It had been a few weeks since Luna and Alastor's moonlit stroll through the courtyard. Luna continued working hard despite all the chaos that came with working in the medical ward, as well as continuing her therapy with Baxter. However, today's session was going to be much different. Before she left, she told Niffty, Husk and Angel that she wouldn't be available for a while because of her appointment with Baxter. She would have told Charlie and Vaggie, but she couldn't find them anywhere.
As she walked into the basement and towards Baxter's lab, she dreaded going in for therapy, in truth she had been dreading it for a while. This was because according to Baxter, it was going to be a therapy session with 3 other people observing her. She tolerated going for therapy well enough, but the fact it was with 3 strangers watching her made it very uncomfortable, almost to the point of cancelling the appointment with him. Nevertheless, she kept the appointment and pushed on. Luna made it to a very large steel door and knocked hard on it. "Mr. Baxter? It's me, Luna." She said loudly, unsure if he was in. The door opened seemingly on its own and slowly she walked inside.
Baxter's laboratory had a typical mad scientist vibe to the room with 2 couches on one side of the room, a giant dry erase board and a very large sphere in between 2 chairs. Luna noticed that the 3 people who were supposed to be here were not in the room. Baxter was cleaning some of his equipment when he saw Luna entering his lab and looking around the room.
"Ah, Miss Luna. I was just finishing up. Please have a seat in one of the chairs." He said with a smile.
Curious as to why the observers weren't here she asked, "I'm sorry Mr. Baxter, but didn't you tell me that 3 people would be here to observe?"
"We're here Baxter!" A voice shouted. Luna turned to see Charlie, Vaggie and Alastor enter the lab and take a seat on one of the couches. Now she was very confused, when Baxter said 3 people were going to observe her, he had failed to mention that it was going to be with the 3 demons she worked for. She turned back around and saw Baxter right behind her. "Please take a seat, I'll explain what's going on." He said calmly. She complied but stared at him as she did.
"Miss Luna, when you fought against Gwen in the park and the dinosaur demon a while back, what happened to you physically during those times?" Baxter asked. It took a minute for Luna to remember what happened. She wasn't quite sure why this was important but nevertheless she answered honestly.
"Well during both fights, my chest and muscles would tighten and shake. However, during the fight with Gwen, my scream took much more energy out of me than I thought it would, and I did notice it was much high pitched, almost sonic like. I saw a white light blocking my view of her as though it was protecting me. During my fight with the dinosaur demon, all I saw like a shadow form of him in front of me and I saw a dark blue light around him. When I started to black out the light faded away and then nothing.... What does all of this have to do with them being here?" Luna said suspiciously at the demon before her while pointing back at the group on the couch.
"I don't usually break protocol unless it's necessary. In your case, I had to tell Miss Charlie, Miss Vaggie and Mr. Alastor a small part of your history." Baxter said calmly, knowing what to expect from her. "Before you get upset with me, your life is at risk, and I'm sure you remember that I cannot hold back information when you're in danger. Miss Charlie, Miss Vaggie, Mr. Alastor and myself all agree that we want to help you the best we can and me telling part of your history helped us with that."
Though Luna was still upset with all of them, she nodded her head knowing full well what he meant. "What did you tell them?" She asked keeping her eyes to the floor.

The Souls of Voodoo: A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic
FanfictionMy Hazbin Hotel OC story- Luna (OC) x Alastor. At age 18, Luna was sent to Hell for killing her abusive father and his just as abusive girlfriend and then killing herself. That was 7 years ago, and since then she has gotten a little more independen...