A/N: You'll have to use your imagination to think of large windows along the right side of the room, as well as a theater like stage where the mirrors are at in this photo. That being said, this type of color scheme and atmosphere is what I think Charlie would have for the event. Enjoy the chapter! =)
Soon the big event had arrived and so far, it was off to a good start. Most of the investors Alastor had mentioned did come and look around the hotel and the other guests were enjoying themselves. Angel ended up having to recruit Molly to help for the night, which she happily accepted. Everyone was assigned specific roles for the evening. Husk, Angel and Molly worked the bar and food stations while Niffty and Vaggie checked everyone at the door. Charlie and Alastor talked with the guests and Baxter and Luna stayed in the medical ward in case someone got sick or injured. If anyone was having an issue they had to report to Charlie, Vaggie or Alastor.
By 9 pm, all the investors that did show up were impressed at Charlie's hard work, while the others stated how great the party was. At around 10:30 pm, the medical ward had five investors that needed to be seen, four of which were way past sober, catcalling Luna every time she passed by them and flirting with her while she treated them. She mentioned this to Vaggie but there was really nothing that could be done. Soon the drunken patients were taken care of and Luna finally made it to the last patient: Sir Pentious.
Sir Pentious was a large black and yellow cobra demon with yellow teeth and fangs, magenta claws and light magenta eyes all along his body in a black suit with yellow pinstripes, a bow-tie, and a black top hat with one eye and a mouth. From what she was told, he was a Victorian inventor whose tried numerous times to take over Hell with no success. For Luna she was a little more cautious with Sir Pentious.
He came in because he had a long cut on his hand from a knife one of the drunken guests had thrown at him, so Baxter looked and assessed the damage to find that he should be fine with a bandage and pain medicine. All he needed now once a quick workup of his vitals and then he was able to go back to the ballroom, so Luna knocked on a nearby table before pulling back the curtain.
"Sir Pentious?" Luna asked. Seeing a small nod, Luna entered and walked over to him, stopping at a respectable distance. "My name is Luna. I'm here to check your vital signs one more time and then you're free to go back to the party." She said with a friendly smile. While examining his vitals, she noticed he was eyeing her from head to toe which made her uncomfortable, but she kept her focus on finishing her task maintaining her friendly smile. Snakes were well respected in Voodoo and Hoodoo but were also feared in general. She's been around snakes before and knows how to handle them, but this was the first time being around a cobra.
"Alright Sir Pentious, your vital signs are normal. So, unless you have any questions for me or Mr. Baxter, you are free to go." Luna said with a smile as she opened the curtain wide enough for him to slither through.
"Thank you, Miss Luna. I must say, it's rare for me to find a beautiful flower such as you. I hope you won't overwork yourself tonight my dear." Sir Pentious said smoothly as he kissed the back of her left hand. "T-Thank you, and I appreciate your concern sir, but I'll be fine." She said nervously before watching the cobra slither his way out.
At midnight Baxter told Luna to take a small break for which she complied. Before she got to the entrance of the ballroom something slithered up behind her and tapped her shoulder. She turned to see it was none other than Sir Pentious. "Miss Luna, wonderful to see you again. Would you like to join me out on the balcony for some wine and a small conversation?" "Sir Pentious, I don't drink and I'm only on a short break, so I'll have to politely refuse your offer." Luna said with a weak smile. "Perhaps I can entice you another way..." he said before he attempted to bite her neck. Before he had the chance, she immediately jumped back and slapped him across the face and said, "Sir Pentious! That is uncalled for and ungentlemanly of you!"

The Souls of Voodoo: A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic
FanfictionMy Hazbin Hotel OC story- Luna (OC) x Alastor. At age 18, Luna was sent to Hell for killing her abusive father and his just as abusive girlfriend and then killing herself. That was 7 years ago, and since then she has gotten a little more independen...