Chapter 5

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     Charlie had called the rest of the staff to the dining room and everyone sat down for supper. Luna had made everyone Cajun shrimp and grits with creole cornbread. Dishes like these were very popular to her while growing up, but she only made them a few times while working in the restaurant after school. So, she perfected all of them while being down here in Hell and everyone loved her cooking. It seemed that aside from working as a nurse, cooking for everyone was one of the few things that made her feel at least a little happier.

     Luna stayed in the kitchen to clean up while everyone else ate their meals. She knew the daytime chef liked everything spic and span before they started getting breakfast around. As she cleaned, she kept thinking about the new demon in the next room. 'Alastor. So that's his name.' she thought to herself. 'Why does he look so familiar?' She kept trying to think of why he looked like someone she met before, but she couldn't come up with anything. The swinging of the door snapped her out of her train of thought. "That was delicious Luna!" Niffty exclaimed with a wide smile on her face. "Can you teach me how to make it?" "Tell you what, I'll let you help me tomorrow night and I'll teach you a different recipe." Luna said as she chuckled at Niffty's overly excited expression. "YAY!!" Niffty yelled making Luna wince at the high-pitched voice. "Oh! Sorry Luna." Niffty whispered realizing how loud she was. Luna chuckled and smiled back at her. "It's okay Miss Niffty."

     Eventually Luna finished cleaning and went to check on the others. "You've done it again!" Angel beamed giving her 4 thumbs up. "Everything you make seems to make us smile, even Husk." Niffty said making Husk glare at her. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed it." Luna said as she started taking away their plates. When she grabbed Husk's plate, he grabbed her arm and said, "If you have any leftovers, I'll take them." "I HEARD THAT!!" Angel yelled making Luna jump and almost loose the plates she already had in her arms. "Angel, please stop yelling. You know how much that hurts her ears. Besides, knowing her she may not have eaten yet." Baxter stated. "Not true Mr. Baxter, I snacked as I worked all day today." Luna said trying to defend herself but knew full well it was pointless.

     "Luna, you work all day long without stopping to eat a full meal. Why do you keep doing this to yourself?" Vaggie sighed looking at her in a motherly way as Luna continued to clean up the dishes. "I'm fine Miss Vaggie, really I am. It's no different than what I did at the hospital or when I was alive for that matter. You don't need to worry so much over me." When Luna went to pick up Charlie's plate, she grabbed her hand. When she looked towards her, she saw the sad puppy dog eyes. "Please Miss Charlie, don't give the puppy dog eyes." She sighed. Charlie just kept looking at her knowing full well Luna hated to see her sad. "If I eat something, will you all please stop worrying about me?" She asked. When Luna saw all almost everyone nod in response she sighed once more. "Alright. You win, I'll eat as soon as I take care of the dishes." But Niffty ran up, grabbed the dishes out of her arms and left the room before she could even respond. "Okay, okay. I get it. I'll eat now." And with that, Baxter grabbed a plate full of food along with a glass of water and set it down before her as she took a seat next to Alastor.

     Luna kept her head down and ate as everyone else continued talking. She knew she couldn't eat all the food Baxter put on the plate, but she was eating so it would at least make them happy until tomorrow. When she ate a good majority of the food, she started to get up only to have Niffty take it instead. Luna sighed and shook her head. She knew they were doing what was best for her, but she was so uncomfortable with everyone trying to take care of her. But then again, no one really took care of her other than Mama Belle when she was alive, she just took care of everyone else. She was certain she'd get used to it eventually, but it would take time.

     "LUNA!" Angel yelled trying to get her attention. This made her jump and wince a little. "What is it Angel?" Luna asked with a hint of annoyance. "What was that food you made again?" Angel asked. "Cajun shrimp and grits with creole cornbread." Alastor answered. This made Luna turn her head towards him wide eyed. "That's right Mr. Alastor. But how did you know that?" She was the only one who knew about southern cooking compared to the others in room, so it surprised her to find another demon who knew what she had made. "I'm from the south, So I know Cajun and Creole cooking when I see, smell and even taste it. Only a true southern person would know how to make dishes like shrimp, grits and cornbread just right." Alastor responded with enthusiasm in his voice as he looked towards Luna. She couldn't help but get nervous now from the way he was looking at her. "Well, if that's the case Alastor, how did she do?" Charlie asked curiously. Alastor just continued to look at Luna with his glowing red eyes. "You can be honest Mr. Alastor. I can take any criticism you have for me." She said with a soft but nervous smile. Alastor continued to stare at Luna as he took one of her hands gently into his own and smiled softly at her. "I haven't had a true southern meal since I've been down here, and you made this meal with perfection. You are a true southern woman my dear." And with that he gave her a long but soft kiss on the back of her hand.

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