself, they were doing the work of five doctors and nurses combined, without breaks.

During all of this, Alastor had checked in with Charlie and Vaggie before heading out to his business meetings, broadcasts and even made some deals along the way. By five pm, he arrived back to the hotel and was informed by Niffty that they were ordering in since the chef was still sick, and Luna was just now cleaning up the medical ward for the day. After conversing with Niffty some more, Alastor went straight for the ward and through the windows, he found Baxter and Luna, who was now a little more rested, putting away supplies and cleaning up the room.

Based on the state of the place, it looked like it had gone through a tornado- twice. This only strengthened his resolve to employ more demons for the hotel, not only for Luna's sake but for Baxter's as well. After a while, Baxter turned to Luna and said, "Excuse me Miss Luna, but I need to return some phone calls from my lab. Will you be alright cleaning up the rest of the ward by yourself?" "Don't you worry about me Mr. Baxter, I'll make sure the room is all set for tomorrow." Luna said happily but tiredly. After Baxter left the room, Alastor hid behind one of the double doors, watching Luna finish her job before she laid down on another bed making sure her feet didn't touch the mattress.

He entered through the double doors, catching her attention. "Hello my dear." "Hello Alastor, when did you get here?" Luna asked. "I've been here for a little while." He replied, almost letting a yawn slip out of his mouth. "You look tired Alastor." Luna chuckled catching that he was trying to hide his yawn. "I'm not as tired as you are sweetheart." He contradicted, but he did allow himself to lay down with Luna on the bed when she motioned for him to do so. He used his magic to close the curtain around the bed, wrapped his arms around her waist and closed his eyes, purring as she reached up and scratched behind one of his ears.

After a few minutes she stopped and asked, "So how was your day?" "Tedious... several broadcasts and five lengthy business meetings with some deals here and there. I've heard that you and Baxter have been working nonstop since we walked in the door this morning." He said looking at her in an all-knowing way. "It's amazing how many demons can get sick all because someone decided to work with a cold, and that's in addition to those who only needed their daily treatments." Luna sighed rubbing her eyes.

"You work too hard my dear." Alastor said voicing his opinion. "I know, but in a way, I'm helping the denizens of Hell make their lives a little bit better, so I suppose that's my reward in the end." Luna said with a soft smile. Alastor chuckled while pulling her close to him. "Allow me to add to your reward..." He nuzzled her and started to kiss her but was stopped by Luna saying, "Alastor, someone could walk in on us at any given moment, so could you please wait until later to 'add to my reward'?"

Alastor sighed knowing she was right as he unhooked himself and got off the bed while helping her to her feet. "Very well, but I promise you'll love the reward I plan on giving you later." He purred earning a soft giggle from his demoness when she grabbed her belongings and they soon left the medical ward for the night hand in hand. "OH SHOOT!" Luna exclaimed mentally face-palming herself. "I was supposed to talk to Miss Charlie, Miss Vaggie and Mr. Baxter today."

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