Chapter 31 (Part 1)

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Hello again! I'm so sorry it took a long time, but sometimes, life just gets in the way of writing. I had to do this in another 2 parter so without further ado, enjoy!

"ANGEL QUIT YOUR FUCKING SINGING!!! YOU'VE BEEN PLAYING THAT SHITTY MUSIC ALL WEEK!!!" Vaggie yelled. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT WE CAN'T LEAVE, SO QUIT BEING A FUCKING BITCH AND I MAY DO THAT!!!" Angel yelled back. During the heatwave Hell was experiencing in the middle of October; most demons tried to stay indoors and keep cool as much as possible. Unfortunately with everyone being closed up not wanting to go outside, some demons can get on each other's nerves. This was no different for the residents of the Happy Hotel.

While this was going on Luna and Baxter were trying to save another resident's life who had overdosed on pain meds but had failed after fifteen minutes of doing CPR. "Mr. Robert's gone... the time of death... four-thirty pm..." Luna stated sadly.

Baxter pulled the bedsheet over the demon's body and wrote the report. "This makes him the seventeenth resident that has died this month, five accidental, ten homicides and now two suicides..." "Miss Charlie's not going to like this Mr. Baxter..." the nurse remarked. "I am well aware of that Miss Luna... But we have no other choice but to tell her." Baxter stated.

Luna looked at the clock and saw it was close to six pm. "Shall I get started on the paperwork Mr. Baxter?" "Yes, thank you Miss Luna. I will report to Miss Charlie before I return some phone calls, and then I will be back to help you clean up." Baxter replied. "Don't worry about me Mr. Baxter, take all the time you need," Luna said with a soft smile, trying to hide her sadness. With a nod, Baxter went through the double doors and Luna started on the paperwork.

As the Happy Hotel nurse went through the paperwork, she had to keep her anxiety in check from all the yelling out in the lobby. She's handled loud distractions before but the escalating violence from her friends the past week was taking a toll on her nerves and the heat with the longer shifts certainly didn't help the situation. She got through the last bit of paperwork and logged out of the computer when she heard a crash outside the medical ward. Then Angel ran in and hid behind a bed just as Vaggie came in holding several knives in each hand.

"THE FUCK VAGS?!! Angel shouted. "I SAID TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND I MEAN SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!!!!!!" Vaggie yelled as she threw many knives around the room as Angel moved around to dodge them.

Luna dived underneath the desk and tried to keep herself calm but found that her anxiety was becoming more and more difficult to control. She then heard Charlie's voice call out "GUYS PLEASE!!" Her voice fell on deaf ears however and Angel and Vaggie continued to yell and fight with each other and more knives were thrown throughout the room. The fighting continued to the point where she saw Angel get cut by one of the knives, only to have him take the same knife and throw it at Vaggie but missed. Luna couldn't take it anymore, so she used her greenish-blue ribbons to wrap around both demons and used her telekinesis to lift them in the air, thus ending the fight.

Charlie was surprised and the fighters were angry by this but then they got a little scared when Luna emerged from underneath the desk with dark energy around her. A strong greenish-blue glow surrounded her with large black sparks within it and one of her eyes turned black as the other one turned greenish-blue as well. Luna slowly walked out from behind the desk and stood between Vaggie and Angel while Charlie remained by the double doors. "That is enough, both of you." Luna said darkly. While she looked at both demons and lowered them closer to her level but never let them touch the ground, Bendy and Niffty came in to see what was going on and were shocked at what they saw in the ward.

"I realize we're in Hell, but I wish for you two to get along and not fight anymore... Tears began to flow from Luna's eyes, making the aura around her and the ribbons glow more intense as she spoke. "Is this too much to ask for?!" she cried out making the ribbons wrap tighter around Vaggie and Angel. "Luna stop! You're hurting them! Charlie cried. The ribbons let go of the two demons and disappeared followed by Luna who walked past all of them and through the double doors. She could hear Charlie get after the strong-headed demons as she walked away and went into the library, laying down on the chaise lounge chair and held herself trying to calm down.

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