Chapter 1 - Lucy!

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"I had the best dream ever! I was surrounded by lots of fishes and Carla was eating them with me!" my best buddy, Happy said with stars in his eyes. I chuckled, "that does sound like a great dream" I replied with a huge grin on my face. We were walking through the streets of Magnolia to our favourite place in all of Fiore, Fairy Tail. I couldn't wait to go on a job with Lucy, hopefully I get to fight some bad guys.

We arrived in front of Fairy Tail and as soon as I opened the guild doors, I was flattened by a table. Luckily for Happy, he narrowly dodged it. I immediately pushed the table off of me and shouted "who threw that!" "I did Flamethrower," of course it was Ice Princess, AKA Gray Fullbuster.

As usual we clashed foreheads, shouting every insult we could think of relating to each other's element. Suddenly a hand grab both of our hair and smashed our heads together, only one person would be scary enough to do that, Erza Scarlet.

"How many times have I told you boys not to fight" she said firmly. "S-Sorry Erza" we replied as we clung to each other for dear life. "Good" she replied as she walked away from us. I sighed then Gray and I exchanged glares before separating from each other.

I walked to the bar, waiting eagerly for Lucy to come. "Waiting for Lucy?" I heard from none other than Mira. "Yeah, me, Happy and Lucy are going on a job today" I replied happily. She giggled, "you and Lucy are so cute" she said sweetly. 'Cute?' I wondered what she meant but quickly shrugged it off.

It was past the time Lucy normally comes and I was getting worried. "Strange, Lucy hasn't come in yet?" Mira said curiously and I shook my head. "I'll go see what's taking Lucy so long" I said as I ran out of the guild towards Lucy's apartment.

I followed her usual route to the guild and saw her down the street, away from her apartment. She was in a fighting stance with Loke's gate opened, their backs facing me. I wondered what was going on when I noticed two men in front of her. They were twins, but one had dark blue hair while the other had dark red hair. They looked almost identical except they seemed to have different personalities. The red hair twin looked like a player while his blue hair brother was the brains of the two.

Lucy was taking care of the blue haired twin while Loke was dealing with the red haired twin. Looking closer at Lucy, she was bruised all over her body which made me mad. I hate the thought that these two had hurt Lucy! "Lucy!" I called out as I ran towards her. She whipped her head around to me, "Natsu!" she exclaimed happily. I could tell she was relieved to see me.

Although, the blue haired twin took the opportunity with Lucy's back turned to shoot her with a beam of magic. Loke and I couldn't block it in time as it hits Lucy in the back. She glowed a bright golden light, blinding everyone around her. When the light faded, all I saw on the ground was a small version of Lucy, sleeping.

I quickly looked up to beat up the twins but found that they disappeared along with Loke. I guess Loke's gate was closed because of what happened to Lucy. I crouched down to look at little Lucy closer. She looked adorable sleeping, although I didn't know what to do now.

Suddenly I had an idea, I wrapped little Lucy up in my scarf before picking her up in my arms carefully. My scarf looked like a mini dress on her. I grabbed Lucy's normal clothes in my other hand before running to the guild. As soon as I got to Fairy Tail, I kicked opened the doors. Instantly, another table was flying towards me but I quickly kicked the table away while protecting Lucy with my body.

"What the hell man! You almost hit Lucy!" I shouted over my shoulder as my body shielded Lucy from the guild's sight. "Lucy?" Gray asked as he walked up and looked at what I was holding. His eyes widen when he saw little Lucy in my arms. I turned my body so everyone could see Lucy. "Whaaaaat?!" everyone exclaimed in shock before crowding around us.

Everyone was making so much noise that Lucy began to stir from her slumber. She opened her eyes revealing her large brown eyes. At first, she looked confused before looking scared. She looked up at me and started tearing up. I thought she was scared of me which broke my heart, but I became shocked when she suddenly hugged my neck tightly. "D-Daddy!" she sobbed into my neck. I was relieved she wasn't scared of me but "Daddy?!" I exclaimed with the rest of the guild.

I quickly regained my composure and stroked her head. "It's alright Lucy, everyone here is really nice" I cooed into her ear. She peeked hesitantly from my neck to everyone else, who were smiling back at her. I felt her muscles relax as she turned her head fully towards everyone.

"See, everyone isn't so bad... except for him" I said as I pointed to Gray. "What did you say Dragon Breath?!" he exclaimed, "you heard me Frosty!" I shouted back. "Waaaaaah" Lucy started to cry. "Oh no" Gray and I started to panic, "you made Lucy cry!" we felt the two demons' auras. Of course, we just had to make Erza AND Mira angry. "I'm sorry Lucy" I said quickly as I lightly bounced her in my arms, before I died at the hands of those demons.

She instantly stopped crying, sniffling a little bit as she looked towards Gray. It was funny to watch him squirm, then he sighed and mumbled "I'm sorry too." Lucy's expression brightened and it was adorable. Her smile could light up a whole room.

Mira came up to us and crouched down to Lucy's level. "Hi Lucy" Mira said sweetly, Lucy's eyes widen "pretty" she said softly. Mira giggled, "would you like to come with Aunty Mira and we can play?" she asked and Lucy nodded happily. She took Lucy out of my arms and took her to the other side of the guild. My arms felt empty and for some reason it didn't feel right. 

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