Chapter 17

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     Over the next two days, the demons became more and more concerned that Luna hadn't woken up yet. Baxter had checked on her several times and assured them that she was alright and would wake up soon, but Alastor wasn't entirely convinced. Later in the evening and with no one in sight, he went up to her room used his powers to unlock the door and walked inside. He went to the bed and saw that Luna hadn't moved at all but by all appearances, was sleeping soundly.

     Alastor decided to take this time to look around her room and noticed that aside from some books and music of different genres, she only had the necessities. He investigated her closet and saw her work and everyday outfits along with three pairs of shoes. He did take note of the sizes as well as what she didn't have. With his previous partners, they usually had enough clothes and accessories to fill a walk-in closet and then some, but Luna only made a tiny dent into filling the small closet the hotel provided.

     He then investigated the bathroom and saw she had very little in there as well: the usual toiletries a woman would have, along with a very old hairdryer, an old hairbrush, hair ties and a small pair of silver stud earrings, that he'd only seen her wear when she wasn't in the medical ward. But there was no makeup whatsoever, which surprised him. The fact that her beauty was in fact pure and not covered with cosmetics all the time, made him fall for her even more.

     He was about to investigate the drawers in her desk when a faint sound reached his ears, he turned and saw that Luna had moved slightly but now appeared to be in pain. It was when he heard her whimper in her sleep that he stepped over to her bedside. Alastor saw her stir even more and a tear fell from one of her eyes, so he got on the other side of the bed, laid down on top of the covers, wrapped his arms around Luna and held her close to him as he gently stroked her back with his left hand while holding her head with his right.

     "Shhh.... it's alright Luna.... I'm here.... you're safe my dear.... nothing's going to hurt you." Alastor whispered into her ear feeling Luna continue to stir. After a couple of minutes, she stopped moving but she still looked as though she was in pain with some fear thrown in. He tried to think of what else he could do to help Luna when he remembered the time she had helped him. She sang so soft and sweet that it made him want to fall asleep and that's when an idea came to mind. Alastor knew this was sure to help her, but in case if it didn't he knew of some spells that he could use as a last resort. Using his left hand, he motioned for his microphone to play a tune and soon he began to sing.

     As Alastor sang he cradled Luna's head and continued stroking her back all while watching to see if his plan would work. To his relief, she slowly began to appear more peaceful with a soft smile on her face, no longer in pain. When his song was done, he was satisfied knowing he was able to help her the same way she helped him. Alastor looked at Luna's sleeping form and never wanted to look away even as his own eyes started to feel heavy. He took of his shoes and monocle and adjusted himself to be in a more comfortable position, while making sure he didn't wake her up accidentally. He gingerly placed Luna's head on his chest and draped his right arm around her before Alastor finally closed his eyes and let the darkness take over them.

     By morning, Alastor woke up with the sunlight in his face. With a wave of his left hand, a red glow enveloped the curtains as they seemed to close on their own, so the room could be somewhat dark again. His vision soon adjusted as he saw Luna still sleeping with her head on his chest, and it seemed that she had snuggled up against him without either one of them realizing it, which made him smile widely. Alastor put on his monocle, looked at the clock and saw that it was eight o'clock. Normally he was usually up and around at about six, hunting for his next meal, but he didn't seem to mind. Being with his Luna was well worth missing out on the next deer he would have killed.

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